Hollywood Won't Know What Hit It

My Happiness

In the mall with Kristen, we ended up looking at almost every store there was. It felt good to get out there and forget about everything that happened to be stressful in my life.

"So?"Kristen asked as she looked at some shirt,"What did you two do last night?"
"I don't have to discuss my personal life with you,"I smirked at her.
"Aww come on Sy,"Kristen looked at me,"What happened?"
"We went to dinner, that's all,"I shrugged.
"Yeah and we're still in Milo's button down shirt because?"
"Because it smells like him,"I smirked at her.
"Seriously girl, spill it now,"She put her hand on her hip as I just kept smiling and felt a slight blush come to my face,"No way, you so did not?!"
"Maybe,"I drew out then moved onto the next thing.
"Sylar,"Kristen grabbed my arm as I smiled at her,"You and Milo?"
"Yeah,"I nodded,"But keep it quiet ok?"
"I will,"She smiled bigger at me,"So I take it things are going good for you two?"
"They are."
"But you're leaving soon aren't you?"
"Don't remind me,"I groaned,"Thursday for a month with Jesse."
"Wow, you're so going to miss him,"Kristen elbowed me lightly.
"Which is why I've got to get time in with him for the next 3 days."
"You will,"She grabbed my head to pull me out of the store,"Now I believe I owe you a smoothie and pretzel."
"Wow a reward for gossip,"I rolled my eyes.

After my day with Kristen, I headed back to Milo's which Adrian was still at for some reason. That dude was hanging around a lot lately, it was crazy after a while but he's amazing, he's like the older brother I don't have.

"Hey Adrian,"I sat down next to Milo on the couch as Adrian smiled at me.
"Hey,"He nodded.
"Russ and Dino are coming over today too,"Milo mentioned as I leant on his arm.
"It's cool,"I nodded.
"Kristen tire you out?"He asked looking over some papers.
"Yes,"I sighed,"That girl walked all over the entire mall."
"You look it,"Adrian laughed.
"It's not funny,"I semi-glared.
"You can take a nap if you want,"Milo kissed me on the side of the head.
"No, I've got to spend time with you before I leave,"I whined.
Adrian snickered as Milo just smiled,"I'll wake you up in a couple hours and then you can spend time with me, ok?"
"Ok,"I nodded as I got up and walked towards his room.

"She's so cute,"Adrian smirked at him.
"She's amazing,"Milo smiled as he watched me walk into the bedroom.
"You look happy."
"I am,"Milo looked back at him,"She's the person I've been looking for this entire time."
"So what did you two do last night?"Adrian questioned.
"Dinner,"Milo stated not going any further into the discussion.
"And had dessert here?"Adrian smirked.
"Not cool,"Milo shot him a look.
"Hey, whatever makes you happy but you do know she's still in your clothes?"
"I know,"He sighed,"She makes them look good, you've got to admit that."

For the next couple hours, I fell asleep in Milo's bed which wasn't that bad. I was mainly tired from last night's events still as well as walking around the mall for what seemed like forever. I heard the door open slightly which I knew it was Milo as he walked over to the bed and leant over me.

"Hey sweetheart,"He whispered then kissed my lips,"Wake up."
"Are Russ and Dino here yet?"I stretched.
"No, but I wanted to spend some time with you,"He smirked.
"I'm up,"I smiled at him,"Adrian still here?"
"No, he left about an hour ago."
"Oh,"I nodded as Milo slowly slid his body on top of me.
"I'm so not going to like you leaving me on Thursday."
"I'm dreading it,"I traced patterns on his arms,"But it's only a month, so hopefully it'll go by fast."
"I hope so,"He kissed me again to which I returned when he broke it,"Come on, get up."

Milo helped me off his bed as he lead me out to the balcony of his apartment, while wrapping his arms around my waist. We looked out at the town as he rested his head on my shoulder. For once in my life, my happiness was finally coming back to me. I just knew that I never wanted this to ever end but I had to leave in a few days which were going to be a lot harder than what it was before to leave.