Lonely In Nevada, Lovers In Kansas

Why am I acting like this?

Daisy's POV

I sat on the edge of the bed, crying silently as Keltie began to sort through everything. "Where are all your clothes?"

"They're in the closet," I said barely above a whisper. I had my hands in my lap with my eyes looking at them. They became increasingly wet with every tear that fell from my eyes.

How could he do this to me? He told me that I wasn't the rebound girl, he asked me to believe him. I gave him my trust, I let myself believe that he was different from all the other guys. But now I realized that he wasn't. He just wants what every other guy wants, a piece of meat so that they always have some sort of toy to play with and arm candy to get their old whore back. I was cheated on before, but it never stung as much as this situation. This is exactly why I didn't want to start dating again. I knew it was going to happen again, it always does.

"Oh honey," Keltie's voice tried soothing me. She sat down and the bed next to me and hugged me. "It will be alright, don't worry. Ryan hurts all the girls he dates."

"Really," I looked up at her.

"Yeah, he's hurt me numerous of times and then he keeps on crawling back to me," she smiled. "You'll find your special someone, just not here. Maybe there's one waiting back home for you."

"Maybe," I mumbled. She stood up and went over to my bag, picking my clothes back up.

"How do you want these in your bag?"

"Actually, you can keep them."


"Yeah, I'm just gonna go back in what I came in." I stood up and dug through the dresser drawers to find my old pair of clothes. I finally found them and walked into the bathroom, locking the door behind me. I dressed quickly and looked at myself in the mirror. I was a wreck, my whole face was completely flushed and it looks like I haven't slept in days. I bit my bottom lip as I felt the anger and frustration build up inside of me. Something inside of me just snapped and I broke out in a rampage.

I ripped open all of Ryan's bathroom drawers and threw them across the room. The wood broke into pieces and all the contents were sprawled across the floor. I fell down on my knees and crawled across the floor, breathing heavily and crying harder. I had a hold of all his makeup from his A Fever You Can't Sweat Out era and that was exactly what I needed. I crawled back over to the counter and pushed myself up to my feet. I began to scribble all over his mirror. I let out frustrated grunts in the process and dropped all the makeup from my hands when I felt like I was done. I could hardly see my face in the mirror now and that just made me more angry. I bawled my hand into a fist and banged it against the mirror, shattering it to pieces.

"Is everything alright in there," Keltie asked from the other side of the door.

"Just leave me alone," I screamed, falling back down to the ground and clutching my bleeding hand. I held it close to my face as I cried more and more, mixing my blood with my tears. My whole world was falling apart and it was all the fault of one guy. They say that people act like this when they are in love, but I was too stupid to believe I fell into that trap.
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last update for this story for this week
im sorry but im trying to finish Nothing Can Break Us, No One Can Make Us and there's a sequel to it so i have to really crack down on that
sorry....please dont hate me