Hollywood Won't Know What Hit It

Heading Out

"Hey Nick,"I leant on his doorframe as he looked towards me,"What'd you want to talk to me about?"
"Come sit down,"Nick motioned as I walked into his room to see it all a mess.
"What's up?"
"Well, I've been doing some thinking-"
"Your real parents."
"Nick,"I sighed,"How many times do I have to tell you I don't want to know who they are. I mean they put me up for adoption and I don't remember them. Why would I want to know people who didn't want me?"
"Sylar, you know you don't mean that,"Nick looked at me,"And as much as I love having you around as a sister, you know you want to know."
"I don't know,"I shrugged looking at him,"Why change what's already good?"
"So you can have answers, maybe figure out where you're family came from and everything."
"Just leave it alone, ok?"
"I'm just trying to help."
"I know you are Nick,"I got up to walk to the door,"But I'm happy here."
"Ok,"Nick put his hands up,"I'll leave it alone."
"Thanks,"I smiled at him as I went to leave his room to head to mine.

Closing my door behind me, I found the clothes I wanted to change in to. After getting dressed, I looked at my computer for a second. I had this little file on it that I labeled "Understanding" in which I would put stuff I found out about my real parents. Needless to say, all I had was a scanned copy of my birth certificate and baby pictures, no parents, just me. As for last name? I believe it had my mother's maiden name or real name which was Garcia. As for my dad's name, all it said was Brad and some chicken stratch. I had no idea who the doctor was but dude, he seriously annoying if he couldn't get a name right or my parents.

Stepping away from the computer, I decided to forget about it and head downstairs. Kristen and Milo would be here in an hour, so that gave me time to at least relax and everything. That and get "lectured" about how to baby sit Frankie tonight. Lucky for my parents, I didn't have to go into rehearsal for Jesse tonight so that was a good thing.

Just watching some TV as I waited for the doorbell to ring was boring enough. That and having to sit there with Kevin in the same room. He wasn't talking since he was too into the show but whatever, you know. It happens. A few minutes later, the doorbell rang and I got up to get the door but Joe beat me to it.

"Sy, you're friends are here,"Joe moved as I grabbed a coat then walked towards the door.
"Thanks,"I smiled at him,"Hey guys."
"Hey, ready to go?"asked Kristen.
"I guess so,"I shrugged,"Where are we headed?"
"I don't know, to get some lunch or something,"She shrugged,"It's better than staying here and being bored."
"True,"I nodded then looked at Joe,"Tell mom, I'm leaving. I'll be back at 6."
"6?"Kristen raised an eyebrow at me,"You have a curfew now?"
"No, just I've got baby sitting duties,"I rolled my eyes walking out the door.
"Fun,"She nodded as we got to her car.
"I know,"I looked at Milo with a smile,"Hey, you're quiet today."
"Just slightly tired,"He smiled lightly at me.
"Well then we'll just have to wake you up,"I smirked.
"You know for a night girl, you have way too much energy during the day,"Milo shook his head with a smile at me.
"It's a curse,"I shrugged while getting into the car.

Meanwhile back in the house, Joe walked down the stairs in a daze to Kevin and Joe.

"Nick, you ok?"Joe asked looking at him strange.
"Yeah,"He sighed,"Well sorta. I mean I know Sylar told me not to do it but I found her real dad."
"What?"Kevin looked wide eyed at him,"She's going to be pissed at you."
"Dude you know she wants to know,"Joe looked at him,"So who is it?"
"That's the thing,"Nick started,"You guys seriously aren't going to believe this."