Hollywood Won't Know What Hit It

Haning With You

Telling Adrian and Milo what happened, they looked at me like I was crazy but then they got it. Looking at the time, I had to get to rehearsals which I was sorta looking forward to since I loved dancing but I was still pissed at Jesse for how he's been treating me.

"So call me if you need to talk,"Milo smiled as I got out of the car.
"I will,"I smiled.
"And try not to kill your brother tonight."
"I won't, bye guys,"I waved as I walked into the studio.

I knew I didn't have dance clothes on right now but Jesse happened to have some for me since we're good friends and I always had a change of clothes at the studio. Changing into them, I went to stretch with the other dancers while waiting for Jesse to get back into the studio. I swear sometimes he's more of a diva than well, a diva. Turning on the cd player and finding the first song I wanted to start with to warm up, I heard "Sylar!"

Turning, Jesse ran over to me and gave me a giant hug,"I'm sorry my favorite dancer."
"Sorry? For what?"I asked Jesse pretending I had no idea what he was talking about.
"For treating you like shit,"He looked down a bit,"You're the best dancer I have and I'm sorry for earlier. I mean I am a guy."
"That's true,"I smirked,"You do tend to think with the wrong head sometimes."
"So, I forgive you,"I rolled my eyes,"Just listen to me."
"I will,"He smiled hugging me again.
"And stop hugging me!"I pushed him off me playfully.
"Ok,"He laughed as he put his hands up in the air.

"So what are you starting with?"Jesse looked at me.
"Warm up dance to Michael Jackson's "She Drives Me Wild","I shrugged,"I mean it is fun."
"Go for it,"He smiled as he backed off a bit to watch us dance.

Getting serious, we worked for 5 hours on dance numbers, solos, what not, which took us to 9 at night. That gave me an hour to condition the rest of the dancers since I hate not conditioning, I mean dancing doesn't get all the muscles trained. So by 10, I was finally gathering all my things as everyone started to leave then I remembered that I didn't drive so I had no way to get home myself.

"Hey Jesse,"I looked over to him as I packed my bag,"Think you can take me home?"
"Yeah sure,"He nodded as he walked over to me, clean since he got to shower.
"Thanks,"I smiled,"I was out with friends so I didn't drive."
"It's cool,"He put an arm around my shoulders,"Can't let my number one girl leave alone."
"Your number one girl?"
"Well who else do you think I'd hang out with more than anything?"
"Uh, girlfriend?"I shrugged.
"No,"He smiled,"I'm single again."
"Hey that makes two of us,"I laughed.
"It's because we're too cool,"He smirked at me.
"Of course,"I smirked back as we walked towards the door,"You do know Devin's my best guy friend though right?"
"Wow, talk about knife in my back,"Jesse put his free hand on his heart.
"No offense,"I smirked.
"No it's cool, you two have been friends what almost forever?"
"Yeah,"I nodded,"That crazy friend of mine."
"Date him?"
I laughed at Jesse as we walked towards the door,"Are you serious? Um, no."
"Oh, I thought-"
"Yeah,"I rolled my eyes with a smile,"I get that a lot from people but I've never kissed him either."
"Makes sense,"He shrugged as we walked out the door.

In Jesse's car, he turned on the radio which was on some random hip hop station which I turned to a rock station which I smirked at him.

"You and you're rock,"He shook his head.
"Problem?"I looked at him.
"No,"He smiled,"Just you hip hop dance and you love rock more than anything."
"Well hip hop is ok just not so much of it,"I shrugged.
"So hey, what are you doing this weekend?"
"Sunday, I'm heading over to Milo's house then Saturday I'm free. Why?"
"Well I was going to ask you to come to my party this Sunday but, I guess not."
"Sorry,"I winced at him a bit.
"No it's cool,"He smiled as he shook his head,"But Saturday you're free?"
"Yeah why?"
"I don't know, I was thinking we could go do something?"He shrugged.
"You're still trying to make up to me aren't you?"
"Is it working?"
"I'll let you know on Thursday,"I rolled my eyes,"Since I have to see you every night this week."
"Ok,"He stopped in front of my house.
"Thanks for the ride,"I smiled getting out of his car,"I'll see you tomorrow."
"Laters Sy!"

I waved by to him as I walked into the house which was quiet for 10:30 now which I guess was normal to some point. Setting down my now present bag in the living room for a second,I went to get something to eat and drink out of the kitchen but heard the TV on in the living room.

"You're finally home,"I heard beind me, turning to see Nick standing there.
"Yeah,"I nodded,"Rehearsals."
"Milo called,"Nick mentioned.
"Can't he call my-"
"You left your cell phone."
"Damn,"I smacked myself in the head.
"You're going to kill brain cells,"Nick smirked a bit.
"No more than you have,"I mumbled.
"Sylar, look about-"
"Save it,"I stopped him,"It's ok."
"It's ok?"Nick looked at me,"Last night and this morning, you wouldn't talk to me."
"I had some time to think,"I shrugged,"It's not all bad knowing my real parents I guess."
"So have you talked to him yet?"
"Nosy aren't you?"I laughed at him.
"Come on, tell me,"He whined.
"I don't know,"I walked off.
"Sylar! Please!"
"Fine,"I rolled my eyes,"I haven't had a formal conversation with him but I do have his number so I can."
"See, everything's coming into play for you,"He smirked.
I rolled my eyes as I walked off,"And you're my brother?"

Heading up to my room with my sandwich and Diet coke now, Joe was sitting at my desk since for some odd reason we shared a desk just not a room. Who knows what he was working on but he was at the desk now.

"Joe,"I nodded towards him to turn on my radio and sat on the edge of my bed.
"Hey Sylar,"Joe looked at me slightly.
"How come we still share a desk?"I looked at him seriously.
"Because you're so cool,"He smiled at me.
"Seriously? You should get your own or something,"I nodded at him taking a bit of my sandwich.
"But then we couldn't have these talks,"He smiled sweetly at me.
"What makes you think I like you?"
He gasped at me for a second before going back to what he was doing,"You do, right?"
"Eh, depends,"I shrugged.
"Sy, not cool."
"You stole my phone yesterday,"I shrugged.
"Oh yeah."
"Can't you bug Kevin?"
"Nope,"He smirked.
"You know it's times like this that make me want to strangle you."
"Mom! Sylar wants to kill me!"
"Dude,"I smacked him.

"Joe, get out of her room!"
"See,"I smirked at him,"She knows everything."
"Fine,"He grumbled,"You win."
"Always do,"I waved bye to him as I shut my door to have my phone line in my room ring,"Hello?"

"Hey Sylar, are you asleep?"asked Milo.
"No, I basically got in, what's up?"
"Mind if I stop by and bring your phone back?"
"Sure,"I shrugged,"I actually need it."
He chuckled about,"Ok,I'll see you in like 20 minutes."
"Sounds good,"I nodded.

20 minutes later, I was answering the door to see Milo standing there smiling at me with my phone.
"Thanks,"I smirked at him,"I'd be lost without it in the morning."
"I know the feeling."
"Hey do you want to come in, hang out for a bit? I'm sorta bored and everyone's heading to bed."
"Actually I should be getting back to-"He paused for a second,"You know what, why not?"
"Cool,"I smiled letting him into the house,"I was just in my room since it's late."
"Your parents won't mind me being here?"
"No,"I shook my head walking up the stairs,"Besides if I wanted to, I could move out but they complain they need a babysitter."
"That sucks,"He mentioned as I opened my door.
"You're telling me,"I walked into my room,"Well this is my room. It's pretty much still covered with favorite bands and things but it's better than boring off colored walls."
"It's nice,"He smiled.
"So sit,"I motioned,"I promise I don't bite."