Lonely In Nevada, Lovers In Kansas

Have you ever heard a Brendon shrill before?


"No, he fell asleep on the couch," I said, peeking into the living room from the kitchen at the cute sight. Ryan was sleeping on his back and Ricky had jumped up onto his stomach and fell asleep with me. They both were super exhausted from playing.

"Well are you going to make him something for supper," Amy asked through the phone.

"No, I’m going to let the poor thing starve, of course I'm going to make him supper!"

"Sorry! I was just asking!"

"I’m still wondering what brought him here to Kansas," I said, trying to keep my voice down. "Why so far?"

"Probably running away from something, who knows? Maybe you should ask him."

"I can't just ask him why he's here, that's rude!"

"Well if you want find out something, then you got to ask."

"True, but still, if he wants to tell me then he'll tell me when he's good and ready."

"Fine then, I’m going to go, try not crushing on him too much," Amy said. I just rolled my eyes.

"Goodbye Amy," I hung up quickly. I sat down at the table and thought for a little bit. Why on earth did she think I liked this guy? I don't want to be in a relationship nor with anyone that basically fell out of the sky. I heard footsteps behind me so I turned around. There,in all his beauty was Ryan. He rubbed his eyes and smiled at me. "Hey there," I smiled back.

"Hi," he replied. He seemed shaky as he sat down next to me.

"Something wrong?"

"No, no, just thinking that's all."


"Yeah, pretty much. I guess I'm just a little bit homesick," he looked down at the table.

"Well you know you can call them and see how everything is going."

He looked up at me with newfound hope in his eyes. "Do you mind," he asked, still a little bit shaken up.

"Of course! Here, use the phone in here and I'll let you talk to whoever you need to." I smiled at him again before leaving the room. I opened the door and whistled for Ricky and he followed close behind me out the door.


I dialed Brendon's cell number slowly. As much as I wanted to know what has been happening back home, I was a bit scarred about what exactly has been happening. I had to know though. I pressed the dial button and held the phone up to my ear. It rang forever, figures. Brendon always prefers to text over calling so God-forbid he would answer the phone this one time. Thankfully for me, he did.


I didn't say anything right away because I was a bit scarred on how loud he would scream.

"If you're selling something then you should know that I so know where you live," he said. He does this to scare people and it normally works.

"Know this; I know where you live too," I finally spoke up. Now, let me describe to you why my ear still hurts to this day. Ever hear Krzysztof Penderecki’s Threnody for the Victims of Hiroshima? (The link is at the bottom) At 7:31 it starts to grow to this high-pitched volume. If you were able to amp that up to a monitor that was as tall as the Empire State Building and then stood next to the speaker as that part played on full volume, then you would be able to know what a Brendon shrill is like. I instantly dropped the phone when the sound hit my ears and had received an instant headache from it. I waited until he began asking questions a mile a minute to shut him up. "Brendon, calm the hell down!"

Well are you going to answer my questions?

“How about you ask them again one at a time,” I recommended.

Ok, well for starters, WHERE THE HELL DID YOU GO?!

“Not telling,” I said. I don’t want him stalking everybody in the state in order to find me.

Fine, next question; when are you coming back?

“I don’t know yet, soon hopefully, how is everybody over there?”

We all have been worried sick about you and no one had seen Keltie. God only knows where she went.

I sighed into the phone. “Well that’s just great.”

Well when you say you’re going to be home soon, do you mean you’ll be home in two weeks?

“I don’t know, why are you asking?”

Remember that little thing that you are in? I’ll give you a hint, it’s called a band.

“I didn’t forget about the band.”

Well did you forget bout the contract signing?

“What contract signing,” I asked, totally oblivious to what he was saying.

I rest my case, Ryan. We have to sign the contract for the next album in two weeks and if you aren’t here then you are going to put us all in jeopardy!

I sat there for a bit and then mentally slapped myself. “Shit, I completely forgot about that!”

You think? So are you going to be back in time or not?

“I’ll be there, don’t worry! Everything will be fine.”

It better be. I’ll tell the guys you called then.

“Fine, I’ll call you in a day or so and we’ll get everything sorted out.”

Okay, just don’t get raped,” he joked.

“I won’t, I won’t. Bye.”

With that, I hung up and sighed. I forgot about the contract and without me there, I would be letting the guys down. I walked out of the kitchen and the front door. I sat down on the wooden stairs and looked out in front of me. Daisy was running after Ricky, trying to catch up with him. She tackled the dog and he began to shower her with kisses while she laid on the ground laughing. She sat up, saw me, and waved with a smile. I smiled and waved back to her. I never want to leave here. It just seemed too surreal that have this left behind.
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here's the link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FfBVYhyXU8o
its a scary stirng part but its pretty neat. at least go to the time that I mention in the story so you can better understand what im talking about

comment question: if you did listen to the whole thing: how scared did you become?