Hollywood Won't Know What Hit It

Good Things Must End

Milo went out to pick up something for our last dinner since we decided to stay in. I would've went with him but he told me to stay here and call my dad which I was trying to avoid but knew I needed to. Listening to it ring 2 times, I aimlessly fidgeted on the edge of the bed.
"Dad, it's me,"I smiled into the phone knowing he couldn't see it but still.
"Sylar, I'm so sorry. I don't know what came over me or why I listened to her and-"
"Dad, stop,"I rolled my eyes,"I wish I could say I'm not pissed but you know, it kinda hurt."
"I know, I figured that much."
"It's just you listened to her and what she had to say about me finding you. To be honest I didn't want to know you at first. Nick did all the searching on you for me, then that's how I found out. It wasn't like I was looking to become famous, people already know me from touring with Jesse."
"Ouch, that hurt."
"See, now you know how I felt, I'm not some money or media attention grabbing whore. To be honest with you dad, I like my privacy way more than people want to believe."
"I'm so sorry."
"Look, "sorry" isn't going to make up for it so stop saying it,"I rolledy my eyes at the thought,"I just want my dad, someone I can actually call my own dad even if it's late in my life. Does that make sense?"
"I thought you had that with the Jonases?"
"They told me at 10 that I was adopted, I mean sure, their dad's cool and all but it's not the same. It just made me feel more awkward around everyone."
"I just feel bad since I've missed out on everything you've done."
"Dad, you still can,"I sighed into the phone,"You can come out to see me on tour, hang out, hell we can go to concerts together."
"Yeah,"I laughed,"I heard you were into Lostprophets so I figured maybe one day we could take a trip, go see them."
"Lostprophets? Wow, I didn't think many people were into them."
"Are you kidding me, they rank pretty high on my favorite band list."
"Alright, sounds good."
"So no more listening to Angelina about me?"I asked as Milo walked back into the door and nodded at me.
"No. We good?"
"I guess so,"I shrugged.
"Ok,"He paused for a second,'You know I still want to meet that boyfriend of yours."
"Dad,"I groaned.
"I'm serious."
"I get back to LA in a week, so what um, St. Patrick's Day?"
"Yeah, sounds good, we can make a whole day of it."
"Ok, I'll talk to you later."

Hanging up the phone, I sighed as I got up from the bed to walk over to Milo.
"That was interesting,"I rubbed the back of my neck looking at him as he brought out Mexican.
"It sounds like it went well,"He smiled at me.
"It did, he wants to meet you on St. Patrick's day now though."
"You mean I haven't been dating you that long and the dad already wants to meet me?"
"Yes,"I smiled,"Come on, you know it won't be so bad."
"Is he going to be an ass about it?"
"No, at least I hope not."
"Good, I hate seeing you that upset because then I'd have to kick his ass."
"You would not,"I laughed as I sat across from him.
"Don't underestimate me,"He laughed while sitting down.
"This sucks, I won't be able to see you for a week after tonight."
"I know but it'll go by fast, especially when you're out there dancing."
"I sure hope so,"I sighed while starting to eat.

Later that night, I lay in bed with Milo, the air condition sending shivers down my body from the lack of clothes between the two of us. Milo pulled me closer to him to keep me warmer but still, I was still cold.
"What time are you leaving?"
"Jesse's picking me up at 5,"I sighed as he rubbed my arm,"And yes actually J-mac is going to knock on the door to let me know when it's time to go."
"That's only like 5 hours from now."
"I know,"I yawned while settling into him,"He's calling at 4 so I can shower, get dressed, all that jazz. You going to be up?"
"Yeah of course,"He kissed my bare shoulders slowly.
"When are you leaving Vegas?"
"Noon probably,"He moved so he was semi-on top of me,"I'll probably just end up hanging out with that guys before we head home again."
"Fun,"I smiled at him as he leant down to kiss me,"Sleep."
"I know,"He smirked,"Get some sleep."
"Night,"I mumbled as I slowly drifted off to sleep which didn't seem like a long time when I heard the phone start to ring.