Hollywood Won't Know What Hit It

All I Want Is Everything

Milo semi-tackled me in the street since he threw his arms around me as I almost fell over but he caught me. I was too busy laughing my ass off to notice the stares from people that I was getting from people.

"Is love boring now?"Milo asked laughing.
"Yes,"I laughed trying to get my breath.
"I guess I just have to change your mind then,"He sighed while standing up but keeping his arms around me.
"Whatever,"I rolled my eyes,"Anyways, I'm starved. Where'd my dad go?"
"Probably back there somewhere,"Milo turned me to face him,"You still have rehearsals tonight?"
"Yup, until Saturday then well Sunday I'm hanging out with you the whole day."
"And Adrian, Dino, and Russ and whoever they bring."
"Sounds fun,"I smiled looking into his eyes and getting lost for a second until my dad walked back up.
"Are you guys ready to get something to eat?"My dad asked.
"Yeah,"I smiled at bit,"Let's go."

Walking to the resturant, my dad soon left which left me and Milo alone for a while. It was nice though since we could talk or not what. I still had 2 hours before I had to go to rehearsals which wasn't too bad. Me and Milo were just walking along the boardwalk, talking as the smell of the ocean waves filled the air.

"So, what is it you look for in a guy?"Milo asked getting serious.
"Well,"I thought for a second,"He has to make me laugh and a room full of people make me feel like I'm the only one. Then he has to be able to get me, what I do, stand up to me with my arguments, be my support system and not care if I'm gone on tour or get jealous."
"Is that all?"He looked at me.
"He would know my deepest fears, doubts, ambitious, what makes me cry, what to say or do to stop me from crying, and basically get to know everything about me."
"That's deep,"He nodded at me.
I smiled at him,"I know right? But everytime I think I find this guy, he's either in a relationship or doesn't exist."
"That sux."
"Yeah, so what about you? I mean you seem to have found that someone,"I nudged him lightly.
"People do change,"He sighed,"I don't know it's like Hayden's not the one I want to be with forever now."
"Really?"I asked looking at him.
"Yeah,"He smiled lightly,"It's just some friends have noticed and told me there's other girls out there, plus I've got this friend who told me she knows someone who likes me."
"Wow,"I looked away from him,"Do you like her?"
"Yeah,"He smiled,"She's a tad bit crazy but she's so into working and getting to her goals that her crazyiness doesn't matter."
"Some girl,"I mumbled.
"And she's one hell of a dancer,"Milo laughed.
"I bet I'm better,"I smirked at him.
"Did I mention she's really competive?"He threw a smirk at me.
"Do I know her?"
"I'd hope so,"Milo pulled me against the railing and leant into me, our lips almost touching.
"I know,"He let out a slow breath,"It's wrong."
"I wouldn't stop but the whole you're dating someone else thing."
"Sucks huh?"Milo smiled lightly.
"It does but when the time is right,"I smiled at him a bit to move out from underneath him,"Come on, I need to get to rehearsals."

Leaving Milo was hard since I wanted nothing more than to run up to him and kiss him but I just wasn't that girl. Getting to rehearsals, I stepped into the room to see Jesse talking to the one girl who I was so not into right now, yes standing there and flirting with Jesse was none other than Hayden Panttiere.

"Jesse,"I nodded.
"Oh hey,"Jesse waved me over,"Sy, this is Hayden and Hayden this is Sylar."
"We know each other,"I looked at her.
"Well,"Jesse felt the tension between the two of us,"Hayden called to come hang out with me after rehearsal, want to come with?"
"No,"I shook my head,"I've got other plans."
"Ok,"He shrugged.

Getting to dancing, I felt Hayden send me glares for some reason. Honestly I had no clue why. I didn't have a problem with her, other than the fact that she was dating Milo and well I think she's cheating on him now. I mean why else would you be hanging out with Jesse like that. I didn't know but I was going to find out, that's why I ended up calling Devin in which I met him at the same club that Jesse and Hayden were going to.

"Dev!"I threw my arms around him as he sat at a chair around a table with his girlfriend, Brad, and Brad's girlfriend.
"Sy,"Devin smiled as he pulled me into his lap,"So what made you decide to come out to a club tonight?"
"I haven't seen you in a while,"I smirked.
"Yeah the girl hasn't seen you yet she has no time for me,"Devin's girlfriend, Krista scouffed.
"I can't help it your boyfriend won't let me go,"I smirked at her.
"He does that,"She laughed.
"I know, it gets rather annoying,"I rolled my eyes,"People wonder things after a while."
"Hey, I invite you to hang with my girlfriend,"Devin laughed,"Something fun could happen."
"Ew, no,"I got off Devin to see Jesse come through the door with Hayden.
"Ah, you're stalking Jesse?"
"No,"I rolled my eyes,"I think my friend's being cheated on."
"Milo?"asked Brad.
"Yeah,"I sighed,"So I don't know I mean I don't know if I could break it to him."
"Don't worry if she is,"Devin nodded to them,"It'll blow up on her."
"But I don't want to know then have him grill me on it then him get pissed since I didn't say anything."

Just as I thought that, I looked over to see Hayden making out with Jesse. My mouth dropped open and I felt like I was being stabbed in the back or something. I mean not only did she just cheat on my friend/crush but I knew she was "talking" to Jesse about something and he'd listen. Walking out of the club, I decided not to pay attention to anyone else then just headed out of there. I couldn't take it anymore. I just wanted Milo but not at his heart breaking into a million pieces, I mean it's not fun to be cheated on in the first place.

Driving over to his place, I knocked on his door at about 11 to which he answered. Thank god he was alone right now.

"Syalr? What's up?"
"Um, can I talk to you?"I asked,"It's kinda important."
"Ok,"He let me in,"Are you ok? Did something happen?"
"Um sit,"I ran a hand through my hair.
"What happened?"
"Well, I got to rehearsals and Jesse had Hayden there since they were going clubbing and I had this feeling which I knew wasn't really any of my business so I checked it out with Devin and well"
"Well what?"Milo looked at me.
"Hayden was making out with Jesse,"I sighed then didn't look at him,"I know it's not my place to tell you but I didn't want you to be in the dark or hate me for not telling you."
Milo was speechless as I looked back at him,"Are you going to be ok?"
"Go home Sylar."
"Milo if you need to talk-"
"Leave,"He glared at me.
"Ok,"I sighed getting up then walking out his door.

I didn't get too far since I slid down the wall to put my head in my hands and let out my few silent tears. I don't know how long I just sat there since I felt so bad. I wanted nothing more to run back in there and comfort him but couldn't, I mean he was pissed and it felt like the ground glued me to the floor. Hearing someone walk towards his door, I turned my tear stained eyes, to see Hayden walking with a smile towards his door.

"Sylar, are you ok?"She asked before going into his apartment.
"Does it matter to you?"I got up to glare at her.
"I'm just-"
"Don't,"I walked off,"You don't care about anyone's feelings."

Leaving the building, I walked along the street trying to think of what to do or where to go. I didn't want to go home right now. I'd get hammered with questions at home and I didn't want to talk about it right now. I sat in my car and just cried as I thought of how could Milo was once I told him. I knew it would happen but I couldn't stand not telling him. I mean if it was me in his place, I'd want someone to tell me what's going in my relationship. Picking up my phone, I called my dad since well I don't know.

"Dad?"I sniffled through the phone line.
"Sylar, are you ok?"
"Um, a little,"I pushed back tears,"Can I stay at your house tonight?"
"Sure, what's wrong?"
"I don't want to talk about right now. I'll tell you when I get there."
"Ok,"He sighed,"Just let me know when you get here."