Lonely In Nevada, Lovers In Kansas

What the hell is wrong with me?


Well, that was….awkward. I mean, I can understand that she was just getting a towel. But…wow. I feel really embarrassed right now. But if I’m embarrassed, then why am I smiling? I wiped the fog from the mirror and tried doing the same with my grin, but I just couldn’t. Why couldn’t I?

Because you like her.

I looked around the room to find where that voice was coming from. I looked back in the mirror and tried again. It looked like I did stop smiling in the mirror, but I still felt the corners of my mouth pointed up.

Hello, are you going to answer me?

It was the mirror. It must be really be fogged up here if I’m having these hallucinations. I blinked a few times and realized it was the mirror.


Hey there, my mirror self waved to me. So, when are we asking her out?

"We," I waved my finger back and forth. "Are not asking anybody out. Do you remember Keltie?"

Keltie broke up with you remember? You are currently single and she is perfect for you!

"I am not single! We just had a slight mishap! Once I get back to Nevada, I'l go to her and explain everything and everything will be fine!"

There is a few things wrong with that plan. One; nobody has seen her since the break up and Two; she is never going to believe that you didn't cheat.

"That's because I didn't," I yelled at the mirror.

"Ryan, are you ok in there," Daisy asked from the other side of the door. She must of heard me talking to myself. I looked at the door and then back into the mirror. My reflection changed back to it's normal self.

"Yah, just thinking out loud, that's all," I laughed it off. I heard her footsteps walk away from the door. I quickly got dressed and tussled with my hair to dry it out some more. "This isn't over," I violently pointed my finger at the mirror. I opened the door and went down the hallway. "Daisy," I called out. She wasn't anywhere in the house. "Daisy?"

"Out here," she called from the front of the house. I opened the front screen door. She was sitting on one of the chairs watching the sunset. I sat in the chair next to her and watched her. "Hey."

"Oh my gosh, I am so sorry for earlier! I really didn't mean to intrude, but I needed a towel and Ricky was wet and..."

She continued to apologize and the sound of her voice slowly began to fade. All I saw was her looking at me with her big eyes. Her mouth was moving, but no sound went past her lips. I was having trouble understanding why I felt like this. I am still in love with Keltie, aren't I? There is no possible way that I can forget about her, she seriously is hard for me to forget. Then why is it that when I look at Daisy I can hardly remember who I was engaged to a little while back? It was all too much to try to comprehend in one sitting, especially with the added stress of the band. When I zoned back in, she was still apologizing.

"...I really didn't mean it, honestly! I just didn’t want everything to be wet and it was way too hot for him to stay outside! He could ha-"

"Dee, it's ok! Really," I smiled. She looked away and I swear I could see her cheeks have a deeper red tint to them. I looked away to give her a bit of time to herself. "It's really nice out," I said.

"Yeah," she looked back out a little bit later. Out of nowhere, she jumped in her seat. "OH! I got it!!"

"Got what," I raised an eyebrow at her.

"Let me go get a shower and then I'll take you downtown!"

"There's a downtown," I asked surprised.

"Well you didn't think that Kansas was all country and no fun, did you?" I shrugged my shoulders. "Well, you don't know what you're missing! I'll be back."

She jumped out of her seat and ran back inside. I watched as she disappeared into the house, leaned back into my seat, and smiled.
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comment question: what is your favorite Easter candy?