Lonely In Nevada, Lovers In Kansas

What have I done?

I could have sworn that I have stopped breathing. She couldn't have wanted me back. Out of all the times for her to return, why now? I didn't know what to do, what to say even. I ran my fingers through my hair multiple times. I scratched the back of my neck every now and then. I even kept on digging my toes into the ground. There was nothing I could do. I opened my mouth to speak, but my tongue was dry and no words came out. I cleared my throat and tried again, but still nothing.

Under the power of Keltie, I was a weak man. She just had this force over me that took complete control and had me acting as if I were her slave. I was like putty in her hand. She smirked a little, knowing that she had me wrapped around her finger. There was nothing that I could do to make her go away. "Ryan," she waved her hand in front of my face. "Ryan, are you ok?"

I blinked a couple of times and took a deep breath in. "I-I-I'm sorry, Keltie. But I f-found someone else."

She raised her eyebrows at me. "Oh really?" She pushed by me and walked into the house, her heels clicking on the ground. "And where is she?"

"Upstairs, she hasn't been feeling well," I lied.

"Good," she turned around and smiled. "Then she wouldn't mind if we did this." She tugged at the bottom of my shirt and pulled my into a kiss. I scrunched up my face and pulled away.

"Keltie no, when I say I found someone else, that means that I'm over you."

"Don't be ridiculous, Ryan, I know that you didn't choose some trailer trash hillbilly over me," she walked her fingers up my chest and kissed me again.

"She is not trailer trash," I pulled away again.

"Stop resisting Ryan," she smirked and moved her lips to my ear. "I know you want me back," she whispered. I felt my knees begin to shake. She knows how much of an effect she has over me and at this point, she was winning. I felt her leaving a trail of kisses across my cheek as she made her way back to my lips.

"Ryan," I thought I heard Daisy call. I was too far deep into Keltie's spell though to respond. "Ryan," I heard it again. I slipped my tongue into Keltie's mouth and began to massage mine against hers. "Ryan!"

I jumped from the sudden scream and looked over at the stairs. Daisy was holding onto the railing, dressed in the same outfit she had worn all week. Her hair was messed up and her eyes looked like that were about to pour out a load of tears. "Wh-who is s-she," she stuttered.

"Oh," Keltie tapped her chin. "This is the girl." She walked over to the stairs and stood in front of Daisy. "Howdy! Would y'all like some help washin' them clothes in the crick?"

"Keltie, stop that!"

"Ex-excuse me?"

"Was I speaking to fast," Keltie mocked. "I. Can. Talk. Slower. If. You. Would. Like."

"I heard you loud and clear, I'm just wonderin' what makes you think I talk like that."

"Well that shouldn't sound new to you. Are you trying to become the next Beverly Hillbilly?"

"Keltie that's enough," I yelled. I grabbed her arm to pull her away, but she whipped it off instantly.

"I have this covered, Ryan, don't worry."

" 'Cuse me," Daisy pushed past Keltie to stand in front of me. "I was the rebound girl, wasn't I? You were just using me for your own selfish gain, weren't you?"

"Daisy, it's not what you think! I honestly wa-"

"Oh bull shit Ryan," she screamed at me. This was the first time I ever heard Daisy use any foul language.

"Ouch, kitty's got claws," Keltie said behind us.

"Keltie shut up," I screamed at her. "Would you just listen to me Daisy?!"

"No! I had enough of you tryin' to convince me that you weren't using me! I'm going to pack my things and go back home!"

She slapped me hard across the face before beginning to walk upstairs.

"Do you want m to help you with that," Keltie asked her.

"I don't care," Daisy mindlessly replied. Keltie quickly followed her up the stairs.

I watched as they went upstairs. Just like Brendon said, I need to act quickly. I ran to my phone and dialed his number in a hurry. "Brendon, I'm going to need backup."

What have I done?
♠ ♠ ♠
and let the drama ensue!