Hollywood Won't Know What Hit It

Come on Over Baby

Getting to Jay Leno, I was half asleep yet which was sorta bad since my dad was all awake now. Damn him and waking me up after a long night. And no not in that way. Before I knew it, my dad was out there talking to Jay and I was waiting for him to call me on.

"So there's rumours, you're seeing another woman,"Jay started.
"Those are false,"He smiled with an eye roll,"It's actually something I came to clear up on here."
"You brought the girl?"Jay looked at him.
"Yes,"He smiled,"Mainly since the girl is my daughter, Sylar Jonas."
"Well let's bring her out here,"Jay motioned and I came out to wave at everyone."
"Hey Jay,"I smiled taking a seat next to the desk.
"So you're the girl causing talk in Hollywood."
"One of them,"I smirked.
"Wow,"He looked at me,"And people see you a lot with dancing and everything."
"Yeah,"I sighed with a smile,"If you guys didn't know. I'm a hip hop dancer and actress. Currently, I'll be on the road with Jesse McCartney so come out and see me if you want to."
"She's good,"Brad added.
"So when'd you guys find out about each other?"
"My little adpoted brother, Nick, actually did since he was curious. I didn't want to know but I'm glad I did, he's a cool dad."
"Would you guys ever be in a movie together?"Jay asked.
"Um, I don't know,"I looked at Brad,"It would all depend."
"So since you're not dating your dad-"
"Thank god,"I laughed.
"Are you seeing anyone?"
"Well,"I blushed,"I'm dating someone but we're not official yet."
"Any clue to who it is?"Jay asked.
"I can't tell you,"I smiled bigger,"All I can say is, he's amazing and a great friend."

The rest of the interview went on smoothly then my dad said he'd take me out to get a smoothie since he had some things to take care of and couldn't do lunch. As he was talking to someone inside the Leno studios, I walked outside to call Milo so see if he wanted to go out to dinner.

"So, do you want to go to dinner with me?"I asked hoping he'd say yes.
"Yeah sure,"He paused,"What time?"
"6, sound good?"
"It sounds great, so I'll see you then?"
"Yeah,"I smiled,"I'll just meet you at your place and we can head there."
"Ok, I'll talk to you later, Sylar,"
"Laters,"I smiled then hung up to turn towards my dad.

"Ready?"He asked.
"Yup,just waiting on you."

Getting into his car, he took me to a local fast food shop in which we sat outside enjoying the nice sun.

"So what about this guy you're dating?"
"He's sweet,"I smiled,"I really like him."
"What's his name?"
"Milo,"I blushed a bit.
"Ventimiglia?"Brad looked at me.
"Yeah,"I blushed harder,"Don't go all parental and want to talk to him."
"I'm not,"He laughed,"It's cute."
"Thanks,"I took a sip off my drink,"So why does Angelina hate me?"
"She doesn't hate you."
"Yes she does,"I looked at him,"I'm not stupid."
"I don't know, I think she's still trying to get used to the whole I've got a 23 year old daughter."
"Well I'm not treating her like a mom if that's what she wants."
"I'll talk to her,"He nodded.
"Is it wrong for me to say, I don't really like her."
"Well I'm kinda hurt,"He looked at me,"But it's your opinion. Why don't you like her?"
"I've got my reasons,"I looked at him.
"I don't want to talk about it,"I shrugged.
"Sylar,"He warned.
"Dad,"I looked at him,"I'll tell you eventually, I just want to talk about it right now."
"Fair enough,"He nodded,"So do you want me to drop you off at home or where?"
"Dance studio,"I stretched,"Practice again."
"Alright,"He got up,"I'll talk to you later and get back to you with a schedule."
"Ok,"I nodded.

Getting to the rehearsal space, I found that everything was just around waiting for me. I got the idea to start dancing to Christina Aguilera's "Come on Over Baby" in which I got to play the role of Christina and Jesse was my main dancer. It was fun and just showed how we had fun when things got too stressful. Dancing with Jesse, things always seemed to melt away for me. By time it was 5, Jesse dropped me off at my house so I could change and take a shower before meeting Milo at his house. Making it to Milo's place by 15 minutes, I knocked on his door as he opened it. We were heading out to a fancy resturant and he was working on tying his tie as he let me in.

"You look hot,"I smirked sitting on the couch with my long shirt and long sleeve black shirt.
"You too,"I smiled finishing his tie,"Ready to go?"
"Yup,"I smiled as I took his arm.
At the resturant, we sat across from each other playing with each other's fingers as we finished eating.
"Wanna head back?"Milo asked directing his head towards the door.
"Yeah,"I smiled as he paid the check then we headed back to his place

In his car, our fingers were entwined the whole way until we got to the apartment in which his arms were wrapped around my waist as we waited for the elevator then as we walked up to the door. Leaning against the wall as he opened his door, he pulled me into his apartment with him.
"Let's do something crazy,"Milo whispered in my ear as he locked his door behind him.