Status: Hiatus until YNAUYD is complete - sorry.

Tainted Love

Think About You

“He was just… so… yum,” Alice said, with a sigh, for what seemed like the hundredth time. Yeah, he was, but she was boring me now. “I can’t believe he kissed you though! He’d only just met you… did you get his number?”
“No, Alice, I didn’t get his number,” I sighed. My answer was almost mechanical, empty of feeling. “I got a good conversation, and a kiss on the cheek.”
“Conversation?! How dare you compare that to his number!” Alice exclaimed indignantly. I shook my head at her, and waited for the next customer.

As soon as Billy appeared from the back room to tell me my shift was over, I was out from behind the bar, pulling my jacket on, and out the door. The late afternoon sun was heavy, and the air was thick. My apartment suddenly seemed miles away. I subconsciously picked up my pace.
Finally, after what felt like years, I was unlocking the door to my flat. I thought I heard something creak behind me, and looked quickly over my shoulders. The corridor was empty. I shook my head, frustrated with myself, and pushed my door open. But I couldn’t resist a last check before I shut it behind me. Still nothing.
Forget him. He’s gone now, it doesn’t matter.
That was my rational side poking through. But my more instinctive side was vying for my attention.
He’s a vampire. He’s a beautiful vampire who you dreamt about… He may be gone, but you know you will never forget him.
I flicked the TV on, just for some comforting noise in the background. Fuse would do as I glared at the fridge, angry for it’s lack of food. Yesterday’s pasta would do, if I could be bothered to reheat it.
When I’d finished eating, I had a long bath, trying to relax myself, and took an age getting dry. I knew if I didn’t dry my hair, I’d hate myself for it in the morning, but it really didn’t matter to me now. I wanted to have a calming night. Get Brian the Vampire out of my head. I slipped on a silk camisole, and threw on a blue dressing gown.
I spent the rest of the evening watching Fuse, and researching vampires on my laptop. The internet had a LOT to say on the subject:

Vampires are beings of folklore and mythology that basically exist by feeding off the life-force of humans and/or animals. Usually, they are “undead” or resurrected corpses, who live off the blood of other beings.
There are three main ways to become a vampire; by birth, by bite, and by death. By bite is the most common. Signs that one might give that they have been bitten and are turning into a vampire include:
* shying away from religious talk, or items,
* lessening hygiene and foul breath,
* have newly begun to sleepwalk,
* and anaemic tendencies.
The abilities of a vampire are numerous, and naturally depends on what vampire is in what area, for one to know what kind of things they might be capable of. A vampire might turn into a dog, cat, bat, wolf, insects, and pests or rodents; anything to escape destruction. Many cultures believed that during the cremation of a vampire if you were to let even one maggot, or bug to escape from his corpse during the burning that he would have survived. In some cases, vampires also have the ability to defy gravity, such as Count Dracula’s nimble talent of scaling walls like a spider, head down facing the ground.

Very few of these results were helpful. As far as I knew, Brian couldn’t turn into an animal. Aside from being pale, he didn’t look like a corpse. His breath didn‘t smell bad. He couldn’t climb walls. At least, I didn’t think he could climb walls.
Eventually, I decided I couldn’t attempt to stay up any longer. I headed back into my bedroom, slipped my dressing gown off, and climbed into bed. Okay, I’ll admit it, I was sort of… apprehensive about going to sleep. I didn’t want to dream about Brian again. But something inside me told me that it was inevitable, if Brian was indeed being imprinted into my head. My eyes finally refused to stay open any longer.
♠ ♠ ♠
Chapter three - rewritten (:
Ttile credit - Guns N' Roses.