Status: uhm, yeah. not sure if im going to update.. ever.. sorry. :(

For You Honey? Anything.

I'd never given much thought to what would happen to me after I died. I understood all the religious points of view. Especially mine. The atheistical ways didn't make much sense to me. So I never dug deeper. But one thing was certain, sin and you will be punished. Whether it be in this life or in the after. At first, I thought I should prepare myself for eternal salvation. That is the real goal. But as I got older, and 'dug a bit deeper', I realized that I wasn't happy preparing. That isn't what life is for. Life is for living.

This is my story. The truth behind a muslim girl living in the 21st century.


The characters are very close to people in my life. The main character is me, just altered to fit the story more. Except for probably Hayden. He's just a heart throb.