Hollywood Won't Know What Hit It

Is This My Chance?

"Well thanks for bringing back my phone,"I smiled at him.
"No problem,"He smiled at me as he sat on my bed.
"I mean, I probably would've gone crazy without it."
"It happens,"He smiled as I sat next to him,"So you seriously just got back?"
"Yeah,"I tucked a piece of hair behind my ear,"Rehearsals usually take forever."
"Still mad at Jesse?"
"No,"I shook my head,"He apologized like a million times since he felt bad."
"See and you were so worried about it,"He smirked,
"I can't help it,"I shrugged.
"Well, I better be going,"He sighed,"Hayden's probably worried about me."
"Yeah,"I smiled lightly as he got up and I got up with him,"Milo wait."
"Huh?"Milo asked as he turned around to face me and I walked over to him to kiss him on the cheek lightly.
"Thanks for being there for me,"I smiled lightly at him as I backed away from him.
"No problem,"He smiled,"Don't be too bored the rest of the night."
"I won't,"I smiled at him lightly.

He walked out my door and I sighed on my bed. I swear that man had my heart which sucked. Finally getting to the shower, I then ended up falling sleep for a few hours before being woken up to Frankie downstairs yelling about something. I got dressed in some jeans and then some random shirt as I walked down the stairs.

"Hey Sylar,"Joe waved.
"What are you guys up to?"I asked turning my phone back on,"It's like 9."
"Frankie wanted to wake everyone up,"Joe rolled his eyes,"What about you?"
"Eh,"I shrugged watching that I had texts and voicemails from people,"According to my phone, I might be heading out again."
"Yeah, story of my life"I rolled my eyes walking into the kitchen to listen to my voicemails, one of them being from my friends in Quest Crew who were telling me about something amazing that I had to call them back about, then Kristen, then Jesse, then texts from people that I didn't call back. I mean how could I? I seriously didn't have my phone at the point in time.

Not feeling like calling any of them back, I decided to call Brad, which I thought we could talk or something. Hearing the phone ring for like 3 times, I almost hung up but he answered.

"Hey, sorry if I woke you up,"I opend a can of Diet Coke,"But I was wondering maybe we could hang out or something."
"Sylar, you didn't wake me,"He laughed,"And yeah sure, what time?"
"10?"I asked hopeful.
"10 sounds good,"I'll take you out to lunch and shopping"
"A dad who will take me shopping? I think I can get used to that,"I laughed.
"Alright, so I'll see you soon."
"Ok, laters."

I hung up the phone to grab my keys to my Dodge Charger, vintange though, I love old muscle cars. Starting the car, I listened to the engine purr as I smiled, putting some Lostprophets into the car then heading to met my dad. Parking alongside the door, I seen him standing against a wall of a building with sunglasses on.

"Nice car,"He smiled at me.
"What can I say? New is so boring anymore,"I smirked.
"So, anywhere you want to go in general?"
"Not really?"I sighed with a shrug,"Before we go, answer me this."
"Why did you leave for adoption and never come to find me?"
"I was young when I had you, so was your mom, we had no clue what to do, no one would help us,"He looked at me slowly,"We thought if we gave you up for adoption, you'd have a better life."
"It would've been nice to know my dad is well Brad Pitt,"I moved a piece of hair out of my eyes,"Maybe figure out why, he never called. I mean from my point of view, he would seem like an asshole for never finding me."
"When I started to look for you again, you were 8 and I wanted to see you but no one would let me."
"What do you mean no one would let you?"I looked at him.
"You're adoptive parents wouldn't allow me to visit, trust me, I sent letters, everything but they never got to you."
"Ok, so now that that's pissed me off-"
"Don't hate your younger brothers though,"He chuckled a bit,"They didn't do it."
"No, it's just frustrating, I mean all my life, I wanted answers and to know now that I could've had them, it's like why?"
"Well, I'm here now and if you need a place to stay, you're welcome to stay with me,"He smiled.
"Thanks,"I smiled,"But no offense or anything but I'm not an Angelina Jolie fan."
"It's ok,"He laughed,"I figured you didn't want her here."
"Wow, we are related,"I laughed.
"Sylar,"He sighed turning me towards him,"I know I can't make up for the past 23 years but I don't want to lose you."
"You won't,"I smiled.
"So are we ok?"
"Yeah,"I shrugged,"I don't think I could hate you."

We started walking for a bit longer, getting lunch, then shopping when Milo decided to call me again.

"Hey,"He spoke first,"What's up?"
"Well, I'm spending time with my dad."
"Oh,"He drew out,"Everything ok?"
"Yeah,"I smiled,"It's fine. What's up that you called?"
"Just wondering if you wanted to hang out?"
"Um, hold on a second,"I moved the phone to look at Brad,"Hey is it cool if a friend comes hang out with us?"
"Sure,"He shrugged.
"Ok, Milo,"I went back to the phone call,"Come meet us out here."
"Ok,"He laughed,"I'll see you in a bit."

Hanging up the phone, I kept shopping with my dad when Milo seen us and ran up to me to give me a hug. Jumping on his back as we kept walking, it was fun since Milo kept cracking jokes at me.

"Sir, I apologize for being so clingy to your daugher,"Milo looked at Brad.
"It's ok,"He laughed,"You make her smile, so it makes me happy."
"Dude stop being so nervous around him,"I laughed then kissed his cheek,"I mean it's cute you're nervous but he's not going to bite."
"I know but you might,"Milo looked at me.
"Watch it,"I glared slightly at him.
"You better hope I don't drop you,"He threatened with a smile.
"You wouldn't,"I looked at him wide eyed.
"Watch,"Milo let go of my legs as I et out a scream and he caught me again to laugh.
"You're being a jerk,"I smacked him lightly.
"Kids behave,"Laughed Brad.
"Yes dad,"I rolled my eyes.
"So are you two dating?"asked my dad.
"No,"I sighed,"We're just friends."
"Yeah I've got a girlfriend,"Milo mentioned as I jumped off his back.
"Really? I wouldn't have thought so,"He looked at him curiously.
"Yeah,"Milo sighed a heavy sigh,"She's always clubbing so whatever."
"Sounds like the end of a relationship."
"I don't know,"He shrugged,"I mean there is this girl I really like to but it's confusing."
"Love will do that to you,"He patted him on the back.
"Can we not talk about love?"I asked walking away from the both of them,"So boring."
"Boring?"Milo raised an eyebrow at me as he ran after me done the street.