Hollywood Won't Know What Hit It

The Best Friend Saves The Day

So this is where the famous Brad Pitt lives? Nice. I walked up to the doorway to ring the doorbell waiting for an answer. I know it's late but hopefully someone will still answer it. Waiting a few minutes, the door opened to be my dad in pajamas in a robe as I smiled at him. He let me in then lead me to the kitchen where I sat at the table.

Handing me a cup of hot chocolate, he sat down across from me.
"So, mind telling me what's up?"He asked lightly.
"I think I may have lost a good friend,"I sighed.
"And what's that?"
"Well his girlfriend, she was at rehearsals and I had this feeling, you know one of those that you have to find out something,"I looked at him,"Anyways, so I went to the club that Jesse said he was going to with her, then I seen them, only to find them making out."
"I see, so what'd you do?"
"I went to talk to Milo,"I sighed,"I mean I couldn't be the one to just keep my mouth shut. Not like I wanted to break them up but I couldn't pretend like nothing happened. So I told him and then he got spechless and told me to leave. He got all cold."
I sniffled back a few tears as Brad looked at me with a small smile,"and here I am crying to you, my dad I just met a few days ago about something so stupid."
"Sweetheart it's not stupid,"He got up to hug me,"Milo's a sweet guy and from what I can tell, he really likes you too. Just give him time ok?"
"Ok,"I sighed wiping my tears.
"Now, let me show you to the guest room and you can get some rest,"He stood up and kissed me on the forehead,"Try not to think much of it tonight."
"I won't,'I smiled at him lightly.

Finishing off my hot chocolate, I head got up to head to the guest room. He gave me a change of clothes for the night and I went to the shower. Falling asleep was hard, I kept looking at my phone hoping that Milo would be calling me to say he was sorry or something. Anything to let me know I wasn't out of his life for good.
In the morning, I woke up to the sounds of kids yelling which is something I didn't want to deal with right now so I gathered my things and headed downstairs.

Downstairs, where I seen Angelina Jolie and my dad. I guess he didn't tell her I was staying but whatever, not that I cared.

"Sweetheart, are you leaving?"asked my dad.
"Yeah,"I sighed,"I'm going to head home, they're probably wondering about me."
"You can stay if you want,"He looked at me
"Nah,"I shook my head,"I don't want to be a burden but I'll call you later."
"Alright,"He kissed my forehead lightly,"And just know you're not a burden to me."
"Thanks,"I smiled as I walked out the door.

Getting home, the rest of my family was awake but I didn't want to deal with them either so up to my room, I went until there was a knock at my door.

"Sylar?"Kevin asked.
"Go away!"
"Sylar, come on,"Kevin sighed,"Pleas?"
"Fine,'I sighed,"Come in."
"Sy, what's wrong?"Kevin crossed my room to sit in the chair.
"Nothing, just rough night,"I smiled at him.
"Yeah but you've always at least said 'good morning' or something along those lines but you haven't."
"I'm fine,"I looked at him,"I just want to be alone right now."
"Ok,"He sighed,"But mom and dad are pissed you didn't call."
"I'm 23, it shouldn't matter,"I mumbled.
"What?"Kevin asked from my door way.
"Sylar, you've got a vistor downstairs,"Joe stood in my doorway too.
"God, can no one leave me alone?"I rolled my eyes to push past them and head to see how was here for me.

Walking down the stairs, I slightly prayed that it was Milo standing there but was a bit crushed when I seen Adrian standing there.

"Adrian?"I asked as I walked over to him,"What are you doing here?"
"Milo called me last night,"He sighed,"Come on, you're coming with me."
"Where? And Why? And dude I've got no make up on-"
"You look fine,"He rolled his eyes,"Just grab your phone, a Diet Coke and come with me."
"Ok, ok,"I nodded then headed upstairs to at least put on some eyeliner then got my phone to head back to him.

Adrian walked out the door with me as I got in his car to have him start it.
"So why exactly are you kidnapping me?"I looked at him.
"Milo told me what went on and as much of a best friend I am to him, I know you're probably feeling a million times worse."
"And you know this how?"I looked at him.
"Because,"I nodded out the window,"For one I've been there and two, Milo feels bad but he's still really upset."
"So I take it, I won't be hearing from him yet?"
"Probably not but for that reason, I'm here to take your mind off him,"He threw me a smile.
"Thanks, I think,"I looked at him.
"Oh you'll love me after this,"He smiled bigger.