Hollywood Won't Know What Hit It

It's so Sweet

Finally after meeting Criss Angel, we got to hang out with him for the rest of the day which was fun, that is until 2 then he had to get back to work. He was a totally sweet guy who instantly became a friend that I knew I'd have for a while. That and the whole exchanging numbers and him being interested in possibly putting me into his show eventually. It was super exciting. Then by 3 like clock work, I was at some casino with Milo, Adrian, Russ, and Dino when my phone rang.

"Hey Joe,"I smiled as I sat on Milo's lap as the guys talked.
"So how was meeting Criss Angel?"
"Amazing,"I smiled,"He's super cool."
"Aw I'm glad,"I could hear Joe smile over the phone.
"So what's up?"
"I don't want to end your happiness now,"He tried to make up an excuse which i rolled my eyes.
"Ok,"He sighed as I heard him move,"I swear to god though, I'm doing everything I can to help you too."
"What's up?"
"Well you know how you hate Angelina?"
"Yeah, don't mention that name,"I felt myself tense a bit.
"Ok, so person I'm not supposed to mention,"Joe started,"Miley has been talking to her and now apparently Miley's been going around to press and things saying things like her."
"I'm sorry, I told Miley it's none of her business but you know her, media whore."
"I wish Nick never would've found my real dad,"I sighed into the phone.
"I'll fix it."
"Joe you don't need to."
"Sylar, you're my sister, sure we're not blood related but I've known you all my life, we're bound together in some way whether you like it or not."
"You mean I can't ditch you at the train station?"I smirked.
"No and it wasn't funny when you did it at the airport,"I could hear that bitterness in his voice.
"Come on, admit it-"
"Dude, why did I call you?"He huffed.
"Sorry,"I laughed.
"When are you coming back?"
"Um, a week or so,"I shrugged,"Today's just my day off."
"Well, I'll let you get back to your day off then."
"Ok, late bro."

Hanging up the phone, I slid it back into my pocket as I turned to face Milo with a smile on my face.
"This is boring."
"I figured you say that,"He smiled at me as he kissed my lips lightly,"Which is why we're leaving these dorks and heading on our own adventure."
"Adventure?"I raised an eyebrow at him.
"Well not so much an adventure but it'll be fun."
"What are you planning now?"I looked at him with a smile.
"You'll see,"He smiled at me while kissing me one more time.
"Good luck,"Russ added.
"Why is he wishing you good luck?"I questioned as I stood up with him as he took my hand.
"Because he likes making up things,"Milo shot him a glare which I just shook off.
"Well boys, I'll see you again later,"I smiled at them while giving them hugs,"I'm stealing your friend since I won't see him for another week when I come home."
"Bye Sy,"Adrian smiled at me,"and don't listen to Russ, it's nothing too serious."
"I know Russ can be a bit of a dork sometimes,"I smirked as I gave Dino and Russ hugs goodbye,"Stay out of trouble."

Leaving the casino with Milo, we caught a cab to this semi-remote part of the Vegas where the sceneay was beautiful. As I was standing there, watching the desert scene around me, Milo walked up to the side of me.
"So, are you planning to ask me to marry you?"I smirked as I crossed my arms from the cool breeze.
"No,"Milo smirked at me,"Not yet at least."
"So why'd Russ say good luck?"
"Well,"Milo took out a long box to hand it to me,"I was hoping you wouldn't hate it."
Taking the box then opening the lid, I opened it to see a gold necklace witha fleur de lis sitting in front of me,"I love it. Thank you."
Milo took it out of the box as he unclapsed it,"Now you can remember me when you're a million miles away."
"I won't take it off,"I smiled at him as I moved my hair out of the way,"Thank you."
"I'm glad you like it."
I kissed him on the lips passionately as I smiled at him,"Let's get back to the hotel."
"And for the record, I still would think of you if I was million miles away without the necklace."
"Good,"He smiled as he helpe me into the car,"Hey and can you do me one more thing?"
"Call your dad,"He smiled at me with that cute smile,"I know you're pissed but maybe he's come to his senses."
"I don't-"
"Come on Sy, you know you don't mean it that you don't want anything to do with him."
"Ok,"I nodded at him,"I'll call him."