Hollywood Won't Know What Hit It

Take A Chance With Me

"So talk,"Kristen mentioned since the guys were all distracted by the football game that was on.
"Well,"I looked at her,"For one, I found my real dad."
"Seriously? Who is it?"
"Brad Pitt,"I looked at her,"Seriously and some stupid media thinks I'm his new girl."
"I thought I seen that on something,"She laughed a bit,"What about you and Milo?"
"We're good,"I smiled.
"Good? It looked like you were dating,"She gave me a look.
"We're not,"I picked at my nail polish,"Yet at least, he still hasn't left Hayden."
"Aww, I'm sure he'll come around,"She smiled at me,"He seems to take a liking to you at least."
"And you know this because?"
"Because since you've been sitting here talking to me, he's been in that chair watching you and not the game,"Kristen nodded behind me and I turned to look at him to see him looking at me,"Go on, go keep the man company."
"But I haven't talked to you in forever,"I pouted.
"Go,"Kristen smiled as she pushed me towards him.

Walking slowly over to him, I went to sit on his lap to which he smiled at but wrapped his arms around my waist. Watching the rest of the first half of the game in his arms, I was comfortable and settled into him. When half time happened, I got out of his lap to use the bathroom then get something to drink. That's when he came up to me again in his kitchen.

"Hey,"I smiled lightly at him.
"Hey,"He smiled back a bit,"Having fun."
"I am,"I shrugged.
"What's wrong?"He asked wrapping an arm around me.
"It's nothing,"I looked at him but he stopped me.
"You're worried about Hayden finding out, aren't you?"
"Can you keep a secret?"He looked down at me.
"We broke up,"He smiled,"While you went to talk to your dad outside, I broke things off with her."
"Why?"Ok, so why I asked that question I have no idea but it just came out.
"Well for one, there's how she's always clubbing and two I fell for someone else."
"Which is?"
"You,"He smirked,"Seriously you didn't think there was someone else did you?"
"No but,"I looked at him,"Can we still take things slow?"
"Yeah of course, whatever you're comfortable with,"He smiled.
"Thanks,"I smiled then kissed him on the lips,"Let's get back to the game."

Milo followed me back out to the living room. Sure we weren't dating yet but knowing that he had broke up with Hayden, made me happy. Now I didn't feel so bad for anything that was happening. And of course Hayden wouldn't be pissed at me for "breaking" them up. Soon after the game was over, everyone was pretty much staying around the house since it was early but I just wanted to get out and do something. Milo picked up on it since, he decided to go for a walk with me.

Walking along the streets, Milo entwined his fingers with mine as he walked close to me.

"So how does it feel to be single again?"I asked with a smile looking at him.
"Good, I guess,"He shrugged,"Gives me time to go on dates."
"Dates?"I raised my eyebrows,"Who are you planning to take out?"
"Well you,"He kept walking,"Then once you get done with the tour, you can come out to the set and watch me film sometimes."
"Sounds like fun,"I smiled,"I mean of course if these dates turn into something else later on down the road."
"It could,"He smirked,"Plus being not tied down, I've got time to focus on work."
"But if you were with someone again, would it still matter?"
"Depends,"He shrugged,"Does this girl like to go out clubbing?"
"Yeah right,"I laughed,"She barely has time away from the dance studio."
"So you're saying she'd prefer a night in?"
"Yeah,"I smiled,"Maybe a night walking, at the movies, or at a resturant but that's about it."
"Then, something definately would happen with this girl,"He smirked at me as we stopped and he pushed me into the side of the brick building lightly.

Slowly he leant in to kiss me and I kissed him back when someone's phone vibrated in their pocket.
"Moment killer,"I mumbled.
"It's Adrian,"He sighed,"Come on let's head back."
"Ok,"I smiled as he pulled me along.

Soon afterwards, it was getting late and I left with Kristen back to my house where it was yet still empty. Not that I wanted to but I needed to be home to finally change clothes and sleep in my own bed. Kristen stayed around for a couple hours then left. All I knew was at 6 am, the house phone was ringing through the house on this monday morning. Something that I wasn't looking forward to right now.

"Damn phone,"I mumbled walking down the stairs to find the phone,"Hello?"
"Sylar, did I wake you?"asked my dad.
"Sorta,"I yawned,"What's up?"
"I'm heading to Jay Leno soon and was hoping you'd come with me."
"Do I have time to change and get ready?"
"Yeah, I was going to pick you up at 8?"
"Sounds ok, I guess,"I shrugged.
"Ok, then maybe we can go to lunch and do something after that?"
"Are you still trying to be father like?"I smirked.
"Eh buy me a coffe before we get there and you'll earn bonus points."
"Alright, I'll see you then,"I hung up the phone then went to go change.

Getting dressed, I decided to go for some dark denim jeans and then my black DSC shirt then black boots. Doing my make up, then hair, I made sure I had my phone charged, then my house keys, money and whatever else I needed. That's when I heard a knock at the front door that I was waiting on.