Lonely In Nevada, Lovers In Kansas

Who did I see?

Daisy's POV

"Dee," I heard Amy call out. I was home for three days now and she was coming to return Ricky to me. I was the happiest I've been since I left and even happier to have my dog back.

"I'm in the bathroom," I called out, fixing my tube top. Yes, I was heading back to work. The quicker I went back to all of the groping, the quicker I would forget about Ryan. Amy appeared in the doorway, holding Ricky under her arm.

"Oh no, Dee, you aren't serious," she shook her head.

"About what?"

"You're going back to work already?!"

"It's not like I suffered a traumatic loss, Amy," I rolled my eyes and applied a bit more makeup.

"Ryan is considered a traumatic loss."

"That name is not allowed to be said anymore," I snapped at her. She stared at me wide-eyed.

"Where on earth did that attitude come from?"

"Sorry, I guess I still have jet lag or somethin'," I sighed. "Now where's my baby." I smiled as I pulled Ricky into my arms. He showered me with many kisses and wagged his tail in excitement. "I missed you so much, boy! I'll be back in a few hours and then we can spend the whole day together!"

"Daisy, you can't go back to that jungle."

"Watch me," I passed by her and walked out. It didn't bother me that I was leaving her there alone, nor did it bother me that I was back in the same rut.


"Hey baby," another drunk leaned over the bar and waved at me. "Can I get annuder," he slurred out. I put back on my seductive smile as I poured him his eighth drink. "You know," he said after his took a sip. "I only come here to see your sexy ass."

"Thanks I'm flattered," I said with every ounce of sarcasm I had.

"You are welcome," he took me seriously. "I will be seeing you tomorrow," he winked before stumbling off. I rested my head on the counter top and closed my eyes. It was a long nigh and I just wanted to go home and sleep.

"Leopard," I heard the manager snap at me. I lifted my head up to listen. "Go clean off Table 10."

I rolled my eyes and walked over with my rag, making clean circles over the table. I let my eyes wander for two seconds and then they locked on one guy sitting at the bar. He was staring at me, with familiar eyes and a familiar smile. I let my mouth hang open as I stared and stared at him. "Leopard," I heard the manager's voice. I didn't pay attention and I let the wet cloth slide all the way off the table, making me lose my balance and fall over the table. The whole table turned over with me as we both fell to the floor. Some of the other girls came over to help me up.

"Are you ok," one of them asked. I just nodded as I looked back over. The guy was gone. He had disappeared into thin air.

"I just need some air," I said. I walked out into the back alley and leaned my back up against the wall, intaking the night air and ripping the mask off my face. He was there, I saw him. He couldn't have just vanished like that. He was real, he was staring at me. I opened my eyes and looked down the alley to the opening. There in the streetlight was the guy again. He had the same stare and the same smile on his face. I blinked a few times and he was still there. I shook my head and he still was there. I was right, he was real.

"Hey Daisy," Rae, one of my co-workers came out. I looked over at her and smiled. I looked back down the alley and he was gone again. "Whatcha staring at?"

"Nothing," I sighed.

She lit up a cigarette and placed it between her lips. "How was your trip to where ever you went?"

"It was fine," I nodded it off.

"Get any action?"

"Rae, it's not always about getting action!"

"Hey, I'd be fine with whatever I can pick up these days."

I rolled my eyes. "I'd better get back to work."

"Have fun in there," she laughed. I took one last look down the alleyway and walked back in.
♠ ♠ ♠
im still unsure about the number of chapters i have left
but i do know that i will be typing the rest of the story tonight
so im posting the next chapter sunday with the total count of chapters left
i wouldnt say too many though :(