Hollywood Won't Know What Hit It

I Wanna Wake Up Where You Are

"Let's go for a drive,"He mumbled into my ear.
"Where?"I asked as I looked at him.
"Well I need gas,"He smirked,"But then anywhere."
"Ok,"I smiled as we walked down to his car.

I sat in his car as he got in to drive to the gas station. Watching him pump gas, I was blown away at how hot a guy can be doing such an easy task. I unrolled his window as he stood next to my window and looked down.

"Do you know how hot you make pumping gas look?"I smirked at him.
"I didn't know it was that big of a turn on,"He laughed,"Maybe I should do it more often?"
"Well I hope you do since cars need gas,"I laughed as he just sent me a semi glare.

Getting back into the car, Milo entwined his fingers with mine which was nice as he just drove around the town. I swear I love having moments like this, when it's just the two of us, no one else, no cameras, no nothing. Not that I wouldn't trade the other times since I did love being with him.
Stopping alongside the beach, Milo opened my door for me as I got out of the car. He pulled me into the side of the car, mainly the hood as he leant in to kiss me. Kissing him back, he slowly pushed me into the side of the car, keeping his body heat against me. We moved to sit on the hood of the car, just watching the sunset over the ocean. I was laying in his arms as the slight wind blew against us.

"Thank you,"I looked back at him.
"Your welcome,"He smiled lightly at me,"I knew you would like it."
"I just love being with you so it wouldn't of matter."
"I'm glad we're both on the same page about that."
"I know,"I felt his head rest agaisnt mine,"Hey, aren't your friends at your place?"
"Probably but I don't want to leave here."
"I'm sorry,"I looked at him as he looked down at me.
"Don't be,"He kissed me lightly,"Stay the night?"
"Yeah,"I smiled as I slid off the hood of the car to get back into the car.

Finally getting back to his apartment, I went to make something to eat since I was hungry as Milo talked about things with Russ and Dino. As I finished making what I was, I walked to the doorway to listen to the boys talk.

"Sylar, come here,"Milo motioned as he sat at a chair with his friends.
I walked over to him and he pulled me into his lap then wrapped his arms around me,"I was just about to eat something."
"That's cute,"Dino smirked at us.
"Still kinda odd that he's dating Sylar,"Russ shrugged.
"Don't make me hurt you,"I glared,"I can't help if the stupid doctor can't spell."
"Guys,"Milo interupted,"Just shut up."
"See he's on my side now,"I stuck my tongue at him at him with a smile.
"You do make the name hot though,"Russ shrugged again.
"Anyways,"Milo got back onto topic about what he was talking about as I sat on his lap.
"Anyways, I'm starved,"I looked at him,"So if you want food, come get it. Then come back to your talk."

"Ok, but if you two feed each other, I'll so throw up,"Dino looked at us as I got up.
"I can feed myself,"I laughed as I walked into the kitchen,"Someone might have to feed Milo though."