Hollywood Won't Know What Hit It

Destination Romania

I couldn't believe my eyes as I stepped off the plane. The scenary was absoultely beautiful. And the weather, even though it was raining was great. It beat the hell out of LA any day. As we stepped on to the terminal, Milo took my hand in which I smiled at him.

This trip was going to be perfect, I just knew it was. Even if someone wanted to sabotage it, I'd seriously hurt them if they did right now.

"I love it," I smiled at him as I kissed him quickly on the lips.
"We just got here," Milo smirked as we headed to get our bags.
"I know, but it's beautiful here."
"Just wait til you see what else I've got planned for us."
"Tell me," I played with his fingers as he smirked.
"No," He laughed, "You can wait."
"Fine," I pouted as we finally got all our luggage then headed to the hotel in the middle of the town that was just as gorgeous as the rest of the town.

We spent the day walking along the streets, just taking in the ancient structures, stopping for coffe then for lunch as we sat outside in the nice warm sunshine.

Milo's hand slide across the table as his fingers entwined with mine as I gave him a silent smile in which he spoke softly.

"There's a double feature thriller in the old theatre tonight if you want to go?"
"What are they showing?" I asked scared that it might be super gory.
"Bram Stoker's Dracula and Near Dark."
"Aww, you miss Adrian," I smirked at him.
"No," He gave me a slight glare, "It's just what's showing."
"Kinda ironic that they're showing two vampire movies and we're in Romania don't you think?"
"It is," He nodded, "But we can cuddle up closely in the theater, keep each other safe."
"You make it seem like I'm scared of vampires," I laughed as he smirked at me.
"It'll be romantic."
"Blood and romance," I sighed, "You sure do know the way to my heart."

By night fall, we went to the theater in which I cuddled up next to Milo who happened to be extremely warm right now. It was nice, even though many people looked at us strangely for being a tad bit romantic during a vampire movie. I mean it's not like we were 100% normal anyways, it was way to overrated to be normal.

When the movies ended, we headed back to our hotel room, half tired, but I opted to go to the shower since it had been a long day. Then tomorrow, Milo was taking me to the chocolate shop he'd been telling me about as well as a hike through the woods.

As I walked out of the shower again, I heard Milo on speaker phone with someone who's voice wasn't clear until I got closer.

"Have you asked her yet?" I heard Zach ask him as I eased dropped for a bit.
"No," I heard Milo reply, "I'm waiting for the right moment."
"What's wrong with now?"
"I don't know," He shrugged as I heard Zach laugh on the other line.
"Trust me, I don't she'll say no."
"I hope so."
"Just ask her."

My heart was racing. What did he want to ask me? Was it marriage? I wasn't sure if I could say yes to marriage yet. It was one of those things that made me nervous even though I could be loyal, faithful, all the above. It's just, I don't know, it made me nervous.

Hearing him finish his phone call, I decided to walk out into the room with him, pretending I didn't hear his conversation as I sat next to him in front of the blazing fireplace. I wrapped my arms around his waist as I felt him tense for a quick second.

"What's wrong?"
"Don't lie," I looked up at him as he sighed.
"It's just-"
"I don't know how to say this."
"Milo," I sat up to look at him more.
"Well, it's just a thought and I was wondering."
"You were wondering what?" My breath caught in my throat as he reached into his pocket.
"It's nothing too serious but since we've been spending a lot a time with each other," Milo took out a set of keys to show them to me, "Will you move in with me?"
"Move in with you?" I questioned as he nodded as I bit my lip to think then nodded, "Yes."
"Yes," I smiled as he kissed me quickly as he now looked happier than anything.