Hollywood Won't Know What Hit It

On Set

Milo took me home that night after I got to talk to Jesse for a few minutes. It broke my heart that he was in the shape that he was.

"Are you going to be ok?" Milo asked while I sat on a barstool as he got me a Diet Coke.
"I guess so," I shrugged as I opened the can that slid in front of me, "It's just, I didn't think something like this would happen to me or my family."
"The person who did it will go to jail."
"It almost doesn't seem like enough," I shrugged as took a sip.
"Don't do anything drastic," Milo gave me a look as I nodded when his phone rang, "Hello? No, she's fine...um, I'm not sure...no she's with me...I'll call you back and let you know....alright, bye."

"Who was that?" I asked as I watched him hang up the phone.
"Quinto," Milo smirked at me, "You know, my co-worker."
"I know who that is," I glared at him slightly, "What'd he want?"
"We were supposed to go to the movies and get some coffee tonight. I told him I wasn't sure if you needed me here or if you want to come with me?"
"You're dating someone else?" I smirked as he rolled his eyes.
"I could use some getting out of here," I nodded at him, "If I'm stuck in one spot and not doing much, that's when I really think about it."
"So do you want to go with us?"
"I guess," I shrugged, "But I'm all dressed in well down stuff."
"You'll be fine," Milo smiled as he kissed me quickly, "You look fine."
"I'll call Zach and let him know."

Milo went to make his call as I went to freshen up. I fixed my make up and hair mainly. My clothes were super comfortable right now, I didn't feel like changing into anything else. I slide shoes back on as I went back into the living room to find Milo sitting on the couch with his phone. I curled up in his side as he held onto me.

"I'm going back to the hospital in the morning. Are you coming with me?"
"I've got shooting in the morning for a while," He mentioned while rubbing my arm.
"It's only til noon, then I'll be home until 7, if you want to go visit them then, I'll go with you."
"It doesn't matter," I shrugged as I looked at him, "I just want to spend some time with you."
"How about you come out to shooting tomorrow night? You can watch me film and I'll have someone who's incredible adorable to talk to in between shots."
"Just adorable?" I smirked up at him.
"And sexy."
"Thank you," I smiled at him.
"So are you going with me tomorrow?"
"Sounds good," I smiled at him then remembered our talk about the trip, "Are we still going to Romania?"
"Unless you don't want to."
"No, I do," I nodded up at him.
"Good," He smiled as he kissed my lips lightly.
"It'll be fun."
"It will," He smiled as there was a knock at his door as he went to answer it.

Spending time with Zach was fun. He was so sweet and super funny. He knew how to keep her mind off of things like all the drama that she was going through with Joe and Jesse. She was glad that she had Milo there as the boyfriend side of things then Zach there as the crazy friend side.

In the morning, Sylar got up extra early to head to the hospital since Joe was leaving at 10 that day but Jesse was still going to be there for another few days. She spent most the time talking to him since she didn't do much of it yesterday since he was still out of it. It hurt her still to see him that emotional about things that he had no control over or weren't his fault. By noon, she left the hopsital, taking Joe back home then going home to spend a few hours with him then went back to Milo's apartment in which she found him getting things done around the house.

After a quick lunch and finishing laundry, 7 came quicker than thought as Milo took her to the set in which she sat in his chair most the time as she watched him. Adrian, Zach, Greg, and Hayden were there in which she was ok with the first three but Hayden kept sending her death glares from across the room.

"I swear, she's sending me death glares," I mentioned to Adrian as he sat down next to me.
"Hayden," I looked at her.
"Well you are dating her ex-boyfriend."
"Yeah," I shrugged, "And we've been together how long now? She should get over it. I mean she did kiss Jesse and malnipualte him about his dancers for a while."
"So you both having something against each other," Adrian smirked, "You'll be friends in no time."
"I'm just saying, she'll get over it. She's just not used to seeing you with him still."
"Maybe," I shrugged.
"But I heard a certain someone is going to Romania with Milo. Sounds serious," Adrian elbowed me lightly as I blushed.
"We haven't been together that long," I stressed on the "that", "I mean it's not like we're getting married."
"Dude," I looked at him wide eyed, "You sound like my parents."