Hollywood Won't Know What Hit It

Advice line

"Jen!" I spotted her standing in front of the mall as I ran up to her to hug her as she smiled.
"Sylar, you look amazing," She looked me up and down.
"Thanks," I smiled as I looked back at Milo and Adrian, "I had to bring those two along, so don't mind them."
"I don't," She smirked at them as I shrugged.
"Come on, let's go shop," I smiled as we headed into the mall.

We spent the longest time shopping which I think Milo was being driven nuts as I got to be a girlie girl with Jen as Milo and Adrian tagged along. Soon after, we were heading to the field to play some football as the we waited for the rest of the cast to come back.

As we did so, my phone rang being my dad as I went to answer it this time.

"Sorry, I was driving last time."
"It's ok," My dad let out a soft chuckle, "Being safe."
"One time in my life," I laughed, "So what's up?"
"I need your advice on a relationship."
"If it's with Angie, I'd rather not."
"It's not," He mentioned quietly as I was now interested.
"Then who?"
"I can't tell you."
"Is it romantic?"
"Then I need details so I know what I'm dealing with."
"Are you close to everyone?"
"Move away from them a bit," He mentioned as I got up from the bleachers as I seen Zach and Greg coming to the game as I waved.
"Ok, so?"
"It's Jen."
"What?" I couldn't believe it, "As in the same Jen that you just got a divorce from?"
"I know I shouldn't keep secrets from you but I've been seeing her."
"It's none of my business who you see," I mentioned as I shrugged, "Wait? How seeing her?"
"I thought you said it wasn't any of your business," He laughed.
"She's one of my closest friends, I need to know," I reasoned.
"We've met up at a few hotels, spent the night together."
"Ew," I twitched, "You couldn't just say you've went for coffee or something?"
"You asked."
"So what is your problem?"
"Well I am married again?"
"To a whore."
"It's the truth," I shrugged.
"I'm going to pretend, I didn't hear that."
"Pretend all you want, I still said it."
"If you were a kid, I'd ground you."
"Good one, dad," I laughed as Milo motioned for me since everyone was there, "Hey, I've got to go."
"Yeah ok. Tomorrow, lunch?"
"Yeah sure," I smiled as I knew he still wanted to talk.

As I walked back to everyone else. We decided to play guys versus girls which had me, Hayden, Kristen, Jen, and Ali on one team while Milo, Adrian, Zach, Greg, and Masi were on the other. Of course it was touch footballl but it still didn't mean that trash talking wouldn't happen.

"You're going down Milo," I sent him a look as a smirk crept across his face.
"Bring it on Jonas."
"Don't call me Jonas," I glared as he smirked.
"Then come on psycho killer."
"You're just asking for it aren't you?" I questioned as I heard someone hike the ball as I went to run.