Hollywood Won't Know What Hit It

In the Air Tonight

I had finally gotten back home to LA, setting my things down in the Jonas home for the time being. Milo told me that he had to go to New York for a couple days to which I decided to use that time to hang out with my brothers and my dad. Today, my parents had decided to go to lunch by themselves which left me with Nick, Kevin, Joe, and Frankie. We went to a park with Frankie in which I was now leaning against a pole as Frankie was on the swing.

"So how was tour?"asked Nick as he sat on a swing as well.
"It was fun,"I shrugged with a smile,"I mean it usually is and all though."
"Have you talked to your dad lately?"
"A few days ago, we're supposed to be going out to dinner tonight or something."
"Can I come with?"asked Joe.
"I don't know, I mean if you want to."
"Sylar?"asked Frankie as he zoomed past me.
"Yeah little bro?"I watched him.
"Can we go get some ice cream?"
"It doesn't matter to me,"I shrugged as I looked at my other brothers who nodded,"I guess so and dude, why are you three so quiet?"
"We're not quiet!"Joe defended himself.
"Well maybe not you but Nick and Kevin are,"I looked at them.
"Kev misses Danielle,"Joe nodded at him.
"Aww, I'm sorry Kevin,"I threw him a sympathy look as he rolled his eyes.
"I'm fine, she's coming out in the next couple days."
"Hey, I kinda get it,"I smiled at him,"I mean Milo's in New York right now and I haven't seen him for a week or so."
"Yeah, what about him?"Kevin smirked at me,"Mom and dad still haven't met him yet."
"Oh my god, you are so not trying to make him meet the entire family,"I groaned.
"Why not? We had to take ours to meet the family."
"Because, he's older than me and you'll bitch."
"Sylar said a bad word!"Frankie shouted as me as I rolled my eyes.
"And if you repeat it, I'll wash your mouth out with soap,"I crossed my arms at him as he gasped.
"You wouldn't."
"Oh she will,"Nick shook his head,"Trust me."
"Not telling us something Sy?"Kevin raised an eyebrow at me to which I couldn't help but hide my smile.
"He's the one who swore when we were younger."
"You didn't have to get Joe in on it,"Nick mumbled.
"Oh yeah,"Joe smirked as he remembered then laughed.
"What?"Joe looked at him,"We were young."
"You two should've been twins,"Kevin shook his head.

After the park, we headed to the ice cream palor where I carried Frankie on my back until we got into the building to which I sat him down as he figured out what kind of ice cream he wanted. Me, deciding on raspberry cheesecake, we sat at a table, an awkward silence between me and Nick since of what Miley was saying when I was on the road. I could hear Joe and Kevin talking with Frankie about something but I couldn't help but glare at Nick to which he finally snapped.
"What?"Nick glared back at me.
"You know what,"I nodded towards him.
"Do I?"
"Yeah, and we need to talk."
"Guys,"Kevin warned,"Not here."
"Fine,"I shrugged,"Then outside."
"Fine,"Nick stood up as I followed him outside while Kevin and Joe gave each other worried looks.

"I can't believe you!"I motioned as we stood next to the wall hoping no one paid much attention to our outburst.
"Can't believe me? What'd I do to you?"
"Hmm, let's see you let your friend Miley talk shit about me and the whole family situation."
"Well, she talked to Angelina-"
"God Nick, you of all people know damn well I never looked for him but it was you who started the whole search for him! As I recall, I didn't care because I didn't want to find him."
"Well Angelina-"
"Don't fucking mention that name to me,"I glared at him slowly lowering my voice,"She's a bitch who's been trying to get rid of me just because I'm not the "person" she wants Brad to be seen with. And it's not her call, I'll get a damned DNA test just to prove to her that he's my dad. I don't need his money, I'm fine without it, I was before."
"Then why are you pissed at me?"
"Because you didn't come to me or anything, you just let Miley run her fucking mouth about me. Do you know how I felt?"
"I'm sorry,"Nick hung his head.
"Sorry? If you were so sorry, you wouldn't let the princess get her way."
"She's not-"
"Oh wake up Nick!"I rolled my eyes at him,"She's using you just to get information from you about the family. She's not perfect or flawless like her jackass dad likes to think so."
"And like you are?"
"I'm not claiming it!"I glared at him,"I never didt he purity ring thing and mom and dad never hated me for it. I don't do drugs, smoke, or randomly hook up. Yeah sure I drink but I don't "hide" it anything and it's legal for me."
"But you did steal Milo from Hayden."
"What?"I looked at him with a confused look since it was out of the blue.
"That's what I heard."
"Seriously?"I rolled my eyes,"You need to get your facts straight and um again talk to me. That's not what happened. Did Hayden say this?"
"No, it was Demi,'He looked down.
"Demi?"I smiled which was more of a sarcastic smile,"See? Stop listening to rumours."
"Sy, it's just I hardly see you-"
"That's no excuse! God, I can't talk to you right now Nick,"I huffed as I walked into the ice cream parlor to sit down again.

Me and Nick didn't say anything the entire day which was fine by me since he needed the silent treatment right now. I seriously couldn't stand him since he wouldn't talk to me and not seeing me wasn't an option. I mean I did own a cell phone. Around 5, our parents or should I say, their parents and my adoptive ones, came home and me and Joe got ready to head to dinner with my dad.

In my car, Joe was messing with the radio, as my phone rang which was Milo.
"Hey, how's New York?"I smiled as Joe smiled back at me.
"It's nice, I miss you though."
"I miss you too, but I'll see you soon right?"
"Of course. What are you up to?"
"Well I took Frankie to the park and to get ice cream today with Joe, Nick, and Kevin, then right now I'm heading to dinner with my dad and Joe. Then from there, who knows what else."
"Sounds fun."
"What do you mean "eh"?"Milo questioned.
"I'm kinda not talking to Nick right now."
"I'll explain it to you later."
"That's not good."
"No,"I smiled lightly which Joe just looked at me.
"Well, I'm probably going to be in bed by 2, but if you're not busy by then you can call me."
"That's what 11-ish here?"
"I should be able to call,"I smiled.
"Ok, so I'll talk to you then,"Milo smiled,"I love you."
"Love you too,"I smiled as I hung up the phone to look at Joe who had a smile on his face.

"That's so cute,"Joe cooed at me.
"Shut up,"I rolled my eyes as we pulled into the parking lot to see my dad standing outside the resturant.