Lonely In Nevada, Lovers In Kansas

Why doesn't he like me?

“I thought you said you never played this game before,” Jon whined back at Ryan’s house a few days later. I was playing against him in Mario Kart and I was surprisingly winning.

“I never have,” I kept my concentration on the screen. “It’s not that hard to learn though.”

Brendon was sitting next to Jon, laughing at him. Ryan had his head in my lap and was laughing as well. As for Spencer, he was still texting on his phone, not paying any attention to what was going on. He only looked up when he heard Jon slam his controller down onto the ground. “Jeez Ryan, you picked a smart one.” Ryan smiled with pride as I took my opportunity to laugh. Brendon began to poke Jon just to annoy him. I looked over at Spencer who was looking at me. He just rolled his eyes and went back to texting.

I don’t know what this boy’s problem is. I haven’t said a single word to him and he instantly thinks that I’m public enemy number one. I still was friendly though. I smiled at him and waved, but that didn’t matter to him. He would just roll his eyes and go back to his phone conversation.

“Hey Ryan, can I talk to you alone for a second,” I asked him.

“Sure,” he lifted up his hand and led me into the kitchen. “Something wrong?”

“Well, it’s just that Spencer seems to hate me or somethin'.”

“Oh,” he said, looking down at his feet.

“Does he?”

“No, he just doesn’t know you that’s all. You should try getting to know him, he’s a nice guy,” he looked back up at me.

“He doesn’t even talk to me though, how am I going to talk to him?”

Ryan went into deep thought for a bit, thinking up a plan to get me to talk to Spencer. “Follow my lead,” he held my hand again and led me back to our originally spots in front of the T.V. Brendon and Jon were playing Mario Kart now and Spencer was still texting.

“Hey guys,” Ryan spoke up. “You want to go grab some food or something?”

“Yes,” Brendon jumped up His car on the screen completely stopped as Jon passed by him and won the race.

“Yes, I won,” Jon threw his arms up in the air. He stood up, still screaming with joy. “Now I’m hungry. Let’s go!”

The three of them headed out the door, Ryan winking at me before closing the door behind him. I stood there awkwardly while Spencer continued to text.

“So,” I sat down next to him. “I think we got off to a rocky start, but I’m willing to start all over again though.” I held my hand out to him. “I’m Daisy.”

“And I don’t like you,” he finally spoke to me without taking his gaze off his phone. My hand dropped and so did my smile.


He looked up at me and began to speak again. “I don’t like you. Ryan doesn’t either. He is just trying to get over Keltie. When she gets back, he will dump you in a heartbeat and you’ll be back to the trailer park in Alabama or wherever the hell you came from."

My mouth fell open. At least I got him to talk, I just wish that he wouldn't say stuff like this. I began to choke up, the tears building up in my eyes. I'm smart enough to know that he isn't telling the truth, but what if he was? I bit my bottom lip to hold back the tears. Spencer was smirking in victory knowing that he had hit my weak spot and jerked some tears out of me.

"Face it," he pushed his phone into his pocket. "You are just the rebound girl.” He stood up from the couch and began to walk to the door. I didn't move my head at all from where I was looking. "When they get back, just tell them I had something that came up." He opened the door. "And what I just said doesn't get repeated, got it?"

I shook my head, still not moving my gaze. I heard the door close and then felt the warm streaks of water fall down my face. I know I shouldn't believe Spencer, but this was all too much for me. I have never been in this type of situation before and now was definitely not a good time to start. What do I say to Ryan when he comes home?
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its going to be a good story i promise!!!!
not kidding...its completely what you don't expect to happen by the end

so about this chapter...spencer is a meanie pnats xP