Lonely In Nevada, Lovers In Kansas

Why did I get up there and sing?


There was a lot of commotion in the crowd after she figured out who I was. My eyes darted all around the room, as the stir of whispering became more of screams and people running closer to the stage. I dropped the microphone and ran down the mini staircase over back to the table that Daisy and I were at. She looked super confused when I approached her, but we couldn't hang around here to talk about it. I grabbed her wrist and violently pulled her out of her seat and continued running to leave the restaurant.

"Ow Ryan, what is going on," she asked while crying out in pain from my grip.

"Just run," I replied quickly. She picked up the pace and we darted straight for her car. When we got in, there were people outside of the building looking in all directions to where we went. "Just back out and drive," I commanded. She put the truck in reverse and sped backwards, trying as hard as she could to not hit anyone. When she was able to, she put the truck in drive and sped forward and out onto the road. The group of people ran down the street a little to follow us, but we were too fast for them. They gave up and just watched us drive away. I sighed in relief that it was over quickly.

"Sorry about that," I apologized.

"What was that all about," she asked, still confused.

"They caught me," I looked out the window. She didn't reply surprisingly. I just didn't say anything else and the ride back to her house was quiet. The second we got home; I just went right to my room to lay down. That's when I realized that people might blog about it, word will get out on my whereabouts, and then the guys will be here in a heartbeat. I buried my face into my pillow and screamed.


Ryan went right to his room when we got home and closed the door behind him. I just slumped down in the couch and tried to relax. Too bad Amy just had to come over bursting through the front door to gloat.

"Don't say it," I mumbled.

"But you do know that I was right, right," she managed to still say it. I rolled my eyes.

"Who exactly is he?"

"Are you serious," she asked. I nodded, still confused. "He's in a band. I played their CD for you before too!"

I thought back but I couldn't remember. "Name some of the songs that I liked."

"Your favorites were Folkin' Around and Behind The Sea," she said. My eyes opened wide.

"He's from that band," I exclaimed, trying to stay quiet so that he didn't hear me.

"Yeah, I am." Both Amy and I looked over and there he was staring at both of us. "I'm super sorry if people start stalking your house now. I'm just going to go stay at a hotel or something."

"No, no, no," I stood up. "You don't have to leave. I'm sure no one will be stalking me. It's fine really."

"I don't want to be a bother and I said that if I was then to tell me so."

"But I didn't say that you were being a bother, did I?"

"But I can tell."

"I don't think you're being a bother," I started. "Look, Ryan, I like having you here. I like your company and the conversations we have. You are a lot of fun. Just stay, please?"

He smiled instantly. "Ok then, but only cause I enjoy all of that too."

I smiled right back and my heart felt like it melted again.
♠ ♠ ♠
not great, but I couldnt think of anything else
and I also wanted to update because
xD *parties*

now...how about comments??
it gets better, dont worry!