Lonely In Nevada, Lovers In Kansas

Could this be the end?

I finally gained the composure to leave the bathroom and head downstairs. My hand was still bleeding slightly, but that definitely wasn't going to delay me from leaving. I held onto my bags as I walked down the stairs and towards the door. As I reached for the knob, another hand snatched it away and turned me around.

"Daisy, please don't go," Ryan begged.

"Leave me alone," I pulled away. He only grabbed my hand again. "Ryan let go!"

"No, you need to stay!"

"You have what you want in the other room. I'm not going to stick around and be apart of your lie anymore," I pulled away again, but this time I slapped him across the face again. He stumbled backwards giving me time to start to make my escape. I turned around and opened the door, only taking a few steps outside before being backed into the house.

"Where do you think you're going," Brendon asked, taking my bag out of my hand. He hid it behind his back and used his other arm to stop me from reaching behind him.

"Brendon give it back!"

"Give what back," he acted clueless.

"I'm serious!"

"So am I," he smiled. Then, Ryan grabbed my hand and spun me back around again.

"Daisy, seriously stay!"

"Let go," I tried harder to pull back. Eventually, he let go by accident, which led to my hand hitting Brendon straight in the face with full force. He fell to the ground, letting go of my bag. I started to run out, taking my bag along with me in the process. With that I was gone. I was halfway down the street and rid of the guys and Keltie.

It was until then that Brendon had pulled up next to me in his car. "Daisykins," he called out.

"Leave me alone," I kept walking.

"Come on," he followed. "Don't leave. Ryan doesn't want you leave."

"Don't even try it Brendon."

He stopped the car and got out so he could stand in front of me. "Where do you think you're going to get by just walking?"

"I'm going to find my way to the city and get a taxi to drive me to the airport."

"You do realize that the city is that way," he pointed in the opposite direction that I was walking. I waved to him and turned around to walk towards my destination. "Let me at least drive you there," he called out.

I couldn't deny his offer to drive me, that would be rude. "Fine," I groaned. He smiled and opened up the passenger door for me. I sat down in the seat quietly as he drove me to the airport. He even paid for my ticket and sat with me until my flight was called.

"I'm really going to miss my new best friend," he hugged me.

"I'll try staying in touch." I pulled away from his hug and waved as I walked through the gate and onto the plane. It was all over like that. I was on my way back home to my regular life, to the life I was born to live through. Everything will be back to normal and all my memories of these past weeks will be left behind here in Nevada. I will never think about it again, nor will I ever bother thinking about Ryan again. I was going to be happy again, but somehow, I felt like I was lying to myself.
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dont worry the story isnt over
i will say something when its close
...actually i think the end is getting close
oh dear am i behind