Hollywood Won't Know What Hit It


The sound of my cell phone ringing on the night stand woke me from a peaceful sleep with Milo. I lifted my head to listen to it for a second when I reached over to pick it up seeing it was Danielle's number, I decided to answer it.
"Sy,"Kevin rushed sighed quickly.
"Dude why are you calling on Danielle's phone?"
"Um, there's been an accident,"Kevin talked lowly on the other end as I sat up in bed more.
"Joe got picked up with Jesse this morning and they were going to some interview or something and Jesse was driving when they got in an accident."
"Are they ok?"I asked hoping he'd say they were.
"They uh got hit by a drunk driver-"
"At freakin' 8 am?"I raised my voice a little since I couldn't believe people.
"So are they fine?"
"Joe's almost out of surgery but Jesse he's well-"
"Well what?"
"He's still in surgery."
"I'll be right there,"I hung up my phone as I quickly got out of bed to get dressed and Milo didn't ask any questions.

As I waited for him at the front door, he took his keys as he lead me out the front door.
"So what happened?"
"Joe and Jesse got hit by a drunk driver,"I rushed out,"Kevin said Joe's almost out of surgery or something then Jesse's still in surgery."
"You ok?"
"I don't know yet,"I looked at him carefully then got into his car with him.

The drive to the hospital was probably one of the longest in my life ever. Milo was doing his best to get through the traffic but every second ticked away like an enternity. Finally getting to the hospital, I asked for the room number which the lady wouldn't give me at first since she claimed I was some "fan" or something along those lines which I so couldn't deal with right now. Thank god for my little brother being in the lobby at that point in time.

"Sylar,"Nick walked up to me then looked at the lady,"They're with me."
"Stupid bitch,"I mumbled walking off with him as Nick lead me to the elevator with Milo,"So how are they?"
"Joe just got out of the surgery room, he just had to get a few stitches on his side and face but Jesse's still in surgery."
"Is he ok?"
"I don't know,"Nick shook his head as I rushed out of the elevator to see my parents standing in the waiting room with Frankie, Kevin, Danielle.

"Mom, dad,"I rushed up to them as they hugged me and I broke away,"How's Joe?"
"We haven't been back to see him yet."
"Have the doctors said anything?"
"Not yet."

I sat down on a chair as Milo held my hand when a doctor walked out 10 minutes later to talk to us about Joe.
"Is there a Sylar here?"
"That's me,"I looked up at him.
"Joe was asking to see you first."
"Ok,"I stood up with a sigh as my parents smiled at me lightly and I followed the doctor to the room.

I stepped into the room where Joe was laying in a bed hooked up to an IV and crushed up with bandages on him. It broke my heart as I looked at him then slowly walked over to the side of his bed.
"Sylar,"He smiled at me as I smiled back at him.
"Hey,"I sat on the edge of the bed,"How are you feeling?"
"Like I got hit by a truck,"He groaned with a smile at me.
"I'm glad you're ok,"I smiled at him and smoothed out his hair a bit as he looked at me.
"Well except for a few scars I might have,"He smirked at me.
"You'll be fine, just straighten your hair and hide them,"I smirked back at him as he got serious for a second.
"Sy, I'm so sorry."
"For what?"
"Oh Joe, no that's not your fault,"I smiled at him lightly.
"He took his eyes off the road for just a split second because I said something funny and-"
"No, Joe, stop this isn't your fault,"I stopped him,"That guy who hit you was drunk it was his fault."
"I was so scared,"Joe started crying as I went to hug him lightly.
"It's ok,"I smiled at him as I could feel a tear escape my eyes,"Everyone wants to see you, I'm going to get them ok?"
"Ok,"He dried his eyes as I kissed his forehead then walked out of the room.

I went to get the rest of the family in the waiting room as Milo sat on a chair and I sat next to him. I rested my head on his shoulder as all the sudden I just felt drained of everything as I sat there.
"Have they said anything about Jesse yet?"
"No,"He rubbed my arm lightly.

I spent the next 20 minutes trying to get ahold of all the other background dancers, some of which were still probably asleep but some of them who were in other parts of the country for the time being were booking flights or planning on sending things to him. Then I checked the time to see it was almost 9 when I scrolled down to my dad's phone number.

Hearing the phone ring 3 times, he finally answered it,"Hey Sy."
"Dad,"I did my best to smile on my side but you could hear it in my voice.
"What's wrong sweetheart?"
"Joe and Jesse got in a car accident this morning."
"Are they ok?"
"Joe's in a room and up now, he just had stitches and some brutal bruises but Jesse's still in surgery."
"How are you doing?"
"I don't know,"I shrugged.
"Are you still at the hospital?"
"Alright, um, I'm picking up a friend but we'll head straight over there."
"No, you don't have to-"
"Sylar, I'm coming over there,"He laughed into the phone,"No excuses."
"I'll see you soon."

And my dad was right too. He was at the hospital within half an hour with get this, Jennifer Aniston. I know right? I was shocked since she was my dad's ex-wife, so well you never know with Hollywood these days. But getting to meet her in those few minutes, she was the sweetest person I ever met which is why I found myself changing phone numbers with her within the next hour. That same hour in which Jesse was still in surgery which was straining my nerves.

"Hey,"Kevin walked out towards the waiting room with Danielle,"Joe's wandering if you were going to come back there again?"
"I guess,"I shrugged,"I was kinda waiting on news about J."
"The doctor will still let you know,"Kevin smiled.
"Ok,"I nodded as I took Milo's hand and followed Kevin with him, my dad, and Jen to Joe's room again.

As I sat in there, listening to Joe laugh and talk, I would look at the clock to see the hours tick away with no news on Jesse. Milo noticed that I was on edge as he slowly put one arm around my waist as I stood there.

Finally the doctor came into the room and asked,"Sylar Jonas?"
"Yes?"I looked up at him.
"Let's talk in the hall,"He motioned to me as I looked back at Milo.
"Hey,"Milo played with my fingers,'I'll be right here, ok?"
"Thanks,"I kissed him lightly as he ran a thumb over my cheek.

Walking out to the hallway, I stopped to look at the doctor as he took a deep breath.
"You're Mr.McCartney's choregrapher correct?"
"Yes. How is he?"
"Well,"He sighed,"He's out of surgery but he's still asleep."
"What happened?"I asked as I looked at him.
"Seeing as the impact hit him the most, he substained a shattered left ankle, compound fracture in his wrist, along with several other deep incisions that we had to stitch."
"But he's ok?"
"He'll be in a lot of pain but he should recover 100%."
"Why was he in surgery so long?"I asked wanting to know since those things shouldn't have tooken so long.
The doctor looked down for a second than back at me,"When we first got him in, he had lost a lot of blood and we lost him for 3 minutes."
"Oh my god-"I slid down the wall thinking of what just happened.
"When he wakes up, I'll send you in."
"Thanks,"I smiled up lightly at him as he walked off and I heard the hospital room door open again.

Feeling myself being picked up, I held onto Milo as he calmed me down a bit. This was all becoming too much.