Hollywood Won't Know What Hit It

The Party

I woke up the next morning in Milo's apartment to get dressed in a Bears Kyle Orton jersey which is probably the only one I own besides Devin Hester, not that it bothered me but they weren't even playing in this game, but oh well. And besides that's what was in my car since I do have extra clothes in my bag from dancing. That and I wear my jeans, four days in a row without washing them, no sense in washing them if they're really clean.
Stepping out of the bathroom, I still had no shoes on and I finished pulling up my hair as Milo looked at me.

"Seriously, The Bears?"Milo looked at me.
"Yes,"I smirked,"Is that a problem?"
"Yeah, for one they're not even playing and two, you're so going to get your ass kicked."
"Who would kick my ass?"I raised an eyebrow at me.
"Well me,"He smirked.
"Oh violent now?"I moved closer to him,"Bring it."
"Don't turn me on now,"He groaned,"I so need to get ready for this party."
"I'm not,"I smirked then bumped into him,"I'll help you."
"Thanks,"He smiled at me.

Starting to get our party things around, Milo's friends Russ and Dino shown up first which I finally got to meet and we clicked instantly, they were fun and so totally cool. Not to mention, they traded numbers with me since they found me to be "one of them" as Russ put it. Then after that Adrian shown up with his family as well as a few other of Milo's friends from the show. The game wasn't starting for a few more hours but everything was set out as I decided now was the time to go call my dad to see if he'd answer now.

"Hey finally you answer,"I rolled my eyes on the other side.
"Sorry about that,"He apologized,"I got your messages what's up?"
"Well last night Adrian came over and shown me that magazine article-"
"Ah the one where they think you're my new girl?"
"Yeah that one,"I laughed a bit.
"I didn't know if you were busy but I was going to call you back about that, I got interviews lined up to talk about it and some if you're willing to come with me."
"It depends when they are,"I nodded,"I'm heading on tour with Jesse soon."
"One's on Jay Leno's show and then some radio shows. I'll give you the details tomorrow."
"Ok,"I agreed,"Just we gotta stop this rumor before it gets out of hand and disturbs me."
"I know,"He laughed,"And have fun today, be safe."
"I will,"I smiled,"You too."

Hanging up the phone, I headed back inside to see everyone having a good time and talking about the game. That's when Milo decided to involve me into the coversation.

"And Sylar there,"He looked at me"Is wearing The Bears....I can't believe it."
"Got a problem with that Ventimiglia?"I raised my arms at him with a smirk.
"As matter of fact, I do,"He smirked at me then walked towards me.
"Bring it,"I looked at him.
"I am,"He brought out the can of whipped cream from behind him to spray me down with it which I screamed.
"Milo!"I laughed as he hit me in the face with it,"I so hate you right now."
"Aww, I'll clean you up,"He laughed as he sat the can down and I threw some whipped cream at him to which he chased me down.

"They're so cute,"Russ cooed from the couch which earned laughs from everyone else.

"Sy, I'll make it up to you,"Milo chased me around the house well apartment which I tried to avoid him but eventually he corned me at the same time his door bell rang,"Someone get that!"

Milo looked at me as he went to lick off the whipped cream off the side of my face and neck. I know it was innocent or so it seemed but I couldn't help the chills that he was sending down my spine right now. Getting to my collarbone to lick off the whipped cream I heard "Wow, what'd I miss?"
Turning to look I seen Kristen standing there with a smile on her face.

"Kristen!"I got out of Milo's arms and went to sorta hug her,"Milo just covered me in whipped cream."
"Do I even want to know?"She looked between the two of us.
"I didn't know you were coming?"I smiled at her.
"It's because I promised her I wouldn't tell you!"Adrian yelled from the living room.
I rolled my eyes to turn back to her,"Well let me go clean up some and we'll hang out."
"Ok,"She smiled.

Heading into the kitchen, I washed off the rest of the whipped cream as Milo came in to do the same.
"Nice one,"I rolled my eyes.
"Come on, you enjoyed it,"He laughed.
"You're evil."
"Hey you've got some whipped cream on your face."
"Where?"I asked looking at him.
"Right here,"Milo leant over to kiss the corner of my mouth which was strange but he smirked then slowly kissed my lips,"Mm tasty."
"I'm heading back out there,"I smirked,"Be nice the rest of the game."
"I'll try,"He smirked,"I'm not sure if I'll be able to control myself though."

Heading out to the couch, I sat next to Kristen who did nothing but smirk at me.
"So Sylar? What's been happening since I last talked to you."
"A lot,"I sighed,"It's like a list."