Hollywood Won't Know What Hit It


My last day in LA before I've got to head on the road. I'm so not looking foward to it though. That means no Milo, just on the phone. It was saddening actually. I never thought I'd miss someone that much but I do. I was at home right now packing to leave in the morning. I told my parents that I'm staying with Jesse so he could wake me up for the plan but in reality I was staying at Milo's. He was going to take me to the airport which would make getting on the plane harder too.

"Hey Sylar?"Joe asked from the door.
"Yeah,"I folded some more of my clothes as he walked in.
"You're leaving?"
"Yup, I've got an early plane to catch,"I looked at him,"Shouldn't you be packing too since you're leaving soon?"
"In a few days we're leaving,"He sighed.
"So what did you want?"
"Are you moving out?"
"Huh?"I looked at him.
"I mean you found out who you're real parents are, is this the last time I'll see you?"
"Joe,"I smiled at him,"This isn't the last time you'll see me. I mean just because I found my real parents doesn't mean I'll forget about you. And if I move out, I'll still visit."
"So I'll still see you?"
"Yes,"I smiled then put an arm around his shoulders,"I've known you all my life, it's hard to forget you and you're stupid face."
Laughing I walked over to my closet pulling out some things,"You think too much about things."
"I just miss you,"He shrugged.
"Aww, that's so cute,"I teased him,"You can't jut get rid of me that easily."
"Good because I'd follow you,"He laughed.
"Damn, I'd have a creepy stalker,"I shuddered.
"Well I'll let you get back to packing,"He smiled.
"Laters,"I waved off to him as he left and I finished packing.

Putting my things into my trunk, I said my goodbyes to the Jonas family then headed over to my dad's to say goodbye to him for a few minutes, then I headed over to Milo's apartment which I only brought my overnight bag into the living room.

"Hey,"I smiled at him as I sat my bag down.
"It sucks, this is my last night with you for a month,"He wrapped his arms around me.
"Don't think about it,"I looked up at him,"We're going to have fun the rest of the day."
"That we are,"He smiled down at me,"I've got lots planned for today."
"It's a surprise,"He smirked as he let go of me then went to get his keys,"And no time to rest til today."
"Wow, you're not kidding,"I laughed as he pulled me up to my feet.
"Gotta make the most out of the next few hours,"He kissed me leading me out to his car.

Did I mention how much I love his car? Well both of them but right now I was in his Lambo, it's yellow but he still makes it look hot. He drove for a while until we reached this studio where you could make your own music video, only I knew he had other plans for this. No not sexual rated X things but around the PG-13 area.

"What are we doing here?"I asked as Milo smirked and opened his door.
"You're going to dance for me,"He got out of the car then came around to my door to let me out.
"You know you didn't have to bring me here, you just had to say so,"I rolled my eyes.
"Now where's the fun in that?"