Lonely In Nevada, Lovers In Kansas

Why can't he just be quiet?

"Calm down boy," I laughed loudly as Ricky jumped on me again. He was being real energetic when I was able to spend time with him. He stayed by my side as I unpacked everything I brought back with me. He sniffed every part of all my items and was even more excited to find Ryan's scent. I feel bad that he wouldn't be able to see him anymore, but he will forget about him soon enough.

"I missed you so much," I hugged him tightly. We were quickly interrupted by Amy walking through the door.

"Hey there," she smiled and sat on the couch.

"Hey," I was able to say in between Ricky's kisses.

"Looks like he missed someone," she laughed.

"Yeah," I put him down and sat next to her. "He's been excited every since I started unpacking."


"Yeah, he was smellin' all of my stuff and everything. He was waggin' his tail and barkin' about everything."

"Would it be because he smelt Ryan on your stuff?"

"Amy, please just drop it!"

"Oh come on Daisy," she raised her voice. "Just admit that you can't stand being without him!"

Ricky began barking over us. I looked over and he was just standing at the door, scratching away. "I'll take you out in a second." I turned my attention back to Amy. "What makes you think that I can't stand being without him?"

"Well for one thing, you wouldn't have run away like that!"

"You don't understand!" I turned my head back to the door. "Ricky, quiet it down!" He continued barking which was just marking me more and more aggravated. "I did it because he was using me!"

"You don't know that for a fact!"

"Yes I do, I caught him kissin' his ex-girlfriend which proves that he missed her!"

"He could have kissed her! You are just over rea-"

"Ricky shut up," I screamed at him, cutting Amy off. He immediately became quiet and rubbed up against the wall, laying down in a tight ball. When I looked back at Amy, she looked terrified.

"What happened to you? Did a bug crawl up your butt or somethin'?! You've been actin' like a jerk ever since you came back, which only proves that you're not happy!"

"I'm am perfectly fine," I screamed back. She just glared at me which irritated me some more. I stood up and walked to the door. "I want you out."

"Excuse me?!"

"Just get out! I don't want you fighting with me anymore, just leave!" I ripped open the door and pointed outside without even looking. Amy's mouth dropped as Ricky jumped up and began barking again. I rolled my eyes and looked outside, letting my mouth drop open.

♠ ♠ ♠
dun dun duuuunnn
so about how many are left
if i dont think of anything else....4