Status: Hiatus until YNAUYD is complete - sorry.

Tainted Love

Vampires Will Never Hurt You - Part Two

* Brian’s P.O.V *

She’s hesitant…
Of course she’s hesitant, you moron!! She’s only met one vampire - two at a stretch. And now she’s about to walk into a house of them.
They won’t hurt her…
Not on purpose, no, and we know that. But you can’t expect her to not be nervous…
Alright, I get it! Shut up already!

I shook my head to get rid of my arguing thoughts, and turned to Jimmy as Morgan went through the door.
“She’s purrrty,” he giggled as we followed her.
“Yeah, I know,” I said, trying to sound nonchalant, while inside I was yelling at him to back off. It didn’t work.
“Aha! Haner has the hots for a human girl!” Jimmy cried. I shoved my hand over his mouth to shut him up. The hallway was long, yeah, but there was a chance that Morgan could still hear us. He yanked away from my hand, grinning at me gleefully. “You do, you do, you do…”
“Shut it,” I hissed.
“Go on, admit it, you like this chick…”
I considered lying, but I knew that he’d just end up reading my mind anyway. I gave a short nod, and Jimmy clapped happily, before thumping me lightly on the shoulder.
“Good on you man. I knew it. It was about time you found her. You’ve been looking for ‘the one’ for ages…”
“What about you Jimmy?” I cut him off. I didn’t want to think about Morgan being ‘the one’. Even though I had an instinctive feeling she was, I didn’t want to go rushing into things. Jimmy grinned evilly at me. “It’s about time you found your ‘one’, isn’t it?”
“Nah,” Jimmy answered smoothly. “I just have fun with the hot chicks I find, then take them out before they cause too much trouble. It’s more fun that way anyway.”
“Uh, guys…?” Morgan’s soft voice asked quietly, cutting our conversation short. I looked up to see Matt holding her head back, gripping her hair, and trailing the fingers of his spare hand up and down her neck. A low growl rumbled in my throat.
“What? It’s a human. You know the rules about humans,” Matt said viciously in my head. “And I’m so hungry, Brian…”
“Get off her, or I will break your neck,” I snarled, before Jimmy spoke aloud.
“Matt. That’s Morgan.”
Matt leapt back from her as if she’d burnt him. Everyone fell silent, looking from her to Matt, and back again. Morgan stood quietly, shuffling her feet. I wondered who was going to speak first.
“Uh… sorry Morgan,” Matt said uncomfortably. I hoped she would be the teasing and confident Morgan I’d talked with this morning, not the unsure, awkward Morgan I’d first met at the bar last night.
“Eh, no problem,” she said with a grin. “Most guys find my neck irresistible.” The first Morgan, then. My favourite Morgan. The atmosphere immediately relaxed, and I noticed all the guys calm down, and lean back in their chairs. The prospect of a meal had always alerted them. Zack’s girl, Bella got up, and walked over to Morgan.
“Hey Morgan. I’m Bella. Do you want a drink?” she asked. Morgan smiled confidently at her, and nodded. Bella lead her into the kitchen. I saw every vampire eye trained on her legs as she walked past the lounge, giving everyone a wave without looking at them as she did. I smirked, and walked into the room, flopping down on my couch.

* Morgan’s P.O.V *

Their house was huge. I’d seen in the lounge that there were five - five - two seater couches. Bella pointed me up the stairs to the bathroom when I asked, and I had to look in each of the seven bedrooms until I found the bathroom.
And then there were still three doors. When I peaked behind them, I saw two of them were other bathrooms, but the third… the third creeped me out. It was sort of a museum, and it showed to me just how old these vampires were. There was stuff in there from easily a hundred and fifty years ago.
When I came back down, Bella had a large, wonderful looking cocktail on the side. She pointed at it, and I looked at her quizzically.
“Corpse Reviver,” she informed me. “Sweet Vermouth, Apple Brandy, Brandy. You didn’t know that?” I shook my head “Oh come on! You work at a bar, and you don’t even know your cocktails?”
“It’d not exactly a cocktail bar, darrrrling,” I answered, drawing the last word out.
“I suppose,” Bella said. “Fine. One day I’m sure you’ll find a lovely cocktail bar to work at. Then you and I can both be the guys’ maids.”
“They drink cocktails?” I asked, surprised. “I would never have thought, being vampires… aside from blood, I did not have them down as being cocktail dudes.”
“Not many do. They don’t exactly give that impression, do they?”
“Nope,” I said with a laugh, picking up my drink, and taking a small sip. “God Bella, this is delicious!” I looked at her, to see that she was looking at my legs too, with an almost… sceptical look on her face. “Jesus,” I said, “they’re just legs.”
“I know that, dunce. I’m not stupid,” Bella giggled. “But you don’t see exposed legs in this house much.”
“Oh, I know. Brian made that clear on the way over.” Bella wiggled her eyebrows at me suggestively. “No.”
“Oh come on! You really haven’t seen it? You really can’t see the way he looks at you? Like he’d do anything for you?” I shook my head. “You’re in no danger here. Brian will protect you. I saw the way he looked at Matt. He’d kill someone for you.” I just stared at her with my mouth slightly open. “I don’t know, Morgan. It’s like…” she broke off with a sigh, then continued. “He’s more of a romantic than Zack. It’s in his eyes, like he thinks you were made for him.”
“God, sorry. I just… it’s just, that took me by surprise.” I shook my head.
“Come on, don’t look so scared,” Bella said, finishing making her own cocktail. “He’s pretty sure that you don’t feel the same, he won’t act on how he feels, in case it hurts you. As long as you’re friends, he’ll be happy. Better that than nothing at all,” she said comfortingly. She put the bottles of drink away, and we went back into the lounge. She sat on someone’s lap, and I assumed he was Zack, as he kissed her head.
I sat carefully next to Brian on the big, black leather couch that he had occupied. He laughed at me.
“What?” I asked him.
“You’re so careful,” he smirked. “You’re not going to break it, you know. If a fat ass like me can sit on this, a little thing like you isn’t going to make a difference.”
I giggled, and sat back, in between his legs, and leant back on him. I stretched my legs out, aware of the fact I was teasing them all.
“You aren’t fat,” I murmured to him. He flashed his killer smile again, the one that made me melt.

* Brian’s P.O.V *

“You aren’t fat,” she whispered, and I felt the return of the butterflies, as my heart leapt.
What the hell is going on with me?!
She looked around, and smiled at everyone. Then she looked back up at me expectantly.
“Oh God! Sorry!” I exclaimed, giving her an apologetic smile. I heard Zacky snort, and glared at him.
“Whipped,” his voice laughed in my head.
“Shut up. I know for a fact you’re more whipped than me.”
Then I looked back at Morgan, and continued:
“You know Matt, obviously.” Matt rubbed the back of his neck nervously. I was shocked; that was something you didn’t see everyday. “And his girlfriend… fiancé Abi.” Morgan smiled at them both, and they returned it. “And Jimmy there, you’ve met him. That’s Zack, Zacky, dickhead, whatever you want to call him, and Bella, who you’ve also had a good chat with. And… Hang on, where’s Johnny?”
There was silence, so I reached out for him with my mind.
“Johnny, bro, where are you?”
“I was… out. I’m on my way up,” he answered after a second’s pause. He sounded down.
“Oh… alright. I’ve brought Morgan to meet you all.”
“Cool,” he said, his voice distant and low. I frowned. “I’ll be two minutes.”
He tuned me out his head, and I looked at everyone else.
“He’s coming,” I told them, “but he didn’t sound good. Down about something, but he didn’t say what.”
“Okay,” Abi said, then glared at Jimmy. “So no being mean, you.” Jimmy stuck his tongue out, and Bella prodded Zacky in the chest.
“Same for you,” she told him.
“I’m not mean!” Zacky laughed, and began tickling her. “Take it back!”
Just then, the door swung open. Johnny walked in slowly, and he waved very weakly at everyone. Then his eyes found Morgan, and he gave her a small smile.
Bella got up, and walked into the kitchen, hugging Johnny as she passed him. She returned a moment later, with a glass of Jack Daniels, as Johnny dropped onto his couch, staring at his feet, and fiddling with the bottom of his shirt. He took the drink off Bella, mumbled thanks, and drunk it in one.
“Johnny? What’s up man?” Matt asked. Everyone was looking at him in concern. He raised his head, and sighed lightly. It clicked then; Shanna wasn’t with him. And I was right.
“Shanna’s ran off with some guy from Florida,” he muttered. “She met me earlier to tell me that she was sick of hanging round with monsters in a smelly flat, and she’s leaving me for Anthony. He’s got a condo.” His voice cracked on the last four words, and I saw his eyes fill with tears.
Johnny, no, don’t cry, I thought. She’s not worth it.
He was sure that she was his one. Jimmy’s voice joined mine. Imagine how you’d feel if Morgan left, but multiplied by the two years they’d been together.
Poor guy, I thought in response. I tried not to think whether I’d cry if Morgan decided she didn’t want anything to do with me. I came to the decision that I would, but in private. Even this early on.
I turned my attention back to the room, and saw that Johnny’s tears had escaped, and were trickling down his cheeks. Morgan was up like a shot; she knelt down beside him on his couch, and wrapped an arm around his shoulder. I felt my little dead heart swell, getting ready to burst. She was comforting Johnny like a best friend, like a sister… like she’d known him her whole life, even though she hadn’t said a word to the guy. She was wonderful.
I was even happier when Johnny hugged her back. If he’d pushed her away, I think I would’ve hit him, whether his little, dead heart was broken or not. But he wrapped his arms around her neck, and buried his head in her shoulder.

* Morgan’s P.O.V *

He hugged me tightly, and I wondered if having his head so close to my neck was safe. But he was clearly distraught, and I could tell that feeding was not heavy on his mind. He let me go, and just looked at me.
“If it’s any consolation, Johnny,” I began, “I’d choose you vampires over a lame condo any day.”
He gave a small laugh, and hugged me again.
♠ ♠ ♠
Chapter seven - rewritten (:
Title credit - My Chemical Romance.
P.S. Again, sorry for the P.O.V swaps and the chapter length *headdesk*.