Hollywood Won't Know What Hit It

I'll Start To Pretend I'm Ok

"I don't know,"He sighed as I rested my chin on my head.
"Yeah, me neither."
"You ok?"Milo asked looking at me.
"Yeah, fine,"I smiled lightly at him hoping I could hide my swimming head.
"No you're not,"He looked at me,"Come on, you could talk to me."
"I don't want to talk about it,"I leant back into the couch.
"Well then I don't want to sit in silence,"He looked at me,"If I guess it, would it make it better?"
"Good luck at guessing it,"I sighed.
"Ok, since you're single is a guy problem?"
"Well,"I thought for a second looking at him,"Kinda."
"Kinda?"He smirked,"So I'm on the right track?"
"Not really,"I laughed at him,"But til you mentioned it I forget about my guy problem til now."
"You're welcome,"He laughed.
"I wasn't thanking you,"I shook my head.
"So tell me about this guy,"Milo turned to face me,"Is he nice? An asshole?"
"Why? You want to date him?"I smirked.
"No,"He shoved me lightly,"I was hoping to help you out."
"Fine,"I sighed,"He's a total sweetheart. And yes he knows I exist since I'm friends with him."
"What do you like best about him?"
"They way he gets my mind off things I need to forget,"I shrugged,"And how he gets I hate going clubbing. Well then his eyes....they're so damn alluring."
Milo smirked at the thought,"Sounds like an amazing guy. So what's the problem?"
"He's dating someone way too young for him,"I sighed with a slight shrug,"And he seems happy so I don't know."
"Ah, you've fallen for the guy who's in a relationship,"Milo nodded.
"Always seems to happen, besides he probably doesn't look at me that way."
"You'd be surprised,"Milo shrugged at me,"Who knows, the guy could be so in love with you even he's afraid to admit it."
"Don't get my hopes up,"I rolled my eyes.
"Don't be so down on yourself,"Milo mumbled.

"Hey are you meeting up with Adrian tomorrow?"I asked looking at him.
"Yeah, we're supposed to just hang out or something, why?"
"You guys want to meet me for lunch?"
"Sure,"He nodded,"Is there a reason this came about?"
"I'll tell you tomorrow,"I smiled,"I just support of friends around."
"Sounds deep."
"It is, trust me it is."
"Ok, now you're scaring me,"Milo looked at me which I could've melted.
"Don't worry,"I smiled at him,"It's nothing."
"So what time are Paul and Denise coming back?"
"Not til 1 I think why?"
"Just curious,"He rubbed his chin.
"Hey this Sunday for the football game, what are you doing?"
"Nothing,"He shook his head.
"Yeah, I might be home alone so I'll need something to do."
"I'll pick you up,"He smiled,"Can't have you being alone."
"Thanks,"I smiled.

A couple hours later, we cleaned up the house to sit at the TV. I was sitting in his lap watching whatever was on as his fingers traced circles along my arms and back. It felt nice to be where I am right now but I knew it wouldn't last since well, things are complicated. I felt my eyes getting tired as I settled into his lap more and closed my eyes. Next thing I knew, I was being shooken awake by Milo to see my "parents" and brothers walk through the door.

"Hey guys,"I smiled stretching.
"Hey,"Denise smiled at me,"Sylar, who's this? And where's Kristen?"
"Kristen had to leave early,"I watched as Milo got up,"And this is my friend Milo. He just stayed to keep me company."
"Oh,"She nodded,"I'm going to go check on Frankie."
I watched as they walked off and my brothers looked at Milo.
"I guess that's my cue to head out,"Milo laughed,"So lunch tomorrow?"
"Yup,"I nodded then gave him a hug,"Thanks for staying."
"No problem,"He smiled,"I'll see you tomorrow."
"Drive carefully,"I waved at him as he walked out the door.

Turning back around, I seen my brothers making kissy faces at me and crossing their arms.

"For one,"I looked at them,"Don't start and two, you're so not pulling that protective crap."
"Aw but you two looked so cozy,"Joe smiled.
"Watch it Joseph,"I glared then turned towards Nick"And you. I need to talk to you."
"What'd I do?"Nick looked at me as I grabbed his hand.
"A lot,"I sighed pulling him up to his room.