Status: Hiatus until YNAUYD is complete - sorry.

Tainted Love

Clouds Over California

He ran his finger along my jaw line. His touch was icy, but I didn’t pull away. I was trapped in his golden eyes as they gazed at me. They flickered, and I saw a small smile pull at the corners of his lips. I reached out, and placed my hand against his cold, marble cheek. He was the most beautiful man I’d ever seen. I looked deep into his amber eyes. He opened his mouth to speak. I saw his fangs as his lips parted.
“My name’s Brian,” he murmured. “I’m not going to hurt you. It’s okay, Morgan, it’s okay.” I suppressed a scream as his arms wrapped around me

I sat upright in my bed, breathing heavily, sweat decorating my brow. I glanced at the clock, panic racing through my system. 10:06. Shit.
I rolled out of bed, and rushed over to my mirror. Bed hair. Really, really bad bed-hair. Shit.
I grabbed the brush off the dresser, and tugged it through my dark brown hair. Finally, the locks began to resemble normal hair. But that was all I could do. I could not be late again.
I hurried into the bathroom, and splashed cold water on my face, before looking up into the mirror on the cupboard. I looked like death warmed up, and winced at my hideous reflection. I chugged some mouthwash, and hoped it would work.
Back in my bedroom, I saw how much distress that dream had caused me. I’d knocked my glass of water over, and kicked the covers off, and pulled the sheets out from under the mattress, and… yes, my fingernails had even punctured holes in the pillow.
Grow up Morgan. Vampires aren’t real.
I couldn’t help it though. My whole body was covered in goose bumps. I was looking around the room constantly, all systems running on Red Alert.
I checked the clock again: 10:13
Come on Morgan, hurry up and get dressed. You can forget breakfast today. Just get to work and forget the stupid dream.
I hurried to get dressed, running my hand through my hair one last time, face full of remorse, before rushing into the kitchen. I grabbed my jacket, my phone, and my keys, and was out the door like a shot.
I hurried to the bar, thankful that Billy’s was so close to my flat. I tried to ignore the fact that I was sure I’d seen an extremely pale-skinned man walking straight towards me down the alley.
You’re 22. Seriously, Morgan, forget it.
I pushed open the door to the bar, and waved at Alice as I hung my jacket up. I was late, I knew it, and I had to work to make up for that. Serve the most people, get the most tips, all that jazz. Billy was stood behind the bar, eyebrow raised as he looked at me.
“Yeah, okay, I get it,” I said, holding my hands up. He gave a small smirk, nodded, and walked through the back door. Alice hugged me, before we both headed behind the bar, and I turned to the first customer.
I was done, finally. I turned to Alice, and she told me about her latest boyfriend. And that Louise had a ‘Hot Date’ that night. The door swung open again, but I kept my back to it. I’d done more than my fair share of work, and had completely earned off my tardy. Alice could take this one.
Except, it seemed, she couldn’t. She turned pink, and muttered something.
“What?” I asked her.
“He’s smiling at you,” she said, a little louder. “Ohmygod, okay, right, you can take this one. Ohmygod.”
I shook my head at her, and turned to see that ‘he’ now had his back to the bar. I could just see the back of his head. His longish, shaggy black hair, his black and white bandanna, and his black fedora that he wore on top of it. Then he turned back around.
♠ ♠ ♠
Chapter one - rewritten (:
Ttile credit - Devildriver.