Hollywood Won't Know What Hit It

Dinner and Apologies

"Dude you're dad's hot,"Joe mumbled at me as I elbowed him.
"That's wrong on so many levels,"I shook my head as I went to give my dad a quick hug.

"Hey sweetheart,"He smiled breaking away from me,"How are you?"
"Good,"I shrugged,"Dad, this is Joe Jonas and little annoying bro, this is my dad."
"It's nice to meet you,"Joe smiled shyly at him.
"It's nice to meet the people Sylar had in her life watching out for her,"He smiled.
"I hope you don't mind me bringing him to dinner,"I looked at him.
"Of course not,"He smiled as we headed into the resturant,"How's Milo?"
"Good, I guess. I mean I haven't seen him in a week but he's in New York right now."
"Dude you two seriously look related,"Joe looked between the two of us,"Only Sylar has brown eyes and well female like."
I rolled my eyes as I looked at my dad,"See what I had to live with for all these years?"
"It's fine,"He smiled,"And we do. Even your mom thought so when you were younger."
"Where is she?"I looked at him as I took a sip off my drink,"If you don't mind me asking. I mean Nick didn't find her."
"I don't knw,"He leant back into the chair to look at me,"I haven't seen her in 17 years but you were 7 then and I didn't talk to her."
"Hey, but look you're here and I'm not going anywhere,"He smiled at me,"I know I should've found you sooner and can you keep a secret?"
"Sure,"I nodded at him as Joe nodded too.
"When you were 7, I stopped by the Jonas household to find you. I wanted to take you back into my life and I was about ready to but I seen you playing with your younger brothers Joe and Kevin and Nick almost born, I couldn't. I wanted you to live that normal life and grow up with a great family with people who'd always be around."
"But you couldn't?"I looked sadly up at him hoping he would say otherwise.
"I was filming a lot sweetheart,"He smiled at me lightly,"But don't think I didn't think about you ever, it just took me a while to finally get you back."
"I don't hate you,"I looked at him,"It's just when I was 10 and they told me I was adopted I always wondered who you were but no one said. But I guess I like the fact that you let me grow up with these crazy kids."
"Yeah,"Joe smiled,"I'd hate to imagine life without you."
"Well enough with the sappyness,"I rolled my eyes,"It's getting way too annoying."

"So Sylar,"My dad started,"I was thinking about heading over to Plan B if you wanted to come with me?"
"Plan B?"
"My film company,"He nodded.
"Seriously?"I looked at him shocked,"No way."
"Way,"He smiled at me,"Tomorrow at 9 am?"
"Sounds good,"I smiled with a nod at him as we finished dinner together.
"Great, I'll pick you up?"
"Yeah of course,"I smiled at him as we went about to finishing dinner.

A few hours later, I said my goodbyes to my dad with Joe then headed back to the Jonas house since that's where I was staying for the time being right now.
"Sylar, you're dad is so cool,"Joe smiled at me as I got out of the car.
"You're not just saying that because he's Brad Pitt are you?"
"No,"He walked with me towards the door,"I mean it's cool he is and all but he's nice."
"Thanks,"I smiled at Joe as I opened the front door to let us in to see Kevin, Nick, and Frankie sitting around the living room.
"Hey guys,"Joe smiled at them.
"Sylar,"Nick spat.
"Nick,"I glared.
"I'll go talk to her,"Kevin mumbled as he got up.
"Don't bother,"Nick mumbled.
"Talk to him,"Kevin glared as he followed me upstairs.

I was in my room just setting things down and finish changing when a knock on my door caused me to go open it. Opening it to see Kevin there, I smiled at him lightly.
"Hey Kev,"I smiled at him.
"Hey Sy, um can we talk?"
"If it's about Nick, no,"I tied my shoes so I can go work out in a bit.
"It is."
"Then thanks but no thanks,"I threw him a look.
"Look, I know what Nick did was stupid and wrong but you can't hate him for what he did."
"No but I can be pissed at him and not talk to him for a while."
"Now where's the fun in that,"Kevin smiled at me as I sat on my bed with him,"Remember when you wrote your first song with Nick?"
"Yeah,"I smiled lightly,"What about it?"
"You two can get along,"He smiled.
"Thank you captain obvious."
"What I'm saying is you two have always went around but there's always something to bring the two of you back together."
"Kevin, I know what you're trying to do but he's stabbing me in the back by listening to other people and not coming to me."
"He loves you Sy,"Kevin smiled at me,"He worries about you, he doesn't want you to get hurt or anyone to hurt you."
"I'm not."
"Think about it, I mean he's known you his entire life yet he was willing to sacrifice possibly losing his sister by finding her real dad."
"I told him not to,"I mumbled as Kevin smiled at me.
"But he wants you to know that part of your life and you can't say you hate him for finding him now."
"I do like knowing my dad,"I smiled lightly as Kevin patted me on his shoulder.
"He's scared he's losing you now since you have your real dad and Milo,"Kevin stood up to look at me,"He won't admit it but he can't stand the thought of never seeing you again."
"So that's why he's doing what he's doing?"
"Yeah,"He smiled at me as he walked to the door,"Talk to him."
"Bye Kevin,"I rolled my eyes as he walked out leaving me alone.

I was about to head down to the basement when my phone rang as I stopped to answer it seeing as it was Milo.
"Hey,"He smiled,"I know I said I wouldn't talk til later but I missed you and I'm so bored right now."
"Um, is that a good thing?"
"Well yeah because being bored it just reminds me of me not being there with you."
"Dude, that's sweet,"I smiled into the phone.
"Is everything ok?"
"I guess,"I shrugged,"Nick's been listening to Miley and Demi and we fought earlier today and then I just want to be mad at him but my brothers won't let me. And well talking to my dad and thinking, should I apologize?"
"Are you asking me?"Milo laughed a bit.
"Well Sy, you know I think you should do whatever you want but family is family."
"Even if it's Angelina?"
"Well, there are some exceptions."
"I knew it,"I smiled.
"But still you've known those boys since practically you're whole life, don't let them slip away."
"How is it, you always know what to say?"
"Because I'm your boyfriend."
"Makes sense except your so far away from me right now."
"It's only a few more days and besides when I come home, I've got something for you."
"Sex?"I asked hopefully which he snorted at.
"Well yes but that's not what I'm talking about."
"Tell me!"
"I'm tired,"He laughed.
"You are not,"I scrowled even though he couldn't see it,
"I am,"He laughed,"I love you."
"Love you too."
"Now go apologize to that little brother of yours."
"Yes sir,"I laughed.
"Night Sy."

Hanging up, I walked out of my room to head downstairs but stopped by Nick's room first in which the door was open and he was just sitting on the edge of his bed with his acoustic guitar in hand.