Hollywood Won't Know What Hit It

Fell For the Boy on TV

Home wasn't much fun right now, it was still empty. I hated being alone. It made me down. Then I couldn't get a hold of my dad which was starting to annoy me too. It's like no one was answering their phones or anything. Standing out on the small balcony of my room, I looked at the stars, silently making my wish on them. I was just amazed I could finally see them for once. As I felt that cold winter wind blow across my face, my phone rung in my pocket which I reached down to get.

"Hello?"I asked still not paying attention to who was on the other line.
"Hey, I know I told you I was sorta busy but I can't stop thinking,"It was Milo, my heart melted.
"You,"He sighed,"You said you were alone in that big house of yours and I couldn't stand to know that, so wanna come over?"
"Um, I don't know, I mean if you're busy-"
"It's fine,"I could hear the smile in his voice,"I could use your help."
"Ok, just give me like 45 minutes,"I sighed pushing myself off the railing and walking back into my room,"I'll see you then."

Fixing my hair and make up a bit, I made my way to downstairs to get my keys again. On my way out the door, I decided to call my dad again just to see if he was going to answer this time. I listened to the phone ring as I waited for him to pick up. It went to his voice mail as I buckled my seat belt and turned on the radio, slowly turning it down to talk.

"Hey dad, I'm heading over to Milo's for a while but I'm leaving my phone on so call me when you get this message. I'll talk to you later."

Hanging up, I pulled out onto the street then headed to Milo's. Traffic was sorta bad right now but it didn't bother me. What bothered me was when people didn't pay attention or know where they were going. In turn, it just made me want to get to Milo's apartment sooner.
Finally reaching there, I knocked on his door to which he knew it was me in the first place and he let me in. I smiled lightly at him as he let me into the apartment, taking my coat from me.

"So?"I looked at him,"Hayden's not here?"
"No she went out clubbing,"He shrugged,"It's her thing not mine."
"I see,"I nodded,"So what did you need help with?"
"Well not too much,"He smiled,"Just didn't want you to be bored and alone."
"I swear you know me too well,"I smirked back.
"Of course we could bake something."
"Like?"I raised an eyebrow at him.
"Cookies or something,"He shrugged.
"You know my weakness,"I smirked walking towards his kitchen,"And now I'll introduce you to the reason why my family thinks dancing's a bad choice for me."
"So you love cooking?"Milo followed me into the kitchen.
"Eh, it depends,"I shrugged,"Mainly on how stressed I am but I love baking, it calms me."
"It's fun too,"He smiled.
"What should we make?"I asked leaning on his counter looking at him.
"Shortbread cookies,"He took out the ingrediants,"I'll help."
"Good because I wasn't letting you get out of this,"I smirked.

We started to work on making cookies which was going well until Milo threw some floor at me. I threw it back at him which turned into a food fight, well ingrediant fight which he ended up smearing cookie dough on my face as I put them on the pan.

"Milo!"I screeched.
"Sorry,"He wrapped his arms around me from behind,"I couldn't help myself."
"Yeah,"I rolled my eyes but put cookie dough on his face only to have him lick my fingers.
"I'll help you clean it up while they're cooking promise."
"You better,"I grumbled as I took my hand back then went back to putting them in the oven.

I helped him clean up the mess as they cooked which didn't take too long. I sat on his counter, as he finished cleaning up some stuff, just watching the timer on the oven count down til they were done.
Milo moved over to me so he stood in between my legs with a hand on each side then leant into me.
"You so are covered in flour,"He smirked.
"I wonder who did that?"I looked at him.
"I wonder,"He laughed just as the timer went off and I got up to get the cookies out.

As they were cooling, I walked into Milo's living room as he followed me then took my hand. I sat on the couch to which he pushed me into the couch lightly and was on top of me which I couldn't help but to have my breath quicken. His lips were mere centimeters from mine as he leant down to close the gap. To say I hadn't been wanting that to happen, I'd lying. I kissed him back as his tongue begged for entrance which I gave him. I felt his hands slowly make their way up my shirt as he deepened the kiss. It would've gotten farther if it hadn't been for the knock at his door interupting us.