Hollywood Won't Know What Hit It

When things start to click

"You better get that,"I nodded towards the door as he slowly moved away from me.
"It better be important,"He mumbled, straightening his clothes as I fixed my hair and lips.

"Hey man,"Milo opened the door and I seen Adrian standing there.
"Hey, did you see this?"Adrian held up something as I sat on the couch and he walked in,"Oh hey Sylar."
"See what?"asked Milo.
"Well this article, but since Sy's here, she needs to see it too,"Adrian looked at me as I got up with a gulp.

Taking the magazine from his hands I read the page he had opened:
"Brad Pitt's new lady? Who is she? And does Angie know?"

"Wow,"I looked at it,"I'm sorta grossed out that they think I'm his new "lady" mostly,"I handed them back the magazine,"And who cares if Angie knows."
"Well they're not going to let it rest,"Adrian looked at me.
Milo chuckled to himself which I glared at him,"It's not funny. It's disturbing."
"Yes it yes,"He laughed,"You've got to tell them he's your dad before this gets out of hand."
"Yeah,"I rolled my eyes,"Where's my phone?"
"Check the couch,"Milo mentioned not thinking as he went back to reading the article.
"Thanks,"I walked over to the couch as Adrian just gave us strange looks.
"So what are you two up to?"
"Just baking cookies,"Milo shrugged,"She was home alone and I didn't want to leave her by herself."
"Are you sure?"Adrian raised an eyebrow.
"Yeah,"Milo gave him a smile,"Don't worry about it."
"Found it,"I walked back over to them,"It was on the floor."

I went through my contacts as I finally found his number. Still waiting for him to answer, it went to voicemail yet again which was starting to aggrivate me. I mean, the dude has to answer sometime. Leaving a message to call me back as soon as possible, I hung up to look at the two of them.

"I swear, Hollywood's a bitch sometimes,"I rolled my eyes.
"Well your dad is one of Hollywood's elite,"Adrian looked at me.
"Really?,"I threw him a sarcastic look,"I never would've thought."
"So is that all you wanted?"asked Milo.
"Yeah, I was going to call Sylar but since she's here, I've got that out of the way too,"He shrugged.
"Thanks thought,"I smiled a bit at him,"It's better to hear from you so I can stop the madness."
"What are friends for?"He smiled at me.
"I don't know,"I shrugged,"I haven't heard from Kristen in forever."
"I think she's been filming something,"Milo leant back on the barstool he ws sitting on.
"Still she could call."
"Well hey guys,"Adrian moved a bit,"I'm heading back home but I'll see you two tomorrow."
"Alright, bye man,"Milo nodded at him.
"Laters Adrian,"I waved goodbye to him as I turned towards Milo and sighed,"I guess I should be going too."

"What?"Milo looked at me,"You haven't even ate any of our cookies."
"But it's getting late,"I looked at him as he pulled me closer to him by my belt loops.
"I want you to stay."
"Is that a good idea?"
"It is,"He smiled as he pulled me into him.
"I don't have any clothes to change into,"I looked at him.
"You can borrow some of mine."
"Ok,"I nodded then smiled,"Only because you asked so nicely."
"Good,"He smiled then lightly kissed me,"It's cold, you want some hot chocolate or something?"
"That'd be nice,"I smiled as I sat on the couch and he went to the kitchen.

Thinking of what I was doing here, for some reason as wrong as people would make it out to be, I felt like I was in the right place. Everything made sense right now. Most importantly, I felt safe in his apartment with him, like nothing could ever hurt me or tear us apart.