Status: Hiatus until YNAUYD is complete - sorry.

Tainted Love

Vampires Will Never Hurt You - Part One

Girls stared at me as I walked down Main Street with Brian. I couldn’t exactly blame them. How did ‘misfit’ Morgan Reed bag herself this Masterpiece? Not that I’d bagged Brian, but I was positive that that was sure how it looked. As we walked, I caught him looking at my legs more than once.
“Sorry,” he whispered when I poked him. “I’m not used to tanned skin. Exposed, anyway. The other girls cover up around us.”
“How come?”
“We are animals, Morgan. Skin - tanned, bare skin - is such a temptation. Like you wouldn’t believe.”
I shivered slightly. He was right; he was an animal. But an animal who spent the night with me last night. And I still had all my limbs.
“We have to work hard to control ourselves, and the girls try and make it easier for us. Otherwise… it’s not just about feeding, you know. Us vampires can get a bit… we have a high sex drive, you get me?”
“Ah,” I said, with a wink. “I tempt you.” He smiled to himself as we walked, then he suddenly pulled me down an alley, and I found myself being reminded of my dream. I gave a small sigh, and leant back against the wall. Brian stepped up to me, and placed his hands on either side of my head, pinning me to the wall without touching me. I ran my gaze up and down his large, tattooed arms, before looking up into his eyes. They twinkled back at me, deep, beautiful and mischievous. I teasingly grazed my lip with my teeth, and he groaned quietly, his mouth opening slightly, so I could just see the pointed tips of his fangs between his lips.
“Aha,” I murmured. “Is this Brian’s high sex drive kicking in?” He flicked a strand of black hair out of his face, and leant down to me.
“Crap,” Brian hissed, stepping away from me quickly, and we both looked down the alley towards the source of the voice. I could see a figure stood there, almost totally obscured by the darkness at the end. He stepped forwards into the light, arms folded across his chest, looking sternly at Brian. He was very tall, and also tattooed, though not as muscled as Brian was. Brian groaned slightly again, and rolled his eyes. “Hi Jimmy.”
There was a pause, during which the guy called Jimmy and Brian looked intently at each other. The tension in the alley was almost thick enough to taste. They were clearly communicating through thoughts. Again. I hated that. It made me feel un-included.

* Brian’s P.O.V *

“Hi Jimmy,” I said, trying to sound light. Why did he have to show up then? Typical Jimmy, he always was one for timing. I felt myself tense up as we kept our gazes locked, and his thoughts entered my head.
“So this is Morgan?” he asked.
“Cute little thing, isn’t she? You weren’t about to screw her in an alley?”
“She was tempting me, Jimbo. Teasing me on purpose!” I cried indignantly.
“She looks like she deserves a place of a bit more class than an alley, Brian. Just a tip for next time.”
He grinned, and gave me a hi-five, then turned to Morgan. I saw his eyes linger on her exposed neck, then he looked her up and down.
“Morgan?” he said to her. She nodded awkwardly. I hoped she hadn’t seen the way he looked at her throat. “Nice to finally meet you.”

* Morgan’s P.O.V *

This was crazy. The vampires just hi-fived. Jimmy turned to me, and I saw his brown eyes linger for a second on my throat, then he looked me over. I felt a tiny blush rise to my cheeks. The way he looked at my neck made me feel more than a little awkward.
“Morgan?” he asked. I nodded in reply. “Nice to finally meet you.”
I gained a little confidence then. Time to show the vampire guy that I wasn’t going to be intimidated easily.
“You’ve seen me in his head, right?”
“Uh… yeah,” he said. He seemed taken aback that I knew this.
“Am I prettier in real life?” I giggled. He thought for a moment, a brief look of panic on his face. I could understand his dilemma though. How do you answer that politely?
“Uh, yeah. It’s better to see you in natural light, as opposed to surrounded by a little glow in a black abyss,” he finally replied. There was a pause, then I burst out laughing. A look of relief crossed Jimmy’s face.
“His head’s a black abyss?” I sniggered. Brian groaned yet again, and I turned to see that he looked offended, a childish pout on his lips. I laughed at him, and he wound his arm around my shoulder, pulling me closer to him. Jimmy smirked at us both, then his face grew serious as he turned to Brian.
“I should probably warn you, Matt’s feeling pissy. Abi went out on a hunt last night without telling any of us. And she knows Matt was hungry, too.”
“Is Abi here?” Brian asked.
“Yeah. They’re barely talking though. Abi says she went for a night out with her friends, but Matt is adamant she should’ve taken him.”
“Today was a bad day to bring Morgan then?” Brian sighed. They were talking aloud, but I still felt left out, so I butted in.
“Who’s Abi?”
“You remember me telling you last night that only Matt’s girl is a vampire? That’s Abi,” Brian said. I nodded. “Matt’s very protective of her. I don’t fully get it though, it’s not like she’s young. Must just be a vampire ‘love’ thing.”
“So, Matt’s the big, bad leader?” I asked. Jimmy gave me a smirk, and Brian grinned at me, but then they both nodded.
“Tough as nails,” Jimmy informed me.
“Oh great,” I sighed. “Big, bad, tough-as-nails Matt the Vampire Leader is pissed off. And then we throw a human girl into the equation. If I get hurt, Brian, I’m suing.”
Brian laughed, and tightened his arm around my shoulder. “You won’t get hurt,” he said sincerely. “I promise I’ll keep you safe.”
“You’ll be fine,” Jimmy told me cheerfully, and we followed him to a door hidden in the wall of the alley. Jimmy opened the door for me, but I hesitated. I took a moment to think it over…

The guys in there are vampires. This is way too dangerous.
But I’ve met two already, and they’re great…
But neither of them are pissed.

…Then walked straight into the hallway in front of me.
♠ ♠ ♠
Chapter six - rewritten (:
Title credit - My Chemical Romance.