Hollywood Won't Know What Hit It

Show Me Love

"Hey Nick,"I nodded at him as I stood in the doorway watching him play his guitar,"whatcha doing?"
"Writing,"He didn't bother look up at me, just mumbled.
"Mind if I sit?"
"I do,"He sighed as I rolled my eyes but walked over to him and sat on the edge of the bed.
"Look, I'm sorry about earlier."
"I don't care."
"Nick come on,"I looked at him with a smile,"You can't mean that."
"I do."
"Nick will you stop being Nick Jonas, pop star and actor for one minute and just be the little brother I grew up with?"
"As opposed to you being Sylar Jonas the hip hop dancer and Brad Pitt's daughter."
"Ok, I guess I had that coming,"I sighed as I turned away from him a bit.
"Ok all ego's aside, you know I didn't mean to hurt you, I was just pissed."
"But you barely get like that with Joe or Kevin,"He stopped playing to make his point at me,"You barely even yell at Frankie. Why me? I hate being treated like shit."
"I'm sorry,"I looked at my fingers than back at him for a second,"I don't know, it's just I thought for some reason, I'm protecting you, making sure you don't do anything stupid."
"I'm old enough to make my own decisions."
"Hey,"He elbowed him slightly then reached over to take his guitar,"Remember when we used to write together? We used to get in fights with each other, than we'd both go into the basement and just jam together."
"I remember,"Nick smiled lightly which I was happy I got a smile from him.
"And who else used to come down and "practice" my dance moves with me? It sure wasn't Joe,"I snickered at him,"That boy can't dance no matter how hard he tries."
"You do have a point,"He chuckled to himself.
"What I'm trying to say,"I gave him a serious look,"Is we do have something the others don't and I'll try not to argue with you as much."
"But it's how I make good beats,"Nick smiled at me.
I pushed him lightly as he fall over on the bed,"Come on, let's go get a peanut butter sandwich."

I helped Nick up as we walked down the stairs to the kitchen.
"So how did you fall for someone like Milo?"Nick asked as I slide down the railing as he walked.
"Have you seen him?"I smirked,"The man is a total babe."
"Seriously Sy?"
"Well besides the obvious,"I smirked at him as I leant against the railing,"He's a total sweetheart, cares for me, makes everything make sense."
"So it's serious?"
"Yes,"I smiled at him as we headed into the kitchen,"Just not engagement serious yet."

The rest of the week went by sort of quickly since I spent it hanging out with my brothers, dad, and then Jesse. Finally Milo was home which was something that I had been counting down the days for. Seriously, I had it marked on the calender and everything.
Right now, I was laying in Milo's arms after an intense time in bed, just listening to the darkness and the streets below as his fingers ran up and down my arm.

"So what is this surprise you had to tell me about but couldn't over the phone?"I looked up at him as he smirked down at me.
"You can't wait til morning?"
"No,"I looked at him,"Please?"
"Ok,"He sighed as I moved further up him so my head was resting on his shoulder now,"Remember how we talked about taking a vacation together before shooting starts?"
"Yeah,"I mumbled feeling his fingers now massaging my scalp.
"Well I got to talking to Dino in New York about something and-"
"And what?"
"Well in a couple weeks we're going to Spain for a week."
"Spain?"I raised an eyebrow at him,"You do know I only speak French right?"
"I do,"He smirked,"Just seeing if you're paying attention but no, in all seriousness, I wanted to take you somewhere that's beautiful yet old and not the states."
"So we're not going to Spain."
"No,"He smiled at me,"We're going to Romania."
"Romania?"I questioned sitting up on my elbows to look at him,"For real?"
"For real, there's this amazing chocolate shop there that I'll know you love."
"You're amazing,"I smiled as I leant down to kiss him on the lips softly,"I love you."
"I love you too."
"You should get some sleep,"I touched his cheek lightly,"You look beat."
"I am,"He closed his eyes slowly as I watched him slowly smile as he slept.

Just in the morning, I wasn't ready to get the news I was about to. But I guess people are right when they say something bad is bound to happen when things are going so right.