Status: Hiatus until YNAUYD is complete - sorry.

Tainted Love

The Interview

“You’re very pretty, Morgan,” he said, pressing me against the alley wall. I felt him press his lips to my neck.
“An alley?” I said with a laugh. “How cliché.”
“You can’t beat the classics,” he answered, smirking against my skin. His breath tickled my neck. “Usually, though,” he continued, “the vampire doesn’t love the human. It’s usually just feeding.”
“Yes,” I breathed back. “And the human definitely doesn’t love the vampire. It’s usually scared that it’s going to be eaten. This isn’t quite how nature intended this, is it?”
“Exactly. You and me, Morgan, we’re freaks of nature,” he whispered, his breath still tickling my neck. He laughed lightly as I shivered.
“Well, yeah Brian. Because being normal is just too damn boring.”
“You got that straight,” he murmured, gently nibbling my neck. I ran my hand up and down his back. He looked at me with his amber eyes, and everything faded into black.

This time when I sat up, everything was still dark. The clock read 2:20. I reached over to the light switch beside my bed, and flicked it on.
And there he was. Sat on the windowsill on the opposite side of the room, staring out at the city, with its bright lights and constant traffic. It was nice how much it reminded me of my home, New York. ‘The city that never sleeps’. Huntington Beach was a terrible insomniac, too.
When the light flicked on, he leapt to his feet and spun round in a single quick movement. His face was apologetic as soon as he saw me sat up in bed, my eyes focused on him
“You know, Brian, I could get you done for stalking me.”
“I’m sorry,” he said immediately. “I just wanted to see you again…”
“If I hadn’t woken up just now, would you have drank my blood?” I asked, feeling a genuine curiosity.
“What?! No, of course I wouldn’t!” he exclaimed, staring at me. I nodded thoughtfully. He continued to watch me closely.
“Can I help you?” I asked him. He blinked, before smiling, and shaking his head. “I had another dream about you,” I confessed.
His face darkened. “Again? Oh for God’s sake, Matt…” he growled softly. I caught on quickly.
“Is Matt the… imprinter, or whatever?”
He nodded, and ran his hand through his thick black hair.
“The only one I know. Sure, we all have… gifts, but God… what I would give to be able to imprint. It’s really rare, you know, and super useful.” He suddenly seemed to realise that this was a human he was talking to, and he was rambling, so he gave me a quick grin, and inclined his head. “I should go kick his butt now.”
Time to reel him in, I thought.
“Is that an order, or your own decision?” I asked innocently. His jaw seemed to drop slightly. “Because, I was thinking, maybe you could stay and talk to me for a while. You interest me, Brian.” I patted the space on the bed next to me. He just continued to stare.
He’s wondering how I know so much.
I watched him as he gave a slight shake of his head. Then he growled lightly. He shook his head again. Deciding.

* Brian’s P.O.V *

She patted the bed. I couldn’t move. I was in shock. She knew about ‘calls’. A human girl knew about ‘calls’. This couldn’t be happening.
“Do it,” I heard Zacky’s voice in my head.
“Haner’s gonna get lucky,” Johnny said in a sing song voice. I shook my head.
“No, man,” I said. “She’s interested in me.”
“It’s either blood or love, man,” Matt added. I heard a growl rise in my throat.
“It’s not like that,” I insisted.
“There’s a crush developing here,” Zacky cooed.
“Who?” Matt laughed.
“Both of them,” Zacky answered with a chuckle. I shook my head again, before remembering Morgan. She was sat on the bed, looking at me with a strange expression, a cross between curiosity, confusion and boredom. I tuned the guys out.
“Sorry,” I said, approaching her slowly. She smiled. Pretty little smile. “Just the stupid voices in my head.”
“Charming,” Zacky muttered. Clearly, tuning them out hadn’t helped. I inwardly groaned. They’d be commenting the whole night now

* Morgan’s P.O.V *

This was interesting. He kept pulling faces as he stood there. Angry, bored, and now and then a daring little smirk graced his lips. Occasionally, a small, deep growl would rumble in his throat. But this was starting to get tiring. I wasn’t just interested anymore. I was also bored, and confused beyond belief.
“Sorry,” he said eventually, walking slowly towards me. I smiled at him. “Just the stupid voices in my head.”
“Voices in your head?” I asked as he sat next to me.
“Yeah. The guys. My clan.”
“They called you.” He stared at me, gob smacked.
“Yeah… uh, you…”
“I did a bit of research last night,” I explained. He nodded, then paused, looking right at me. I looked deeply back into his chocolate brown eyes.
“Why aren’t you scared of me?” he asked. I suddenly realised that I didn’t know why. Why was I so calm about waking up and seeing him in my room? Why wasn’t I afraid of him sitting next to me in my bed? Why was I so sure that, although Brian was a vampire, he wouldn’t hurt me?
“I don’t know,” I said quietly. He looked uncomfortable for a moment, then suddenly grabbed my wrists. He held them in place, and leant in.
“Are you scared now?” he asked in a low voice. I shook my head. He bared his teeth and placed them ever so lightly on my neck. “And now?” Again, I shook my head, though my breath caught in my throat. He pressed me down on the bed, and leant over me. His face was only inches from mine. “And now?” I forced my breathing to stay even.
“Just a bit nervous,” I murmured.
“Exactly,” he said.

* Brian’s P.O.V *

I wondered if I was being safe, daring to place my teeth on her neck. She smelt delicious. If the scent of her blood overpowered me, if I lost control… I didn’t even want to think about it. So I didn’t.
“And now?” I repeated. She shook her head again, but I heard her breathing catch. I pressed her into the bed, and leant over her, my lips barely inches away from hers. “And now?”
“Just a bit nervous,” she answered, and I noticed the attempt to steady her breathing.
“Exactly,” I agreed. And so am I.
“Brian?” Matt’s voice invaded my head. I sighed in desperation.
“Don’t you think you should let her go? She looks scared to death.”
“We just had this conversation,” I said. “She isn’t afraid of me.”
“Okay,” Zacky mumbled. “Less for her, more for you… Let go of her before you do something you might regret…”
“What?” I repeated. Matt sighed, but Johnny cut in.
“You thought it yourself, man. What if you lose control?”
I was about to answer, when I realised what they were saying. They were right. I came all the way to this apartment to see this human chick again, and I knew I wouldn’t be able to live with myself if I killed her. A picture of her cream bedroom walls spattered with blood flashed into my mind. I immediately looked down at Morgan beneath me. She was staring up at me, apprehension in her dark green eyes.
“Oh God. Morgan, I’m sorry,” I said, releasing her wrists and flopping down on the bed beside her. She giggled, and sat up.
“Cute giggle,” Matt muttered.
“Shut up,” I said happily.
“Haner’s in love,” Johnny teased.
“Like I said, shut up.”
“She’s crushing, even if you’re not,” Zacky insisted, imitating a teenage girl’s voice.
“Maybe,” I said quietly.
I was brought back into the room by the feeling of her fingers on my arm. I glanced at her hand, and saw her tracing my tattoos.
“You’re absent again,” she said with a chuckle. I smiled at her, and she smiled warmly back. I heard someone laugh, and, with a shake of my head, attempted to tune them all out again.

* Morgan’s P.O.V *

“You’re absent again,” I giggled, continuing to run my fingers over the art that decorated his arms. He smiled at me, and I returned it. Then he shook his head, before looking at me properly. I could tell it was his clan calling him again. I lay back down, staring at the ceiling. We lay in relaxed silence until I finally broke it with a request.
“Tell me about vampires, Brian.”
“What?” he said, looking at me, surprised. I nodded.
“Yes. I want to know. I’m not afraid. And tell me about yourself, too.”
He sighed. “Fine.”
I learnt that Brian had been a vampire for about fifty years. For fifty years, he’d been 26. He found his clan in the middle of the night when they discovered him on the beach, feeding off a human girl. I shuddered at this, but he told me that that was only a few months after he’d been turned. He’d got into a fight with their leader, Matt, over the body, and had almost beat him. Matt let off when Brian tore a huge chunk out of his arm. Since then, Brian had been Matt’s second-in-command of the group.
The group consisted of Matt, Brian, a guy called Jimmy, another called Zack, and a ‘midget’ called Johnny. Then there were the girlfriends. Matt’s girl, Abi, was the only one who was a vampire. The rest hadn’t been turned yet. Brian said he didn’t have a girlfriend, that there had been a nasty argument, and neither did Jimmy, although he didn’t explain any further for him.
Also, he explained, with a laugh, that vampires didn’t burn in the sun. They had to cover up most of their skin, but they didn’t turn to ash or anything.
The sun began to rise as we lay there, and I panicked, despite what Brian had insisted. But he promised me he wouldn’t burn away, so I reluctantly rested my head on his shoulder. And that was where I fell asleep.

* Brian’s P.O.V *

Her head slid down my shoulder, and landed on my chest. I felt butterflies in my stomach.
What the hell?! Butterflies?!?! I’m a vampire, since when did I get butterflies?
I thought about moving her, but decided against it. She smiled as she slept. She looked so innocent, so comfy and calm where she lay. I didn’t want to disturb her, and contacted Matt instead.
“Don’t imprint me, Matt. I’m serious.”
“Aw Brian,” he whined, like a kid. “I’m just getting to the fun part. Please?”
“No,” I said firmly.
“It’s gonna be fun…” he said persuasively.
“Maybe for you. Not for me, or her,” I groaned. “Well, maybe her… no, Matt, I’m not kidding. No imprinting.”
“Fine. But I come back tomorrow night, two nights worth of ‘fun’ for her.” I felt him block me out before I could reply, and sighed wearily. I gently stroked Morgan’s hair, and closed my eyes contentedly.
♠ ♠ ♠
Chapter four - rewritten (:
Ttile credit - A.F.I.
P.S. Sorry about the super long-ass chapter and P.O.V swaps. I got carried away there, I guess.