Hollywood Won't Know What Hit It


Waking up the next morning in Milo's bed with him felt different this time. Now it finally felt like I belonged here since I didn't have to leave. I quickly got out of bed after kissing him on the lips then headed out to the kitchen in some of his clothes that I found next to the bed. I shuddered at the coldness of the floor as I made my way to the kitchen in which I found Adrian already there.

"Morning Adrian," I smiled at him hoping it'd make him feel better.
"Hi," He looked at me out of the corner of his eyes from his spot by the coffee pot, "I made coffee."
"You didn't have to," I looked at him, "You are a guest here."
"But I interupted whatever you and Milo were doing."
"I'm over it," I smiled at him, "And I'm pretty sure he is too. You're our friend, we aren't going to just leave you alone."
"Thanks," He smiled lightly as I got two mugs down.
"Don't mention it," I slid one mug over to him, "So what happened last night?"
"I went out with an old friend whom I haven't seen in a while," Adrian rubbed his forehead, "We went out for a drink, which turned into two which soon turned into way too many."
"And Natalie kicked you out why?" I questioned as he looked at me.
"She didn't want to our kids to see me like that and I argued with her."
"Oh," I nodded as I shrugged, "Well if she kicks you out again, you're always welcome here."
"Thanks," He smiled as he looked at me, "I take it, you accepted moving with Milo?"
"Yes," I smiled wider as his grin crept up again.
"You should fix your sex hair," He ruffled my hair as I blushed.
"Stop it," I pushed him away with a smile as Milo walked into the kitchen.
"What's going on?" Milo smirked as Adrian laughed at me.
"You're girlfriend has sex hair."
"Oh," Milo nodded, "I knew that."
"Hey!" I looked at them both, "If I knew the two of you would gang up on me, then I wouldn't have let Adrian stay."
"Aww, Sylar," Milo put his arm around me, "But you look so cute."
"Shut up," I shoved him, "I'm going to get dressed."

I finally decided to get dressed in some jeans and then a Bon Jovi t-shirt as I walked back out into the kitchen as I looked at the two of them.

"You two want to go do something today?" I questioned as I looked at them.
"Like?" Milo asked.
"I don't know," I shrugged as I leant on the counter, "Just get out of the apartment."
"What about papparazzi?" Adrian questioned as I smirked.
"Screw papparazzi, if they want to follow us then it counts as stalking, right?"
"No parents?" Milo questioned.
"I was thinking about calling Jen since she's not a parent and she is cool."
"Then what?"
"Go shopping, play some hockey," I shrugged, "Or football."
"Actually," Adrian jumped in, "We could get the rest of the cast together and go play a match."
"See," I smiled at Milo, "So?"
"Alright," Milo nodded, "Go call Jen."

I smirked to myself as I skipped off then went to go call Jen. I was just stoked that she was going to be able to come hang out today which was fun. That and then I'd get to see Kristen again after shopping since she was going to play football with the rest of us as well. It made my day so much more better.

As we got in my car, I drove to the mall to meet Jen as my cell phone sat in the middle of the seat as Milo's fingers entwined with mine. That's when it decided to ring which I told Milo to answer it.

"Hello?" He asked as I listened to him talk, "No, she's driving right now. Ok, I will."
"Who was that?" I asked as I looked at him.
"You're dad," He looked at me, "He said it's urgent and you need to call him back as soon as possible."
"Wonder what he wanted?" I shrugged as Milo just shrugged as I kept driving.