Dear My Chemical Romance..... Sincerely Me

Dear My Chemical Romance

Dear My Chemical Romance,

Thank You. Thank you for shaking up the main stream, thank you for being different, thank you for being there. So many kids look up to all of you, many think you’re their inspiration including me. I confess at first I wasn’t a fan. I first heard of “MCR” when I reached high school (12 years old). Kids were going on about how good MCR was and how “Gerard is soo buff and fit” (you see those speech marks) and I was like well they’re not bad but not the best. You guys didn’t save me life because my life didn’t need saving but everytime I feel down I always turn to the tunes you wrote.

The stress of entering high school is extremely over whelming, it’s un believable how your old friends abandon you because they suddenly turned into this “thing”, orange foundation smeared across their pathetic little faces. I didn’t know who to turn to. Then there were these kids who picked me up, they were different in a good way. They stayed away from the “fakes” and made their own world. They were “rock kids” the most amazing bunch of people. They were the ones who became obsessed with this band called My Chemical Romance, they laughed when I said I didn’t like them that much. They bought me the first two albums “I Brought You My Bullets, You Brought Me Your Love” and “Three Cheers For Sweet Revenge” and my first words were obviously “WOW”. The lyrics, the guitar riffs, the drum lines, the vocals were extremely…. WOW. If it wasn’t for those kids I would’ve became a “thing” a “fake”.

My perspective of life changed. I found out from you guys that I’ll die alone and the reality of evil in the world but that was for the better. It was good that I discovered that in a young age or else I would be living a life with no reality, it made me grow up faster (well not fully grow up I still mess around… you know what I mean). I found out not to take any shit from anyone and that I should “Stand up fucking tall!”
I dressed differently, not gothic but differently. I was labelled “EMO” but who isn’t now a- days. Our school is split into different people. I really don’t care people labelling me because I do that to them to.
They can label me all they want, I don’t care, the most important thing is that I know who I am.

My parents are stereotypes. When I bought your merchandise’s they kept asking me if it was appropriate for a girl to wear. They say they’re “Goths” or “Gothic”. They even said that all “Gothic bands” promote self harm but it was like bull crap (you can tell my parents have never heard the word EMO before). I love and respect my parents dearly. That’s when I realised how hard it must be for you guys to shake of all the stereo typing. I think my parents understands more about why I love your band, they still stereo type but I try my best to convince them that EMO band don’t promote self harm.

Two years later I’m typing this up on my laptop 12:48am, in Eastern England. I still haven’t been able to go to one of your gigs which is a real shame because so many of my friends have. Those tickets are so hard to get. They are either too expensive or nowhere near where I live. It’s unbelievably annoying how people rub it in my face that they saw you live and how good you are live and how Frank goes crazy on stage and I’m standing there nodding, imagining that I was there. One day. I promised my self I will get to see all you guys live (Hope you come to Australia because I’m moving there).

I think you guys heard of this certain website . I have an account there but never post anything, I just lurk on there. Those kids on there are like bloody Sherlock Holmes. They are smart. They suspected that Gerard was engaged before he even got engaged! They are so dedicated and they know that your personal lives are meant to be personal but they’re curious and may I confess so am I. The Personal Lives of the Band thread is always active, I love the discussions on there but I hate it when fans divide over things. Maybe they have their reasons and there is such thing as expression of opinion and nobody can really stop that. Some even suspect a band break up because of so many reasons but some just completely disagree, I don’t know what to think. What’s the point in thinking? Leave the future alone and think of the present.

This is getting really long now and the last thing I want to do is bore anyone. So lastly I would like to say: Guys stop smoking it’s a disgusting habit , caffeine cigarettes and stress are a bad combination, Gerard and Frank good luck with the weddings, just good luck with life whatever paths your taking we will always support you. Have some rest, you guys look so tired and weary it’s for your own good. Maybe stop the touring for a bit. I know you don’t want to be told what to do by anyone but I speak for every MCR fan when I say we’re worried. We’ll always be here, we’ll always be listening.

Sincerely Me