Hollywood Won't Know What Hit It


"Adrian, what are we doing at the studio?"I asked as he parked his car.
"I want to show you what it feels like to fly,"He smiled letting me out,"You'll forget everything, trust me."
"You do know I've been a gymnast, right?"I raised an eyebrow at him.
"Come on,"He took my hand,"No one's here except Greg but he knows you're coming."
"Wow, thanks for making my sadness so apparent,"I rolled my eyes.
"I'll apologize later,"He laughed leading me into the building.

Seeing the rigging to "fly" to say I wasn't stoked would be an understatement. I was thrilled to be here actually since I've always wanted to fly well longer than tumbling or some random dance moves. Getting hooked up to everything, I was slightly nervous but that all ended once I was off the ground.

"Flip,"Greg shouted up to me.
"I was going to,"I half laughed half rolled my eyes.

Who knows how long I was in the air but I was having a great time, so much that I didn't notice a certain person walk into the studio. I had no clue that as I was busy flying on these cables that he was watching me as well the entire time, no longer being pissed at me. Coming back to the ground, they helped me take all the equipment off.

"Adrian, that was so much fun,"I unbuckled the belt,"I thank you so much."
"No problem,"He laughed.
I looked up to see Milo standing there,"Hey."
"Looks like you had fun,"He smiled at me.
"Yeah,"I tucked a piece of hair behind my ears,"It's better than I was last night."
"We need to talk,"Milo whispered at me as he pulled me away from everyone.

"Look about last night,"Milo started but silenced me before I said anything,"I was just upset, I didn't mean to push you aside like that."
"I wasn't upset-"
"Don't hide the fact that you were,"He smiled a bit with an eye roll,"I was harsh, I shouldn't have been to you."
"I just kept think I couldn't hide it, I mean I'd feel bad and-"
"Sylar, you're ok,"He smiled,"Thanks for tellng me."
"I just thought what if she makes me seem like I lied and then you hated me and-"
"Hate you, I could never hate you,"He looked at me,"Things haven't been going so well for me and Hayden long before that."
"But you're still with her?"I asked looking down a bit.
"Yeah,"He sighed,"We talked a bit, I gave her one more chance."
"Oh,"I nodded,"I see."
"What's wrong?"
"Nothing,"I shook my head,"I'm happy for you."
"Well hey I was thinking we could do something-"
"Actually,"I sighed,"It's Friday and I've got plans."
"A date?"
"Not really,"I laughed,"It's tradition, me and Joe go to the movies every Friday night then to get a shake, you know family time."
"Oh,"He nodded,"How about tomorrow?"
"Can't, Jesse's taking me out to lunch,"I shrugged.
"So then I guess I'll see you Sunday?"
"Yeah,"I looked at my phone,"But doesn't mean you can't call or text me."
"I'll do that,"He smiled.
"Sorry to cut this short but I need to head to rehearsals early,"I hugged him quickly,"I'll talk to you later."
"Wait, how are you going to get there?"Milo asked.
"Crikey,"I rolled my eyes,"Think you can give me a ride?"
"Sure,"He smiled.

After getting to rehearsals earlier than usual, it actually allowed me time to stop by and get my little brother for the midnight movie showing which was always a tradition. Not necessarily the midnight showing but that's just the way it happened to work out right now.

"Joe, come on,"I tapped my foot impatiently on the floor,"We need to get going."
"Ok, ok, I'm coming,"He walked into the living room,"It's not like it's going to be sold out."
"No later than 3 you two,"our parents told us.
"Don't worry I'll have him back,"I smirked.
"I swear I hate when you have late night practices,"Joe rolled his eyes.
"Hey at least I can still hang out with you,"I smirked.
"But then it sucks since you'll be on tour again,"He sighed.
"I know we gotta enjoy them while they last,"I got into the car with him.

The movie choice was interesting. I swear I let Joe pick this time since last time I did. Which was sorta bad since I was bored half way though. I was just glad that we sat in the back since I got a text from Milo during the movie. And it wasn't exactly just a "hey" it was a bit more "fliratious" to put it lightly.