Lonely In Nevada, Lovers In Kansas

Could he be "the one"?


“Well, Ryan’s in the shower now,” I said, going right back cutting up my vegetables. “Poor guy, he came all the way from Vegas. Must be tired. I wonder where he was headin’.”

I heard no answer from Amy, which made me curious on which face she was making at me. I turned around and there she was, sitting in the same chair as before and with the same smirk from a few minutes ago.

“Amy, no.”

“Come on Dee! This is a once in a life time opportunity and you’re letting it pass right by you!”

“He’s just a guy!”

“Oh come on! He’s from Vegas and you always wanted to go to Vegas! Whenever you describe whom you want to date he looks just like Ryan! Face it, he’s the one!”

I turned my back to her again, not saying a word. She was being completely absurd. There was silence between us so thick that I could cut it with the knife that I was using to make dinner.

“You’re making another vegetable salad for dinner, again,” she said, breaking the silence.

“I didn’t go grocery shopping yet.”

“You said you were going yesterday though.”

“I worked another shift,” I shrugged. “I can use the money.”

“You already work two jobs though, you don’t need extra work!”

I didn’t respond. It grew silent again until Amy broke the silence again. “Why does Ryan seem familiar,” she began to think.

“Just stop Amy,” I rolled my eyes.

“No, I’m being serious this time. I feel like I’ve heard of him.”

“Whatever, Amy,” was the last thing that was said before Ryan came into the kitchen, fully dressed and drying his hair with a towel.

“Thank you so much for letting take a shower,” he said, sitting down. “I feel way better and cleaner.”

“No problem,” I said. “Do you need anything else?”

“Well, no. I should be out of here by tonight.”

“Tonight? Where are you headin’,” I asked.

“I don’t really know. Just as long as I stay away from home for awhile,” he said.

“Well you’re welcome to stay here, Ryan. I’m not going to kick you out.”

“I don’t want to be trouble for you,” he looked away.

“Believe me, it’s no trouble at all. Please stay.”

He looked back over at me and smiled. “Alright, I guess I’ll stay.” I smiled right away. “But if I start becoming a nuisance, then just kick me out.”

“Fine by me,” I laughed. “That’s Amy,” I pointed at the girl sitting across from him. “You’ll be seeing her a lot because she never stays at her own place. And my baby is around here somewhere.”

“You have a baby,” he asked, surprised for some reason.

“Why of course I have a baby,” I exclaimed. “He’s a little boy, only a few months old too.”

He continued to give me weird stares before giving up.

“Ok then, well like I just said, if I become a problem then please kick me out.”
♠ ♠ ♠
i had a snow day today so i watched disney movies
so this is the comment question: what's your favorite Disney movie?
i cant really pick one cause i am a disney nerd
ive seen them all and i love them all
so yah
