Hollywood Won't Know What Hit It

Vegas Show

Finally the show in Vegas was happening, which meant there were only like 4 more shows left in this tour. The date now? It's like March 3rd...I think. But tonight was more exciting than anything since Milo would be here. I was probably more stoked about that then performing. I hadn't talked to my dad since he called me that morning, it hurt but what was I to do? Cry about it forever? I think not. Right now I was backstage waiting to go on which was unnerving right now since I just wanted to get out of there and find Milo.

"Hey Sy,"Jesse mentioned from the door,"You've got a vistor if you're up for it?"
"Who is it?"I asked as I watched the other dancers be stupid but it was fun.
"Well, I think you're going to like it,"Jesse smirked opening the door when I felt someone place their hands over my eyes.
"Guess who?"
"Milo!"I jumped up from my spot to wrap my arms around his neck and he smiled.
"I missed you so much."
"I know,"He smiled,"Me too."
"So are you here with anyone else, or is it just you?"
"Me, Russ, and Adrian,"He smiled then whispered in my ear,"I got us our own room though."
"Sweet,"I smiled,"Oh are you staying tomorrow?"
"Yeah, you'll like my surprise we have for tomorrow."
"You can't tell me now?"I pleaded.
"Nope,"He smiled while standing up,"But I'm going to go out there and watch you so you can get ready."
"Ok,"I thought for a second,"Wait?"
"Kiss for good luck?"
"Of course,"He smiled as he placed a kiss on my lips which I smiled into but heard the rest of the dancers start making cat calls and whistling.
"Alright go,"I rolled my eyes at him as he smirked to walk out the door.

Getting done with dancing, was great since I couldn't wait for it to end to head out with Milo. Changing into some clothes then walking towards backstage where Milo, Russ, and Adrian were, I waved goodbye to Jesse as I walked with them out to the car.
I sat in the backseat with Milo on his lap as Russ drove and Adrian just shook his head at the two of us.

"You two are too cute,"Adrian laughed.
"Sorry, I just haven't seen him in a while,"I blushed.
"Don't worry,"Russ added,"Mi missed you too since he kept talking about you."
"Aww, that's cute,"I kissed him on the lips which he kissed back. It started to turn into a make out session as Adrian turned to look at us then turned back.
"Hey! Save that for the hotel,"Adrian shuddered.
"Sorry,"I blushed as Milo just held onto me.
"You remember that,"Milo added,"You'll slip up one time and then that means total payback."

We stopped at a quick diner to get something to eat which the whole time me and Milo just flirted with each other. It was cute and playful but the other two thought it was totally gross as we were eating. Oh well, I missed him and haven't seen him since Febuary, I had every right to be cuddly with him now.
"So we'll see you two in the morning,"Adrian waved.
"Yeah don't stay up too late kiddies,"Russ laughed.
"Night guys,"I waved to them as we stood in front of our hotel room number.

"So?"I shrugged at Milo as he opened the door then picked me up to carry me into the hotel room,"Milo!"
"It moves you faster,"He laughed as he sat me down on the ground then locked the door behind him.
"Someone missed me,"I laughed as I watched Milo walk in front of me.
"Now why wouldn't I?"he smirked placing his arms around me.
"I don't know,"I shrugged,"Thanks for everything while I was on the road."
"Don't mention it,"His fingers moved towards my belt loops,"I can't stand to see you down."
"Thanks,"I smirked then kissed him,"So what is this surprise tomorrow?"
"You're not going to rest until you find out, are you?"He sighed.
"Nope, but if you tell me, I promise I'll make it up to you tonight,"I smirked.
"Fine,"He rolled his eyes,"Criss Angel, that's all I'm leaving it at right now. And you don't have to make it up."
"But I did for the past month and half,"I smirked pulling him to the bed.