Hollywood Won't Know What Hit It

Regretting Meeting My Dad

"I miss Milo,"I mumbled as I sat in the back of the bus with Jesse and a few other dancers and his back up singers.
"So call him,"Jesse shrugged.
"I did this morning, he's probaby filming though which seriously sucks."
"Aww he'll call,"Jesse looked over at me,"Besides you can't be all too depressed, you've got to be ready for tonight."
"I am,"I looked at him,"Just mornings suck without him."
"Aww poor little Sylar's all in love,"Jesse through a pillow at me.
"Shut up,"I threw the pillow back at him which it hit him pretty hard.
"Dude, I need my pretty face."
"It's not that pretty,"I stuck my tongue out at him.
"Sylar,"Jesse warned as he threw the pillow back at me.
"Ah!"I screamed blocking the blow when my phone rang.
"No, dad,"I got up,"I'm taking this call."

Getting up to walk to the front of the bus, I sat down on the couch as I answered my phone,"Hey dad."
"Hey Sylar, how's the road?"
"Eh, sorta boring, missing Milo but it's ok,"I shrugged,"What's up?"
"Um, Angie doesn't want you to come around when you get back."
"I don't know, I'll talk to her."
"No dad, that's bullshit,"I semi-shouted into the phone,"I knew you'd fucking listen to her."
"I'm not listening to her,"His voice raised a bit,"She just thinks-"
"That I'm trying to get money off of you and make a name for myself?"I asked trying not to yell,"I don't need you to make a name for myself, I don't need anyone."
"Sylar, it's just a sug-"
"No, you know what, I'm tired of finally finding something in my life that works and then this shit happening."
"Don't call me again until you figure out what's important in your life,"I felt tears sting my eyes as I hung up the phone.
I looked at my phone and threw it next to me on the seat as I put my head in my hands. Letting out those tears I wanted to, I felt someone sit next to me on the small couch then wrap their arms around me. I knew it was Jesse since he rested his head on my back as I rubbed my arm slowly.

"I heard it,"Jesse mumbled.
"I hate him,"I sniffled as he tried to calm me down.
"You don't,"He whispered.
"I do,"I seethed,"And I hate Angelina even more."
"You know she's only doing this because she's jealous of you."
"I wish Nick never would've found him,"I cried hoping it'd fix what I was feeling.
"Sylar, you know that's not what you wanted."
"Why can't it be?"I snapped at him as he pulled me into him.
"It's ok,"He rubbed my shoulder.
My phone rang again as I looked down at it to see that it was Milo,"It's Milo. I'm going to take this."
"Ok,"He stood up,"I'll leave you alone for now."
"Thanks,"I smiled at him as I went to answer my phone.

"Sylar, what's up? It's only 11, I didn't know you missed me that much,"He laughed.
"Yeah,"I sniffled,"Mornings suck."
"Sylar, are you ok?"
"Yes and no."
"The yes being?"
"You calling me,"I smiled,"Good friends and just hearing you made my smile."
"I'm glad I could do that for you,"He laughed,"Why the no though?"
"My dad called this morning, I hate him."
"What'd he do?"
"He's listening to that whore Angie,"I sniffled again,"She's putting ideas into his head that I'm only finding him and hanging out with him for money."
"What?"Milo shouted, I could feel the anger in his voice which scared me.
"Yeah, I know,"I sighed,"I just, I don't know. I told him to call me back when he figures out what's important in his life."
"Why would he even doubt that you'd want to know him?"
"Angelina's a bitch,"I mumbled,"I knew she hated me but I didn't think she'd sink that low."
"What's his number?"
"Milo, you're not going to call him,"I warned.
"Sy, you're upset and away from me, I can't not want to talk to him about this and make him see what's wrong."
"Thanks,"I smiled lightly at him,"You don't have to I mean it's not your responsibility."
"I want to,"I could hear that smile in his voice,"You need to be happy."
"That just makes me miss you even more."
"Sorry,"He laughed,"I'll see you soon though."
"Of course,"I smiled,"And you better pick me up when I get there."
"I will, plus I'm coming to see you at the Vegas and LA shows."
"Sweet,"I smiled,"Hey, I'm going to talk to you tonight, ok."
"Ok, if you need anything, text me, ok?"
"Ok,"I smiled,"Miss you."
"Miss you too."

Hanging up the phone, I walked to the back room with a smile on my face now. I swear, that was the exact reason that I fell for Milo and why I'm falling even harder for him.