Hollywood Won't Know What Hit It

Start of the Day off

"Morning,"I smiled looking up at Milo as I turned to face him.
"That was the best sleep I've gotten in a long time,"I smiled at him.
"I'm glad,"He smiled as he slowly rubbed my bare arms.
"I missed you."
"I missed you too."
"I guess we should be getting up so we can head to meet Criss Angel, huh?"
"Yeah,"He smiled lightly then kissing me quickly,"I'll call to make sure Russ, Dino, and Adrian are up."
"Ok,"I smiled at he got out of bed and I went to reach for my phone, seeing that I had messages from my dad, I ignored them then went to get dressed.

After pulling my hair back, I finally got my shoes on when my phone rang again.
"Sylar, it's Joe,"He rushed out.
"Oh hey Joe, what's up?"
"Um, it's Nick's ex-girlfriend and still friend."
"You mean Miley? The one person I hate?"I asked,"Well besides Angelina?"
"Yeah about that-"
"Joe what's going on?"
"Um,"He went to tell me when he heard something in the background,"Damn, I really want to tell you but not around everyone else at home."
"Is it bad?"
"A little but it's not about Milo or anything."
"Then what's it about?"
"I'll explain it to you later."
"Yeah, um I'll call you around 3?"
"Sounds good,"I nodded as I watched Milo walk out of the bathroom.
"Ok, so I'll talk to you then."
"Hey are you ever going to talk to me without it being something totally drastic little bro?"I laughed.
"Yeah of course,"I heard him chuckle,"I was actually going to today but then this came up."
"Well hey, I'll talk to you later, for now I'm going to meet Criss Angel."
"Criss Angel? Dude you seriously need to talk to me about this later now."
"I will,"I smiled,"Bye Joe."

"Joe?"Milo asked.
"Yeah, spazzoid himself,"I smirked.
"You do know he's probably got an equally annoying nickname for you right?"
"Yeah,"I rolled my eyes,"Unfortunetly for me it's actually pyscho killer no thanks to your show."
"Seriously?"Milo laughed as I smacked him,"Ow, ok I'll be nice."
"You better,"I glared at him,"And yes."
"And truth in that?"
"You're the boyfriend,"I smirked,"You figured it out."
"God I hope not,"He looped his fingers into my belt loops.
"Good bye,"I smirked as I walked to the door,"Just our arguments can get brutal to prove a point, I go for blood."
"Now that I know all too well."
"Yeah and not long ago I did get in a fight with an enemy and my damage to her was pretty brutal."
"And which enemy was that?"Milo raised an eyebrow at me.
"Lindsay Lohan,"I rolled my eyes,"My other target's Paris Hilton or Angelina Jolie but Paris is too easy of a target and then Angelina...that's a long story."
"I'd still pay to see that,"He smirked as I opened the door.
"You would, but yeah that's how Joe gave me my nickname."

Heading out to the car, I climbed in with Milo to slide next to Adrian but kept close to Adrian.
"Hey there's the happy couple,"Adrian smirked.
"Hey,"I smiled brightly at him,"And it's even better since I have the day off."