Lonely In Nevada, Lovers In Kansas

Whoever said that Cupid's arrows wouldn't hurt?

Roses? Check!
Rose petals on the bed? Check!
Champagne? Check!
Fiancée throwing a ring at you and packing up her things? Check!

I don’t know why she believes my phone over me but as of a half hour ago, my whole world had just collapsed with a single text message. Everything was perfectly fine too! It was just Keltie and I, enjoying the holiday together by laying in bed, and then I received the message. Within a few seconds, she opened it up, went all wide-eyed, and left a lovely bruise on my forehead from throwing the phone at me. From then until now, she was screaming at me and packing up all her stuff with tears running down her face. I can’t even get a word out without her cutting me off!


“I knew that when you said you were going out with the guys you were seeing someone else! I knew it!”


“And I had to find out through a text message!”


“If you didn’t love me then why didn’t you just break up with me?! This is bull shit, Ross, absolute bull shit!!”

I was leaning up against the wall trying to stay as calm as possible. What else can I do if she’s just going to keep this up? She finished packing and walked right past me with her bag, still crying. I followed close behind all the way out to her car as she was putting it in her trunk.

“Keltie, can you just listen to me for a second,” I begged.

“No! Why should I?! So you can make up some pathetic excuse to get out of this and say you love me when you don’t mean it?! Fuck you, Ross,” she screamed, getting into her car and starting it.

“Keltie,” I started, standing outside the driver window of her car looking at her.

“I said ‘fuck you’,” she screamed through the glass and backed out of the driveway, running over all five of my toes on my right foot in the process. I began to jump in pain as she sped down the street and out of sight. After jumping around for a bit, I fell back onto the grass and just lay there in pain with many thoughts running through my head. I didn’t cheat. How could she think that I would cheat on her when I love her?

Of course, news spreads quickly, so my thoughts were interrupted by my cell phone vibrating in my pocket with an array of text messages, all from the guys. After reading over them quickly, I just threw my phone onto the grass and limped inside. I pulled out the phonebook, looked up a number, and dialed it into my house phone. As I waited for someone to answer, I limped back upstairs and threw some essentials into a duffel bag.

“Yes, taxi service? I need a taxi sent right over to my house. Mhm…mhm…yes I can give it to you.”

I recited my address into the phone and went right back downstairs to fill up Hobo’s food bowl. I scribbled some nonsense on a note for when the guys decide to come over and then just drug myself outside to wait for the taxi. I needed to start over. I never cheated, but why do I suddenly feel like I did?
♠ ♠ ♠
first chapter = short always and forever
its because of this: http://www.buzznet.com/musicnews/ryan-ross-back-market-sort-j3761681/
thought about it with the help of ashley of couse =)

what do you think so far?