Hollywood Won't Know What Hit It

Welcome to My Life

"Joe, I'm so going to kick your ass!"I said chasing after him down the hall of the house.
That punk stole my phone and was trying to scroll through my contacts.

"Mom! Sylar's going to kill me!"Joe ran through the house.

Normally people would find that weird but with my first name, well it's hard not to avoid it. I think that's why people tend to call me Alex or Allie a lot but I'd perfer Sylar since well, I'm not one for middle names.

"Sylar Alexandria Jonas, don't kill your brother,"She mentioned to me as I walked past her casually.
"Oh mom, I'm not,"I smiled sweetly,"The boy's over exaggerating."
"Well be nice to him,"She smiled.
"I am,"I smiled as I found Joe in the kitchen with my phone,"There you are!"
"Sy, no!"Joe's eyes went wide at me.
"Give it back then,"I held out my hand.
"Fine,"He sighed,"Kristen's been calling you."
"Yeah,"He handed me my phone,"I didn't answer it but she's called like 5 times."
"Jerk,"I punched him as he left.

I opened my phone to find Kristen's number to call her back.

"Hey, sorry I didn't answer, Joe had my phone,"I rolled my eyes.
"It's cool,"She laughed,"I called since I wanted to know what you're doing."
"Nothing really,"I shrugged,"I was probably going to hang out with Devin later."
"Well, you wanna come hang out with me and a friend of mine?"
"Sure,"I nodded,"When?"
"Um, 2 sound good?"
"Sounds fine,"I nodded,"Should I meet your or what?"
"We'll just pick you up."
"So who's this we?"
"Milo,"She half sung.
"Milo who?"I asked knowing what she was getting at.
"What other Milo would I half sing to you?"She stated the obvious.
"And how many Milo's do you know?"
"It's what I thought."
"Ok, so I'll see you in a few hours."

I hung up my phone to walk back out to the living room, still glaring at Joe.
"What'd she want?"
"To know why I didn't kill you,"I looked at him.
"Funny,"He nodded towards me.
"Mom, Kristen's picking me up in a few hours to hang out."
"Ok, sweetie,"She smiled,"Just be back by 6 since we're baby sitting Frankie tonight."
"Fun,"I rolled my eyes.
"She can stay if she wants too."
"Alright,"I nodded,"I'm going to go change before I head out."
"Oh and Nick wanted to talk to you,"My mom mentioned
"I don't know, go talk to him,"My mom mentioned.
"Fine,"I sighed walking up the stairs to my room but stopping by Nick's room first.