Promise Not to Break My Little Heart or Leave Me All Alone

Chapter 9

For the past few weeks, me and Ryan have always been together. We were so close now. I never thought I’d be this at ease with another person. He would always surprise me with his playfulness and cockiness. We’ve been to all of the places around the beach and we’ve done everything that can be done around this place. I was having the time of my life.

I snapped out of my thoughts when I saw Ryan walking to me. I was waiting in the lounge of the hotel. He wanted to go around the place today. We’ve literally seen every place here but each time we went around, it has always been a different experience because he always makes it interesting.

Some random people surrounded him and started talking to him. Maybe they were friends or something. I decided to just stay where I was and wait for him to finish talking to whoever those people were. They were a handful and most of them were girls. I didn’t know he had so many friends who are girls. the flock of girls finally cleared and he looked around for me. He smiled and walked towards me when he finally saw me sitting on a couch.

“So, what do you wanna do now?” I ask him as he stood in front of me

“Hmm, what if, we just see what happens today? Let’s not plan anything. Let’s find out where the day will take us” he smiled.

“Okay then. Whatever you say” I say as he grabbed my wrist and led me out the hotel

We started walking around the same familiar place.

“Oh, I love these shades!” Ryan randomly said as he held huge shades on his hands

“I bet it’ll look nice on you” he said and put it over my eyes

“It’s huge” I commented as I looked at myself at the mirror

“It’s called style” he said from behind me.

I made a face to him and removed it

“Here, I’ll buy it for you.” He got it from me and walked into the store to pay for it

“Ryan, you don’t have to” I say as I walk after him

“No, I want to buy it for you. It’s perfect on you” he said and then paid for it already

“Here ya go. Wear it OK?” he handed me the bag containing the shades

“Thanks.” Was all I can say.

He never listens to me when it comes to buying stuff for me. One time, he bought me this weird yellow bag. He said it was screaming my name and then bought it straight away.

“Ryan, why the hell do you just buy things like that? Don’t you have to save for something?” I ask as we walk

“I’ve just got a lot of money now” he smiled at me

“OH, wait, are you like a drug dealer or something? It’s like you don’t care about spending because you’ve got a never ending supply of money.”

“Maybe” he blurted out

“You’re a drug dealer?!” I yell at him

“Of course not. I just earn a lot of money nowadays. Anyway, you wanna eat some ice cream? It’s so hot here” he said, changing the subject

“Fine. I wanna eat something sweet anyway” I said, dropping the “work” subject. I figured that he didn’t want to talk about work now. I mean, I’ve heard him get pissed already when someone from his work called him one time.
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So, does anyone here know the band HEY MONDAY? Well, I am planning to have a story about them. Specifically about Elliot James! What do you guys think? Your thoughts and suggestions are very much appreciated.