Status: Renovation in process

I Left My Heart in Moscow but My Love Waits in Pittsburgh


“I’m sorry for all the tears I made you cry, but this really is goodbye, Lana. I just don’t love you no more. I really am sorry,” Evgeni finished in Russian, looking down at the table, not even able to look me in the eyes.

I was angry, embarrassed, hurt, but most of all heartbroken. All I wanted to do was get as far away from him as possible. I exited out of the booth as fast as I could with my ankles wobbling in the high heels. I wiped my tears away, but before I could, Jordan pulled me into his arms.

“What happened back there?” Jordan said as he held me close to him, I couldn’t say anything, my throat was tight with tears as I cried into Jordan’s shirt as he rubbed my back. “You wanna get out of here?” Jordan asked.

I nodded in reply, “Yeah, let’s go.” We walked out of the club and into his car.

“Are you going to tell me what happened?”

“I don’t think I want to,” I said as I slipped off the heels, and drew my knees to my chest.

“I won’t press it,” Jordan said as rubbed my shoulder reassuringly. I checked the clock, it read 1:57 AM.

“Is it really almost 2?” I asked concerned.

“Yeah, I guess it is,” Jordan said, “Time really does fly.”

“I can’t go home!” I exclaimed sounding like a drunken fool, matching how I was feeling at the moment.

“What?” Jordan asked confused.

“I can’t go back to the apartment, I can’t let them catch me coming in past curfew.” I clarified, “I have to stay somewhere else.”

“You can stay with me,” Jordan suggested, scratching the back of his neck.

“I could do that,” I said, that was the last thing that was said throughout the entire car ride back to Jordan’s apartment.

“I don’t think I have any clothes that’ll fit you, but I can find some,” Jordan said as he unlocked the door to his apartment and we walked in.

“Could I take a shower?” I asked meekly wanting to wash away all remnants of club off of me.

“Sure, I’ll set out some clothes for you,”

“Thank you,” I said as I made my way to Jordan’s bedroom, where the shower was. I eagerly stripped off my clothes and showered, I wanted- no, needed to get rid of all the memories of the club. When I got out, there was a pair of boxers and an oversized Pittsburgh Penguins shirt neatly folded and set on the bathroom counter. I changed into the clothes which were comfortably amorphous and redolent of Jordan’s cologne. When I exited the bathroom with a neatly folded pile of the clothes I had worn in my hands, Jordan was wearing only a pair of sweatpants and no shirt.

“You can sleep here, I’ll take the couch, since the guest room doesn’t have anything.”

“N-no, It’s okay, I’ll take the couch, this is your place after all.”

“Nonsense, you’re the guest it’s only the right thing to do.”


“You can argue all you want but I’m still gonna sleep on the couch and you’re still gonna sleep on the bed,” Jordan said as he slipped a ribbed tank top on.

“Okay,” I said defeated.

“Sveta, I have to tell you something,” Jordan said seriously, looking me right in the eyes as if trying to peer into my soul.

“What is it?”

I hadn’t noticed it, Jordan was so quick, but he was right in front of me, so close that his body was flush with mine, only my back pressed against the bedpost to supported me. Jordan let out a ragged sigh before admitting, “I can't get my mind off of you, I have to consciously force myself to stop thinking about you. I've never felt like this before, it hasn't felt this real before. I think I’m falling in love with you,”


“I know- I know you just want to be friends and it’s probably weird for you to hear it but, I just needed to say it, I needed for you to hear it. ”

“Your friendship-”

“Don’t, just don’t say that,” Jordan interrupted anticipating what I was saying next.

“Means so much to me and I-” I continued but before I could finish, Jordan’s lips crashed against mine. My eyes fluttered shut as Jordan brushed his hands against the sides of my face, my neck, finally resting his hands on the small of my back, pulling my closer to him. I felt breathless, boneless. It would probably be cliché to say that there was a spark, but it was true, as we kissed, there were fireworks. Suddenly what Vero said came rushing to the forefront, ‘you guys are like made for each other.’ We’re made for each other. It was like an epiphany, we are made for each other. I wrapped my arms around his neck, playing with his blonde hair as I deepened the kiss.

Jordan pulled away, “You have no idea how long I’ve wanted to do that.”

I felt dizzy and confused about everything, about Evgeni. Evgeni was the source of all my pain, but he was the source of the only love I’d ever felt. I hated him but I loved him. I hated him for showing me what love was, and I hated him for taking it all away. I hated him for making me live for him, and himself only. I hated him for promising that he would rescue me if I was ever falling, I hated that he wasn’t rescuing me now. But I loved him. I loved for showing me what love was. I loved for making me live for him. I loved him for promising me that he would rescue me when I was falling.

“Me too,” I admitted, forgetting about Evgeni. Jordan leaned in for another kiss, which I couldn’t help but oblige as Jordan’s hand that rested on the small of my back, drew me closer to him.
♠ ♠ ♠
There it is, I hope you guys liked this one. As a heads up, I'm making a banner, so I won't be posting my next chapter till that is finished, since I want to debut them at the same time. Comment and subscribe! Thanks for everyone who has stuck with me. This isn't the end, there is still a lot more to go.