
Stay Away

July 6, 2008

The shock of seeing Ryan seemed to cause me to become sober quickly.

"R-Ryan?" I said. It felt unbearably hot outside now. I could feel the sweat that was now covering me.

"Hey Macy," he said, smiling awkwardly. I didn't feel good. Whether from the alcohol I had drunk or from suddenly seeing Ryan, I wasn't sure.

"What-What are you--?" I started. But I couldn't finish. I could feel that sick feeling in me increasing. I turned quickly toward the building I was standing next to, and before I knew it, I was emptying the contents of my stomach onto it's wall. I felt cool hands brush my hair out of my face and then continued to hold it back. When I finally stopped, I could hear yelling down the street, nearby.

"Macy?" It was Brendon. "Macy!"

I stood up, the hands holding my hair letting go. I looked at Brendon and saw an expression fury mixed with worry and concern on his face.

"You get away from her!" Brendon yelled, pointing a finger at Ryan who was standing behind me. I turned to look at Ryan who was holding up his hands, looking a little nervous.

"I just wanted to talk to her, Brendon," Ryan said.

"Well, she doesn't want to talk to you," Brendon said, with venom in his voice.

"I think that's up to her to decide," Ryan said. "Why don't you let her answer?"

"Just leave her alone, Ryan," Brendon said. Brendon took a hold of my hand and pulled me away from Ryan. Ryan took a card from his pocket and placed in the hand Brendon wasn't holding onto.

"Call me," he said, looking me dead in the eyes. "I need to talk to you."

I didn't say anything. I just blinked and felt myself being pulled away by Brendon.

"Please Macy," Ryan called after us. Before I turned away, I swore I saw sadness overcome his entire face. I cluched the card in my hand tightly. Maybe he had changed.
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